Unlocking the Most Elusive Xbox Achievement: The Ultimate Challenge

Unlocking the Most Elusive Xbox Achievement: The Ultimate Challenge

An insurmountable challenge awaits completionists and achievement hunters as they face the near-impossible task of unlocking one of the rarest Xbox achievements, leaving gamers in despair


The Day One achievement, one of the rarest Xbox achievements, is practically impossible to unlock now, with only 0.66% of Xbox gamers having unlocked it.

Microsoft has made the achievement unviewable, rendering it out of reach for the majority of players. However, a workaround enables players to view and potentially add the achievement to their own profiles if they locate someone who already has it displayed.

Despite the technical feasibility of redeeming the Day One code, there is no assurance that the achievement will indeed be visible on a player's profile. Additionally, only a handful of players might be inclined to endure the inconvenience of unlocking it.

The Day One achievement, coveted by completionists and Xbox achievement hunters, has become nearly unattainable. Xbox gamers have long sought after rare achievements, with some proving especially difficult to obtain.

Among these elusive achievements is the Day One achievement, which was earned by entering a code included with the launch day Xbox One consoles. Players had the choice to either scan the code using their Kinect camera or manually type it in, resulting in the exclusive Day One achievement. To date, only 0.66% of Xbox gamers have successfully unlocked this rare achievement, solidifying its status as one of the rarest in Xbox history. Regrettably, obtaining it nowadays is essentially impossible.

User comments on TrueAchievements suggest that Day One codes can still be redeemed, but there is a problem. The achievement is no longer visible as Microsoft has hidden it for unknown reasons. The only way to view the achievement now is if it was previously pinned to an Xbox profile. Reddit user DrDannny has pointed out a workaround, which involves finding someone with the achievement pinned and clicking on it to potentially pin it to their own profile. However, it is uncertain if this workaround is applicable to those who redeemed the code years ago. Those willing to take the risk can purchase a Day One Xbox One code from eBay and attempt this method, but there is no guarantee of success.

Even if it is functional, few individuals are likely to go through the trouble of unlocking it. As a result, the Day One achievement will continue to be one of the most uncommon Xbox achievements in history. Recognizing this, some Xbox gamers who purchased the Xbox One on its launch and redeemed the code may desire to have it displayed prominently on their profile. However, they will need to locate another person who already has it pinned.