Unlocking the Secrets of Star Trek's Original: The Incredible Transformations of Voyager-A
Star Trek's Voyager-A: Unveiling the Evolution of the Iconic Starship How does the enhanced USS Voyager-A measure up against its predecessors, the Voyager-B and Voyager-J? Explore the changes and advancements in Prodigy's design of this Lamarr Class Science Ship
The USS Voyager-A, which made its debut in season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy, has received substantial enhancements, encompassing augmented crew capacity, cutting-edge technology, and an expanded shuttle bay.
The Voyager-A, a Lamarr-class science vessel, pays tribute to the renowned female scientist Hedy Lamarr, in continuation of Janeway's legacy as a female leader and scientist. Distinguishing itself from the Voyager-B and Voyager-J in terms of enhancements and distinctive technologies, the Voyager-A surpasses them with its notably larger dimensions and unconventional warp drive.
The USS Voyager-A has been revealed for the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy, bringing with it a few changes to the original starship from Star Trek: Voyager. During a special presentation at STLV: 57-Year Mission, the Hageman Brothers showcased a clip from the season 2 premiere of Prodigy, offering attendees at the convention their first look at the newest incarnation of the Voyager. The return of Voyager was hinted at in the season 1 finale of Prodigy, when Admiral Kathryn Janeway (played by Kate Mulgrew) suggested that she had a bigger and better starship in mind for the mission to save Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) from a different future.
The reveal of the USS Voyager-A, alongside the reappearance of Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor (Robert Picardo), has added to the anticipation for the troubled second season of Star Trek: Prodigy. The Hageman Brothers expressed optimism at STLV: 57-Year Mission that Prodigy would find a new home after being canceled by Paramount+. Until a deal is finalized, fans of Voyager will have to satisfy their excitement with the tantalizing clip from Star Trek: Prodigy (via StarTrek.com), which showcases some subtle enhancements to the iconic starship.
Star Trek: Prodigy's Design Changes To The USS Voyager-A Explained
The staffing levels of the original USS Voyager have undergone significant changes. When Voyager set out to find Chakotay and the Valjean crew, it was a new ship that still had vacant positions. However, the USS Voyager-A appears to have resolved this, as Zero reveals that it now consists of "29 decks, 800 plus crew, two schools", which represents a substantial upgrade compared to its predecessor. The original Voyager had only 15 decks, a crew of 160, and lacked educational facilities. Consequently, the starship has become much larger, although it seems to have maintained the overall appearance of the original Intrepid-class starship.
According to The Doctor, the new USS Voyager in Star Trek: Prodigy has been equipped with an abundance of technology obtained by the original ship during its time in the Delta Quadrant, and perhaps even more. This suggests that the Voyager-A will likely feature the same Quantum Slipstream drive as the USS Dauntless from Prodigy season 1. The Dauntless, designed by Lt. B'Elanna Torres, was influenced by a vessel previously encountered by the Voyager crew in the Delta Quadrant. This technological upgrade could also explain the Voyager-A's more striking deflector dish.
The USS Voyager-A Is A Lamarr Class Science Ship
The USS Voyager-A features a rectangular shuttle bay that bears resemblance to the one observed on the USS Discovery. This becomes evident when the Voyager-A welcomes the new style of shuttle craft used for transporting the cast of Star Trek: Prodigy. The design of this new shuttle craft, reminiscent of the Delta Flyer created by Lt. Tom Paris of Star Trek: Voyager, suggests a possible return of Paris for the second season of Prodigy. This is further supported by Janeway's apparent reunion with her former colleagues in an effort to rescue Chakotay in Prodigy season 2.
The USS Voyager NCC-74656-A differs from its predecessor in that it belongs to the newly introduced Lamarr-class of starships in Star Trek. This classification is particularly fitting as it pays homage to Hedy Lamarr, an actress and pioneering inventor and scientist. The Hagemans, the creators of the ship, confirmed to Trek Core that they drew inspiration from Lamarr. It is truly fitting that in light of Janeway's influence on the Janeway Collective and her role in empowering a generation of female leaders and scientists, her new Voyager is named after a real-life female scientist.
How Does Star Trek: Prodigy's New Starship Compare To The Voyager-B and Voyager-J?
The USS Voyager-B made a brief appearance in season 3 of Star Trek: Picard, spotted by Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd), who had been stalking Janeway. Similar in design to the original starship, the USS Voyager-A, the Voyager-B featured notable upgrades. It belonged to the Pathfinder-class of starships, first introduced in the MMORPG Star Trek Online. With its two deflector dishes and sleek black exterior, it represented a significant advancement compared to the Intrepid-class starships from the 24th century. However, with a crew size of around 200, it was smaller than the Lamarr-class USS Voyager-A, which was hinted at in the first glimpse of Star Trek: Prodigy season 2.
Set in the distant future of Star Trek: Discovery, the USS Voyager-J played a crucial role in Captain Michael Burnham's (Sonequa Martin-Green) efforts to defeat the Emerald Chain in the 3200s. In season 4 of Discovery, the Voyager-J was equipped with an experimental pathway drive, eliminating the need for dilithium usage. It is probable that the USS Voyager-A will also incorporate an alternative to the conventional warp drive used in Star Trek, such as the quantum slipstream technology discovered during its predecessor ship's exploration of the Delta Quadrant.
The starship featured in Star Trek: Voyager, along with its future counterparts, all have a strong passion for exploring the depths of scientific knowledge. With Admiral Kathryn Janeway leading a new starship towards an alternate future, the Voyager-A will have plenty of chances to honor its namesake. The only obstacle is the uncertain status of Star Trek: Prodigy. Yet, fans shouldn't despair, as the introduction of the Voyager-A serves as another compelling reason to rescue season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy from being canceled.