Unmasking Putin's Powerplay: Game-Changing Insights from China's Belt and Road Forum

Unmasking Putin's Powerplay: Game-Changing Insights from China's Belt and Road Forum

China's Belt and Road Forum concludes, highlighting Beijing's influential role in global development and offering an alternative vision to that of the US Divisions among major powers and the ongoing Middle East conflict overshadow global relations

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A two-day international conference hailed as China's most significant diplomatic event of the year concluded in the Chinese capital on Wednesday. Beijing highlighted its prominent role in global development and presented an alternative vision to that of the United States.

Over twenty-four leaders and over a hundred delegations, primarily from the Global South, convened for a busy agenda of forums and one-on-one meetings focused on Chinese leader Xi Jinping's renowned Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This initiative, which began ten years ago, has firmly established China as a prominent global player in the field of infrastructure development. The event, graced by the presence of Vladimir Putin as the distinguished guest, also offered insights into Xi's vision of a world that disregards the principles and values advocated by liberal democracies, who have distanced themselves from the Russian leader following his aggressive intervention in Ukraine.

Moreover, casting a shadow on the occasion was the Middle East conflict, wherein Israel's clash with Hamas extremists poses a risk of dragging the whole region into a larger confrontation involving China, Russia, and the United States.

Outlined below are the key highlights from China's Belt and Road Forum.

No doubt over Putins prominence

The gathering left no question over who was the most important world leader in attendance in the eyes of Chinas Xi.

In a grand welcome banquet held at Beijing's Great Hall of the People on Tuesday, Xi and Putin made a dramatic entrance, walking into the room together while other leaders and their spouses followed behind.

Putin took the lead among a few visiting leaders and delivered his remarks during the opening ceremony of the forum on Wednesday. Throughout the day, he emphasized his strong partnership with China during the three-hour bilateral meetings with Xi.

Putin, addressing reporters prior to his departure from Beijing, emphasized the existence of "common threats" that bolstered the "Russian-Chinese interaction." He further stated that he and Xi had thoroughly deliberated on the "situation" in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Unmasking Putin's Powerplay: Game-Changing Insights from China's Belt and Road Forum

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Putin and Xi held a meeting during the Beijing summit to discuss the escalating crisis in Gaza. Unlike many European and US leaders, China and Russia have refrained from explicitly condemning Hamas for their attack on Israel that initiated the conflict. They have, however, publicly urged for a ceasefire.

The meeting between the leaders of Russia and China in Beijing took place at the same time as US President Joe Biden's visit to Israel, demonstrating unwavering support for the country and showcasing American diplomatic strength in delivering humanitarian assistance.

During their meeting, Xi praised the China-Russia partnership as a lasting commitment, emphasizing the importance of a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between the two countries. He also mentioned their shared 4,300-kilometer border and common goals. Both Russia and China view each other as essential allies in resisting what they perceive to be a US-dominated global order that works against their interests.

Clear divisions among the worlds major powers

Xis show of solidarity with Putin at the Belt and Road Forum also underscored the deepening division between the worlds major powers.

Only 24 leaders attended the event, a significant decrease compared to the 37 who participated in the previous BRI forum four years ago. The absence of European dignitaries, including the then-Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, as well as leaders from Greece, Austria, Portugal, and the Czech Republic, was particularly notable in 2019.

Since then, concerns regarding China's international aspirations have grown in Europe, specifically regarding Beijing's economic and diplomatic assistance to Moscow. Italy, the sole G7 participant in the BRI, is contemplating withdrawal from the project upon the expiration of its membership next year.

Unmasking Putin's Powerplay: Game-Changing Insights from China's Belt and Road Forum

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Italy is currently considering whether or not to continue its participation in China's Belt and Road Initiative as the program marks its 10th anniversary. Notable participants in the event included Viktor Orban from Hungary, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev from Kazakhstan, Joko Widodo from Indonesia, as well as representatives from various countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Surprisingly, the Taliban, despite lacking widespread recognition as Afghanistan's government, also sent a delegation.

Many leaders shared their aspirations to promote sustainable development in their respective countries during their speeches at the forum. Additionally, some leaders emphasized the importance of a more cooperative and multilateral global community. Without explicitly mentioning the United States, Xi indirectly criticized what Beijing views as American attempts to maintain dominance and hinder China's progress.

"Considering the progress of others as a potential menace or perceiving economic interdependence as a hazard will not lead to personal improvement or expedite one's own development," he cautioned in his introductory speech.

War in the Middle East casts a shadow on global relations

The forum took place amidst the shadow of the Middle East war. The distressing news of a destructive explosion at a Gaza hospital, potentially claiming the lives of numerous displaced Palestinians seeking refuge from Israeli airstrikes, continued to flow in.

However, despite the gravity of the situation, the forum scarcely acknowledged these events. None of the leaders addressing the attendees during the opening ceremony broached the subject of this conflict.

During his opening ceremony address, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his inability to discuss the situation, while also calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. Guterres acknowledged the Palestinian grievances resulting from five decades of occupation, emphasizing that they do not justify the acts of terror committed by Hamas on October 7, which he promptly condemned. At the same time, he stressed that these events should not lead to collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Unmasking Putin's Powerplay: Game-Changing Insights from China's Belt and Road Forum

On October 16, 2023, Israeli troops are seen moving towards the Gaza Strip border in their armored vehicles, as fierce clashes between Israel and the Palestinian faction Hamas persist.

Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images

From Russia to the Middle East: Why China can't afford another big conflict

Xi made his initial public statement on the conflict on Thursday, following Hamas' attack on October 7. During a meeting with Egypt's representative to the forum, the Chinese leader urged for a prompt ceasefire and cessation of the war. He also expressed support for a two-state solution, aimed at establishing an independent Palestinian state.

China's President Xi has expressed China's desire to enhance cooperation with Egypt and other Arab nations in order to facilitate a prompt, inclusive, and enduring resolution to the Palestine conflict, as per a statement from state broadcaster CCTV. Notably, China has not explicitly mentioned Hamas in its official statements. In order to further progress, Beijing has announced the imminent dispatch of its special envoy, Zhai Jun, to the Middle East.

China emphasizes high-quality global development

In its second decade, the Belt and Road Initiative faces a challenging economic landscape as China's growth decelerates and global borrowing costs increase, as highlighted by the forum.

The program, which Beijing claims has mobilized finance up to $1 trillion, has played a significant role in assisting developing nations in constructing roads, bridges, ports, and railways. However, it has been criticized for burdening countries with excessive debt and causing adverse environmental effects.

Unmasking Putin's Powerplay: Game-Changing Insights from China's Belt and Road Forum

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands after signing joint statement during Xi's state visit to Moscow in March 2023.

Xie Huanchi/Xinhua/Getty Images

China and Russia are expressing their disapproval of Israel as tensions rise between them and Western countries. Chinese officials are praising the initiative's transition to a more advanced stage of "high-quality" development. They are particularly emphasizing the digital economy and the promotion of sustainable "green development" in separate discussions.

There have been concerns regarding China's willingness to provide substantial funding for large-scale infrastructure projects due to a noticeable decrease in such funding in recent years. However, when questioned about infrastructure-funding initiatives put forward by other countries such as the US, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi strongly implied that Beijing would persist in expressing its dominance in this domain.

He emphasized that competition should focus on mutual improvement rather than working against each other, highlighting the vast number of China's global development projects.

He proposed examining the international track record in terms of construction achievements such as roads, railways, and bridges for developing nations. Additionally, he suggested comparing the efforts in building schools, hospitals, and stadiums that benefit the people of these countries.

"We have the confidence and the capability."

CNNs Anna Chernova, Wayne Chang and Mengchen Zhang contributed reporting.