Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

LISA: Definitive Edition's solo developer delves into the profound impact of COVID, mental health, and nostalgic classics, fueling an enhanced remaster that takes the game to new emotional depths

After a nine-year hiatus, Austin Jorgensen, a solo developer, went back to his acclaimed horror RPG games LISA the Painful and LISA the Joyful to create a new version called LISA: Definitive Edition. This opportunity allowed him to reflect on his previous work and the intended message, as well as transition from RPG Maker to Unity.

This experience prompted the developer, who wasn't accustomed to revisiting past projects, to delve deeper into his influential horror title. Due to the COVID-19-related delays, Jorgensen had the chance to expand LISA: Definitive Edition, ultimately enhancing the original game and shedding more light on the message he had envisioned almost ten years ago. Prior to the game's release, Jorgensen engaged in an interview with Game Rant, during which he shared his insights. The interview has been edited to ensure clarity and conciseness.

A: Answering that question is challenging. While there are some primary inspirations, when actually playing LISA, it becomes evident that it is influenced by numerous sources. From an aesthetic standpoint, Earthbound is the most significant inspiration and happens to be my favorite game. It defied norms in many ways, which resonated with me. The subversive nature of Earthbound greatly influenced LISA, and I proudly embraced that aspect in the game.

The Last of Us served as a major source of inspiration for me. It was a game that fearlessly embraced cinematic elements while maintaining a genuine, relatable human experience. Witnessing its tremendous success encouraged me to incorporate similar elements into my own work. Originally, the main character of my project was going to be Brad and his son, as they were meant to be the central driving force. However, after experiencing The Last of Us, I made the decision to steer my project in a different direction. It undoubtedly served as a significant inspiration.

In addition to The Last of Us, there are numerous other influences that have played a significant role in shaping my creative vision. Pro wrestling, Zelda, and Dark Souls are just a few examples among many. However, delving into all of them would be an endless endeavor, so I'll refrain from going further.

Q: I'm fascinated because some of the things you mentioned, such as pro wrestling, Earthbound, and The Last of Us, are quite distinct. How did you manage to incorporate such diverse influences?

A: I wouldn't describe it as a balancing act, more like controlled chaos. Essentially, I draw inspiration from my personal interests and impactful experiences. In that sense, there are no restrictions. The only criterion is whether it resonates with me, captures my attention, or evokes enough passion for me to reflect it. It's not about claiming ownership; it's about sharing what I find cool. I want more people to appreciate and be aware of these remarkable elements.

A: LISA distinguishes itself among other atmospheric horror games through its genre fusion. It goes beyond traditional video game genres by incorporating elements of RPG, horror, and comedy. This unique blend sets it apart, as it oscillates between dark and miserable moments and uplifting and cheerful elements. Unlike typical haunted mansions with deteriorated paint, LISA offers a variety of experiences, making it unpredictable and engaging.

Not to reveal excessive details, but it aims to offer an alternative viewpoint. While still embracing its elements of terror, it sheds light on the existence of a deeper humanity, rather than merely attempting to unsettle and creep individuals out. It is far more about striving to serve, using the term "humanity" for this purpose.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Q: Can you provide more insight into your understanding of humanity?

Austin: To put it simply, I find it meaningful and commendable when media incorporates a message. Throughout this process, I have discovered the true essence of my role as a game developer. While individuals may have their own interpretations of what it means to be a game developer, I have been compelled to truly understand and define my own perspective. Central to this is the desire to convey something significant. In this regard, films and music often excel, and video games are starting to explore similar territories.

Games have typically been seen as toys for casual enjoyment rather than serious consumption. However, Last of Us breaks this mold and serves as a great inspiration. The TV show adaptation goes even further in challenging these perceptions. People are now realizing that video games can tell deep and engaging stories. I digress a little here, but I feel that as a game developer, I am not only a creator but also an artist. Consequently, I believe that when delivering a message, it should be concealed within symbolism for players to discover. Going back to the subject at hand, I am particularly drawn to the concept of LISA, where its surface may appear one way, but players will eventually uncover its heartfelt essence.

I hope that it holds significance for individuals, as that is my intention. It is challenging to discuss without coming across as cliché and superficial, due to the nature of the game. I desire authenticity and do not wish to mislead. The game does not consistently evoke those emotions. It necessitates effort and dedication.

Generally, I'm not one to dwell too much on introspection, not just when it comes to games but any form of creativity. While some may take pride in their work, I often feel a bit hesitant, but that's just the way I am, regardless of the video game aspect. I would say most of what I did was decent enough.

When I reflect on it now, it's as if I was possessed during that time. Many people question where it all came from, why I did what I did. I remember when To the Moon, an RPG Maker game, was released and I was like, "Oh my goodness, you can actually sell RPG Maker games? That's unbelievable!" And so I made one, although it was free. Then, after about two years had passed, I looked back and realized, "Wow, people are actually paying attention to this. Alright, maybe I'll give selling an RPG Maker game a shot."

It was a modest start, lacking any grand notion. I had hoped to create a sidescrolling beat 'em up game, similar to River City Ransom, with LISA. That was the objective, but my limited tools and abilities hindered me at the time. So, truly, it was a humble beginning marked by ignorance. I was focused solely on my task, with blinders on, looking back on it now. Perhaps, I can speculate about my actions and emotions, but even I wasn't fully attentive.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Q: Reflecting on the debut, what are your sentiments?

A: Yeah, that's it. How do I feel? That's quite intriguing. Actually, I sometimes cringe, you know. But it's also captivating to look back on how individuals embraced it. Because my original intention and message may not always align with how it's received. Thus, it's wonderful to have this chance to shed light on various viewpoints or certain perspectives, all while maintaining the essence. So, it's fascinating.

Without explaining or noting, here is the rewritten content fragment:

But it has helped me understand things better because the game wasn't like a diary, but in many ways, it had a rawness and innocence and lack of awareness. I truly believed, who knows? Maybe if 2,000 people purchase this game, that would be amazing. That was my objective. At that moment, it was a simple and limited mindset.

A: LISA the First was the first game I created and released for free. It was a serendipitous moment when I stumbled upon someone mentioning it while casually browsing the internet. This unexpected reminder inspired me to continue creating and led to the development of LISA the Painful and subsequently LISA the Joyful.

Sometimes, I wonder why I find myself pondering this question. I tend to avoid immersing myself too much in external opinions. While I do read reviews and comments from time to time, I mostly focus on my own work and keep moving forward. However, the notion of the future and its repetition has captured my attention and made me reflect on it deeply.

It took me completely off guard. Definitely. I can't claim that was my plan. I'm pleased. I'm extremely pleased that it's being positively received. I'm thankful. Certainly, but it's unquestionably an unintended consequence. I aim to narrate an engaging tale. However, I can't deny that I was fortunate.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Q: What makes the Definitive Edition different from the release nine years ago?

A: Essentially, it is the same game. However, I must be cautious not to reveal too much. There are various aspects that we can discuss. For example, there are new campfire conversations that enhance the interaction between party members, which have been showcased in the trailers.

I'm thrilled by the prospect of this new layer that surrounds the game I love. It's not just a simple addition, but rather a complete transformation. The goal is to provide a fresh perspective for players. They can now view the familiar game and its characters from a different angle, perhaps even influenced by unreliable narrators. This aspect of unpredictability is incredibly exciting to me. Additionally, there are numerous quality of life improvements such as new music and interactions. However, what truly has me enthusiastic is something that can be likened to a DLC. Yet, it goes beyond being a mere add-on. It seamlessly intertwines with every aspect of the existing game, encompassing both LISA the Painful and LISA the Joyful campaigns.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Q: What makes 2023 the time for this Definitive Edition?

A: Um, COVID delays?

We had hoped to release this project sooner, but there have been unexpected delays. However, these delays have allowed us to incorporate a lot of new content that adds more value than what was initially planned. COVID has actually provided us with the opportunity to introduce new elements, which is truly amazing. Initially, I was concerned about the impact of COVID, but it has turned out to be a fantastic chance to further develop the complex storyline.

It is as if I released a bird and it flew away, but now the COVID-related delays have given me the chance to find it again. Initially, I was hesitant, but now it has become an excellent opportunity to expand on this intricate story.

Q: Oh, when it comes to reopening the story, do you think this process has inspired you to possibly include another chapter in the saga, like LISA the Powerful?

A: The way I see it, I've already shared the entire story. I must admit, I exhausted myself and used up all my creative energy on LISA at that time. I didn't want to approach it from a perspective of, "Well, it's successful, so I should capitalize on it, make money, and create a franchise." That just didn't feel genuine to me. So, what do I do? I honestly don't know what to say, but I feel like I've concluded it.

Through the process of remaking this content, it has opened up new perspectives for me. I can confidently say that this Definitive Edition represents all that was left in me. It encompasses the essence, the significant content that holds personal meaning to me. Every ounce of that has been poured into this project, making it immensely thrilling. Although the game's release is imminent, even now, I am dedicated to incorporating crucial and profound content that holds great significance to me.

While I am open to certain additions, this Definitive Edition of LISA is a powerful representation of my vision. It is not an entirely new game, but I sincerely hope that it carries profound meaning. I have painstakingly extracted and incorporated every last drop of passion, and it is now embodied within this game.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Q: From the perspective of a developer, what is going back to such an old project, relatively speaking, and revitalizing it? Breaking the story back open?

There are various approaches to consider in terms of development. Using Unity has presented an intriguing balance for us. While RPG Maker, which also utilizes Unity, offers a simpler process for creating games, our team at Serenity Forge decided to build our engine completely from scratch. This decision is one of the factors contributing to the lengthy development period. Additionally, we face the challenge of determining how much of the new content should utilize features exclusive to RPG Maker.

Furthermore, we need to strike a balance in terms of LISA's pixel art and gameplay. As an RPG Maker game, LISA has simplistic pixel art and relatively straightforward gameplay. The key challenge lies in maintaining this simplicity while incorporating unexpected elements that can surprise players. We have explored special effects and features that go beyond what RPG Maker can offer. It is an exciting opportunity, but we must also ensure that we stay true to the original essence of the game.

The emotional aspect took the longest for me to embrace. Serenity Forge presented several great ideas for small additions, which forced me to reassess and delve into the character's feelings and the story's context. Once I finally embraced this challenge, a switch flipped and excitement surged through me. It became invigorating to dive back into the characters and strive to improve their representation after taking the time to reflect on them.

It's not just about representing them better. I aim to offer fresh perspectives and shed light on the authenticity of these characters' reflections, whether they have control over their circumstances or not. It might sound complicated, but it's an enjoyable process for me.


Q: What are your future plans?

A: I introduced the concept of Ninja Tears, but I must confess that it has been put on hold for the time being. Its release is indefinitely postponed due to the overwhelming amount of attention and dedication required by LISA, which took me by surprise.

So there's this game called Ninja Tears that I still want to mention. Apart from that, I'm uncertain. I mean, there are numerous possibilities. I'm open-minded. I don't want to sound overly dedicated to anything specific, but I'm also highly receptive to various opportunities.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

Q: Is there anything you’d like to add?

A: Sami Zayn should have won the WWE Championship? No.

We discussed numerous topics including the reason for taking action at this moment. I mentioned that COVID was a significant factor, but I also distanced myself from the game and focused on new ventures. I turned my attention away from it and looked towards the future, not just because I was enthusiastic about upcoming games, but because I was highly motivated to move forward. It was a pleasant experience.

I would also like to acknowledge Marina Hova. She played a pivotal role in arranging the meeting with Serenity Forge, which initiated this entire project. So, you can show your gratitude to Serenity Forge and Marina for awakening me from my inactive state and bringing me back to this project. Although I was prepared to move on to other endeavors, now I have the opportunity to do this, which is quite enjoyable. Additionally, I feel fortunate because this unexpected opportunity allows me to explore more of the potential that lies within.

Entering the meeting, my focus shifted towards the significant aspects that hold personal value. One key aspect within the game, easily overlooked, is the concept of personhood and the consequences of losing or damaging one's sense of self. The new content aims to delve deeper into this concept, exploring how individuals' purposes can drive them towards redemption. It is a pivotal element that has always existed in the games, but in retrospect, I believe I can now enhance it further with my fresh perspective and outlook. Amidst the game's eccentricity, absurdity, and violence, it becomes effortless to lose sight of these profound themes.

Discussing some of these matters proves challenging for me as it borders on potential spoilers. Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, I am not a preacher or a motivational speaker who can simply dictate what you should feel or believe. It is important for art to retain an element of mystery and allow for personal discovery, thus making it more meaningful to individuals. However, I must disclose that the game incorporates imagery and themes surrounding suicide. Exploring the darker aspects might overshadow the search for light within the game. Even with the addition of new content, some effort is required to truly grasp its essence.

Unlocking the Depths: How COVID Transformed LISA: Definitive Edition into an Even Richer Gaming Experience

However, reflecting on suicide is of utmost importance to me, as it encompasses not only suicide itself, but also a wide range of mental health issues, self-esteem, self-perception, and personal value. In an attempt to capture the essence of these aspects, I resorted to the term "personhood." I genuinely believe that one's individual identity, personhood, and sense of purpose hold immense significance. By utilizing the concept of a game, we can explore not only darker subjects but also delve into self-reflection, leading to a profoundly fulfilling experience. Though I'm uncertain about the level of transparency required in conveying these ideas through written text, it remains crucial to me to portray these matters in a positive light.

I strive to maintain complete transparency. It is my desire to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what unfolds, while also retaining a sense of mystery and intrigue. If an individual is devoted enough to invest their time and effort in uncovering the secrets and intricacies of this fresh content, it is my aspiration that they find it gratifying and profound. This content serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the vast expanse of possibilities.

Themes revolving around suicide and generational trauma have always been present, existing within the game. With this new content, there is an opportunity to make a definitive statement, stepping away from the open-endedness of the current game. Perhaps, this approach offers the most effective means of addressing these themes.

If there is any element worth taking pride in, it would be the opportunity to discuss this new content and take pride in it. I am genuinely proud and optimistic that it can hold significance for someone and offer assistance. Above all else, my deepest hope is that it can reach those who need some form of guidance or support, without sounding condescending or omniscient, but rather as a compassionate and affirming presence. There are various tools and perspectives available to us, and it is important to remain open-minded.

LISA: Definitive Edition releases July 18 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.