Unprecedented Collaboration: Major Nelson Surprises Nintendo with Epic Visit

Unprecedented Collaboration: Major Nelson Surprises Nintendo with Epic Visit

Former Xbox executive Major Nelson surprises gamers with an unexpected visit to Nintendo, sharing a picture online that ignites excitement and speculation among gaming enthusiasts worldwide


Major Nelson, the long-time face of Xbox Live, surprised fans by posting a picture of himself at Nintendo, sparking speculation about his future plans.

Gamers speculated about Major Nelson potentially defecting to Microsoft's console rival, Nintendo. The overwhelming response to his post indicates that players desire to see more of him, be it in association with Nintendo or elsewhere.

Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb surprised many fans of Xbox Live when he posted a picture online of himself visiting rival company Nintendo. Having been a recognizable figure in the gaming community for years, Hryb was known for promoting Microsoft's consoles and maintaining an optimistic attitude. After a two-decade tenure with Xbox, he departed earlier this summer.

Over the years, Hryb gained a strong following among fans of the Xbox brand due to his active involvement in campaigns promoting the company's consoles and his consistently positive demeanor. From hosting the Major Nelson Podcast during its initial stages to promoting the launch of the Xbox Series X, he became synonymous with the Xbox brand for many gamers. As the Director of Programming for Xbox Live, Hryb played a crucial role in promoting the online service and convincing gamers about the benefits of digital delivery through the Xbox 360 Store.

Hryb posted a new picture on Twitter, showing himself partially hidden behind a guest pass for Nintendo's campus. With a mischievous look and the hashtag "JustVisiting," he attracted the attention of gamers. Hryb, who was once the face of Xbox Live, has been quiet about his future career plans since leaving Microsoft earlier this year. This led gamers to speculate about his next move. The unexpected visit to Nintendo sparked speculation among commenters that Hryb might be considering a switch to the Japanese gaming giant.

Gamers replied to Hryb's post, theorizing that he might be joining one of Microsoft's main console competitors. Some also poked fun at Nintendo for misspelling Hryb's last name on the visitor pass. In response, one person mentioned that if former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime were still around, he would be honored to meet Hryb. Hryb then mentioned that he had actually met Reggie Fils-Aime early in his career at Xbox, even getting his Nintendo DS signed by him at a 2004 event.

It remains uncertain whether this visit to the company's headquarters implies Hryb's interest in working on Nintendo's future console after the Switch, or if he is simply paying a casual visit to his old acquaintances. Nevertheless, the overwhelmingly positive response to his post indicates that gamers are eager to witness Major Nelson's further involvement.