Unmasking the Mystery: Ultimate Guide to Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Mirror Puzzle Solutions
Solve the challenging Mirror Puzzles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and outsmart Midtown High's senior prank Help rescue a furry friend and conquer the quest with these solutions
In Insomniac Games' Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the focus is primarily on the superhero adventures. However, both Peter Parker and Miles Morales maintain their personal lives outside of their alter egos. For Miles, this involves attending Brooklyn Visions Academy and preparing for college applications.
While Miles understands the importance of maintaining good grades, he also finds time to assist his fellow students at BV. This includes taking on the role of Spider-Man to tackle problems that ordinary students typically cannot handle. So, if players find themselves puzzled by the senior prank orchestrated by their rivals at Midtown High and need to rescue Lance the mascot from an uncertain fate, this guide will provide the necessary steps.
How to Solve the Mirror Puzzles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will kick off with Miles resuming his life as a student at BV, while also juggling his responsibilities as the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. During this time, he will be approached by fellow students seeking his assistance through the Spider-Man app. One particular request involves a mischievous senior prank at Midtown High, where the beloved mascot, Lance, has been abducted. It will be up to Miles to rely on his intellect to find a solution and restore balance to the school.
First Mirror Puzzle
After conversing with the concerned students, proceed to the initial location following some exchanges with Hailey. Located on this rooftop, you will encounter the initial mirror puzzle that requires solving. The objective is to guide the light beam towards its ultimate destination, which will unveil a clue leading to the subsequent location.
Locate the first mirror directly in front of you and use L1+R1 to position it. Keep following the beam until you reach the next mirror and repeat the process. At some point, a crate will obstruct the path of the light beam -- smash it to clear the way. Move the last cart into its designated spot, and you will uncover a message on the wall nearby.
Second Mirror Puzzle
With Hailey's assistance once more, guide Miles to the subsequent destination in New York, a locale adorned with captivating artwork and murals. Commence by relocating the light beam's source to align it precisely with the next mirror situated on the opposite side.
Using Miles' web, yank the cart that is obstructing the light to clear the way. Trace the path of the light and reach a mirror with a purple base. Continuously rotate the mirror until it redirects the beam of light towards the west.
When the light reaches the wall, it won't be directed to the desired location. To proceed, tug on the cart close by to shift the next mirror into the correct position. Afterwards, make the necessary adjustments to the following mirror that has a purple base. Repeat this procedure with the subsequent cart and purple mirror until the next message on the wall is uncovered.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2Franchise Spider-ManPlatform(s) PS5Released October 20, 2023Developer(s) Insomniac GamesPublisher(s) Sony Interactive Entertainment $69 at Amazon
Third Mirror Puzzle
The final puzzle consists of two alternating paths, namely the red and blue paths. The order in which they are solved does not matter, as both paths are necessary to reveal the final answer to Miles.
Beginning with the blue path, pivot the central purple mirror towards the right and trace the trajectory of the beam of light. This will guide you to the level below, where the initial mirror can be pulled to redirect the light towards the left. Upon reaching the subsequent purple diamond mirror, adhere to the arrows on the ground and rotate it accordingly to ensure that the light beam continues along the blue path.
Jump to the adjacent building and repeat the process for the purple diamond mirror located here. Shatter the obstruction created by the crate that is blocking the path, and then return to the central mirror where the last blue mirror is situated. Rotate this blue mirror in a manner that directs the light to strike the opposing wall, providing the initial solution.
Adjust the central mirror on the red path to face the opposite direction. Afterward, proceed to the purple diamond mirror below. Tweak the purple mirror to align with the red path and leap across to the next diamond mirror. Make the necessary adjustment to ensure the red path becomes viable, and then modify the final red mirror to direct the light towards the bottom of the solution wall.
Head to the specified location and utilize the L1+R1 combination to rotate the wheel located adjacent to the shutters. This action will cause the shutters to open, subsequently unveiling the whereabouts of Lance. Retain possession of the mascot and make your way back to BV in order to successfully conclude this mission. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 can now be accessed on the PS5 platform.