Unmasking Outlander Season 7 Episode 2: 6 Incredible Plot Twists Exposed!

Discover the heart-wrenching revelations in Outlander Season 7 Episode 2, from Malva's tragic affection for Claire to Jamie's enduring devotion Uncover the links, conflicts, and prophecies that shape the captivating journey of love and war in Fraser's Ridge
This article contains spoilers for Outlander season 7, episode 2 and the Outlander books. Outlander season 7, episode 2 proved to be just as memorable as the season 7 premiere, delivering on the series' trademark time travel. After the doubts raised in the season 6 finale and the season 7 premiere regarding Malva's murder, episode 2 finally reveals the truth behind Claire's apprentice's death, unveiling the tragic story of Malva. Alongside moments of joy for the Frasers, the second episode of Outlander season 7 also brings bittersweet moments and shocking confrontations that have been looming over Jamie and Claire since season 4.
Including the return of beloved characters, Outlander season 7, episode 2 delved deeper into the impact of the American Revolution on the Frasers' lives. Brianna's encounter with her half-brother William revealed his unwavering support for the British cause, underscoring the division among Outlander's characters. This divide even affected the friendship between Jamie and Lord John Grey. While the birth of Roger and Brianna's daughter Mandy prompted their return to the future, the episode didn't end there. It introduced a troublemaker, Wendigo Donner, who had escaped and was ready to wreak havoc.
Malva Loving Claire Is The Most Heartbreaking Detail In Allan's Confession
In Outlander season 7, episode 2, Allan Christie's confession to Claire finally brings the truth about Malva's death to light. This revelation also exposes the falsehood in Tom's confession. By piecing together the confessions of both men, Claire gains a clear understanding of their thoughts on Malva. While Tom believed her ambition and cunning were traits of a witch, his son Allan had sexually abused Malva and ultimately killed her when he realized he couldn't control her.
Allan's admission to Claire that he had killed Malva because of his love for her and his desire to protect both Claire and Jamie underscored the tragic nature of Malva's story. It also served as a poignant reminder of how Claire had been the only person to believe in Malva. Despite feeling anger towards Malva when she accused Jamie of impregnating her, Claire consistently gave her the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately, it was Claire who nurtured Malva's thirst for knowledge and treated her as a person, rather than an object. This revelation about Malva's story is perhaps the most heartbreaking aspect of Outlander.
Mandy's Heart Murmur Sets Up Joe Abernathy's Return In Outlander
The Frasers in Outlander season 7, episode 2, had their hearts warmed as they got to know Roger and Brianna's newborn daughter, Mandy. However, Claire's shocking discovery of a heart murmur in Mandy led to a difficult decision for the Mackenzies - they had to return to the future. Despite Claire's extensive medical knowledge, treating Mandy's condition was impossible in the 1700s. The heartbreaking separation of Jamie and Claire from Brianna and Roger only added to the emotional intensity of the moment. On a brighter note, Mandy's condition also suggests the potential return of another beloved character to Outlander.
Joe Abernathy became one of Claire's closest friends after she returned to her own time in Outlander season 3. The other residents' prejudice led them to consistently exclude both Joe and Claire. When Claire mentioned "I know someone who can" help Mandy, it was clear that she was referring to Joe. Not only was he a doctor like Claire, but he also continued to practice medicine in the future. As Roger, Brianna, and Jemmy experience the pain of being separated from their family, Joe Abernathy can hopefully offer familiarity and positivity to the Mackenzies, just as he did for Claire in Outlander season 3.
Jamie & John Grey's Link Could Never Survive Their Opposite Sides In The War
Lord John Grey and Jamie have maintained a close friendship since Outlander season 3, despite being separated by continents at times. While Jamie could not reciprocate Lord John's romantic feelings, their bond remained significant. Lord John consistently came to Jamie and his family's aid throughout the series. However, their encounter in Outlander season 7, episode 2 revealed the challenges they face due to their opposing sides in the American Revolutionary War, which strained their open friendship.
With Jamie's biological son William participating in the fight on the English side, Lord John found it increasingly difficult to comprehend why Jamie persisted in remaining unaffiliated with the English. However, given that both of them were in North Carolina during the war, Jamie's suggestion of avoiding a meeting between them proved to be a wise decision. By not meeting, they not only ensured that William would not come face to face with Jamie, but also minimized the risk of being accused of treason for openly associating with someone on the opposing side. Hopefully, Jamie and Lord John will eventually have the opportunity to reunite without the shadow of war hanging over them in Outlander.
Bree & Jamie's Relationship Has Come Full Circle From Outlander Season 4
Bree’s impassioned plea to Lord John Grey concerning William’s right to learn the truth about Jamie in the seventh season of Outlander demonstrated the profound growth in her relationship with Jamie since the fourth season. Just as she explained to Lord John, Brianna initially felt somewhat betrayed upon discovering the truth about her parentage and leaned towards siding with Frank over her mother. However, after becoming an official time traveler in Outlander and warning Claire and Jamie about the fire at Fraser’s Ridge, Brianna was able to forge a fulfilling bond with Jamie. This bond did not diminish her relationship with Frank, but rather added another layer of love to her life, allowing Bree to embrace Jamie as another father figure.
Brianna and Jamie solidified their father/daughter bond during a poignant encounter amidst the flickering fireflies of the forest. In this moment, they both envisioned a future that seemed unlikely due to Jamie's inability to time travel and Brianna's impending return to her own timeline. Despite the heart-wrenching separation that lay ahead, Jamie and Brianna chose to focus on the positive aspects of their serendipitous meeting, rather than dwelling on the sorrowful departure of the Mackenzies. This newfound perspective made Brianna even more grateful for the unique experiences she had the opportunity to encounter during her journey back in time, surpassing the level of appreciation she felt when she initially embarked on her Outlander adventure.
Jamie's Proposal To Claire Shows He's Still Looking Out For Her If He Died
Jamie's offer of the gem to Claire in Outlander season 7, episode 2 demonstrated his foresight in preparing for his own death. Although he presented the gem to Claire as a symbol of her freedom to choose whether to stay with him or follow Roger and Brianna, it also revealed Jamie's willingness to let Claire return to her own timeline. This echoes his decision in the finale of Outlander season 2, where he allowed Claire to go back to protect her and Brianna. Claire's decision to return to the past solidified her commitment to spend the rest of her life with Jamie.
Wendigo Donner's Invasion Prompted Fraser's Ridge's Fire Predicted In S4
The appearance of Wendigo Donner in the premiere of Outlander season 7 was indeed the cause of Fraser's Ridge fire. The cliffhanger ending of episode 2 confirmed this long-awaited event, which was initially hinted at in Outlander season 4. Although it is unclear why the newspapers reported that Claire and Jamie lost their lives in the fire, it is presumed that they managed to survive the explosion. Wendigo's return ultimately brought an end to his torment of the Fraser family, allowing Jamie and Claire to hopefully face fewer challenges in their lives moving forward in Outlander season 7.