Unmasking the Captivating Enigma of Devs' Noir Mystery: A Must-Read Tale of Identity

Unmasking the Captivating Enigma of Devs' Noir Mystery: A Must-Read Tale of Identity

Discover the immersive world of This Bed We Made as Game Rant delves into the game's captivating noir mystery Uncover the secrets behind its authentic 1950s style and explore the unexpected sources of inspiration that shaped this remarkable narrative experience


"This Bed We Made" is a 1950s murder mystery game set in the Clarington Hotel, featuring a variety of puzzles and interesting characters.

The game takes inspiration from iconic films such as Alfred Hitchcock's masterpieces, while also incorporating elements from popular games like Life Is Strange and L.A. Noire.

The development team dedicated extensive research to ensure the game's authenticity, meticulously crafting every detail including interior design, fashion choices, and even exploring eerie vintage Valentine's Day cards.

This Bed We Made tells the story of Sophie, a hotel maid in the 1950s. Its design captures the atmosphere of mystery and film noir, providing an intriguing experience. Lowbirth Games' latest indie title is filled with puzzles, mysteries, and murder, showcasing stylish mid-century aesthetics. Players eager to uncover its secrets can now try the demo on Steam, with the full game scheduled for release on PC in 2023. Game Rant recently interviewed Sai Afzal, the narrative writer and marketing director, who discussed the team's in-depth period research. This research greatly contributed to Lowbirth Games' ability to create an authentic and faithful experience rooted in that era.

This Bed We Made Devs’ Thorough Research Helped Nail Its Authentic 1950s Style

Unmasking the Captivating Enigma of Devs' Noir Mystery: A Must-Read Tale of Identity

This Bed We Made is a captivating murder mystery game that takes place in the 1950s at the Clarington Hotel. Players assume the role of Sophie, a curious maid who tirelessly uncovers and examines clues to unravel the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic guests of the hotel. Immerse yourself in an authentic 1950s hotel environment filled with secrets, elegance, and murder, while tackling a variety of puzzles and engaging with intriguing characters.

The game, masterfully crafted by the talented team at Lowbirth, draws inspiration from diverse sources, including real-life experiences and fictional worlds from movies and games. Initially, the concept of setting the game in a hotel stemmed from the personal experiences of Lowbirth founders Chloe, Raphaelle, and Olivier, who had all previously worked in the hotel industry. As the development team expanded, so did the project's ambition, with the addition of around a dozen skilled developers who helped bring the idea to life.

Tonally, the game derives inspiration from film, with the team drawing ideas from other games for features such as pacing and mechanics. For instance, Alfred Hitchcock's classic films greatly influenced the overall tone and building tension of the game, while Life Is Strange and L.A. Noire served as inspiration for its pacing and investigative mechanics, respectively. Although these previous works played a significant role in shaping the overall atmosphere of This Bed We Made, the team also found inspiration by exploring the stylistic choices of the era.

To ensure the game captured the authentic mood of the 1950s era, extensive research into interior design, objects, and fashion was conducted. The team created a comprehensive database as a reference and even sought guidance from older family members to ensure accuracy. This involved not only studying common items from that era but also exploring more obscure objects.

One particular item that contributed to this authenticity was the vintage Valentine's Day card, which had a rather unsettling quality. In a blog post on Lowbirth's website, Afzal recounts the process of researching and creating a story beat that featured a controlling man and his reluctant fiancée. To effectively convey this storyline to players, the studio decided that a card designed in the style of the 1950s would be the perfect choice – a decision that proved to be astute.

What the developer discovered were numerous Valentine's Day cards featuring boys and men proudly claiming their partners. These cards ranged from adorable wordplay with cherubic boys holding guns and "aiming at your heart," to more disturbing images of a man actually strangling a woman and declaring "now or never WILL you be my valentine." While this may have been more acceptable in the past, it is quite shocking by today's standards. However, regardless of the controversy, Afzal found inspiration in these cards for his video game. He believed that maintaining historical accuracy was important for creating an immersive experience, while also ensuring that the game was enjoyable for players.

Lowbirth Games has dedicated extensive effort to ensure that the game captures the essence of the 1950s, incorporating in-depth research and a harmonious fusion of diverse cultural elements. By combining the alluring glamour of film noir with contemporary puzzle-solving and choice-based mechanics, This Bed We Made promises to provide an immersive and captivating experience for all mystery enthusiasts, complemented by a subtle touch of murder.

The highly anticipated full release of This Bed We Made is set to launch on PC in 2023.