Unlocking the Dark Side: A Journey into the Depths of Human Nature
The Devil in Me: A gripping survival game where a film crew fights to stay alive on a desolate island Explore the dark depths of human nature as you make tough choices, but beware, your decisions could lead to the demise of all Can you escape the clutches of your inner demons? (348 characters)
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How to Kill ErinHow to Kill Charlie
How to Kill Jamie
How to Kill Mark
How to Kill Kate
How to Kill Connie
How to Kill Everyone
How to Kill Everyone At Once
The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me, the fourth chapter of Supermassive Games' The Dark Pictures Anthology, draws inspiration from the infamous H.H. Holmes and his "Murder Castle." In this interactive survival horror drama, players embark on the journey of the Lonnit Entertainment film crew, who encounter a breakthrough in their true crime episode centered around Holmes. Their investigation takes a thrilling turn when they receive an invitation to visit an exact replica of Holmes' estate on a remote island.
Within The Devil In Me, players assume control of protagonists Kate Wilder, an investigative reporter, and Charlie Lonnit, the director. Together, they must outsmart a killer whose gruesome acts are reminiscent of Holmes. Utilizing logic and mastering quick-time events, players can attempt to stay one step ahead of this Holmes impersonator. However, for those with a darker inclination, is there a way to let the killer reign victorious?
This guide contains significant spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.
How to Kill Erin
Erin is the character in The Devil In Me who faces the highest number of life-threatening situations. From the moment players step foot inside the replicated Murder Castle, they are presented with an initial opportunity to witness Erin's demise. However, this is just the beginning, as various other circumstances may emerge where Erin's life hangs in the balance. Here, we outline these incidents:
Blackout: Erin investigates the hallway outside her room and is subsequently trapped in a dark room. Jamie comes to her rescue, but she spots a mysterious man who offers her an inhaler during her panic. In order to harm Erin, she must confront and fight this person, but her attempt results in her being stabbed.
Silver Ash (1): If Erin survives the events of Blackout, she finds herself in her bedroom where she reviews her recorder. This leads her to discover a hidden passage, which she decides to explore, ultimately leading her to the Silver Ash Institute. Inside, she comes across decaying animatronics, and when the lights suddenly go out, she is faced with a choice to either hide or run towards the exit. To kill Erin, she must choose to run towards the exit, where she encounters Du’Met and falls victim to the animatronic doctor stabbing her.
Silver Ash (2): Upon emerging from her hiding spot in search of Du’Met, she becomes ensnared within a white chamber. Startled by her cries, Kate becomes trapped in an adjoining room. The air supply rapidly dwindles on both sides, leaving Jamie with a difficult decision to make: to save Kate or to sacrifice Erin. Opting for Erin’s demise, Jamie must consciously deprive her of oxygen.
Maze: Following Du’Met’s plunge from the rooftop, Erin rejoins Kate and Jamie, only to find themselves once again pursued by him. Their frantic escape leads them into a labyrinthine maze, where Erin becomes separated from the group. As the chase transitions to Kate’s vantage point, deciding to ascend instead of pursuing Erin and securing the area results in her tragic demise.
Lake: If Erin manages to survive, she will make her way to the lighthouse where she plans to board the boat. Once Du'Met arrives, he immediately goes after Erin, and if she fails her Quick Time Event (QTE), he brutally kills her by impaling her with an axe.
How to Kill Charlie
Among the cast of The Devil In Me, Charlie is the second character who has the potential to meet an untimely demise. However, in comparison to most of Erin’s experiences, Charlie's death occurs a little later in the game. Below are the specific points in the game where players can encounter situations resulting in Charlie's demise.
Incinerated: Charlie and Jamie find themselves trapped behind a metal gate. They are forced into a freezer where they are confronted with a horrifying scene. Desperate to escape, Charlie attempts to flee but falls through a trapdoor and loses consciousness. Upon regaining consciousness in the basement, Charlie observes gas entering the room and sees a mannequin lighting a lighter. Suddenly, the room is engulfed in flames. Charlie has two options - he can either try to open the door or lift the grate. To survive, he must resist the urge to open the door, as doing so would result in his demise.
Waste Disposal: By staying hidden under the grate, Charlie manages to survive until Du'Met enters and mistakenly believes that his burnt overcoat is Charlie's remains. Eventually, Charlie finds himself in a dark room where he discovers a conveyor belt and some grinders. In this perilous environment, there are multiple Quick Time Events (QTEs) that could lead to Charlie's death. The first set of QTEs includes a deadly mistake that could result in Charlie being ground to death. If Charlie fails to remain calm in Du'Met's presence, Du'Met will also kill him. Lastly, if Charlie chooses to go back, he will fall into the grinder and meet his demise.
Hotel Grounds (1): After surviving the encounter with Du'Met, Charlie emerges from the basement and rushes towards the hotel grounds upon hearing Mark's screams. Once reunited, he learns about the plan to head to the lighthouse and signal for help. However, their pursuer Du'Met manages to track them down in the warehouse. If Charlie fails to hide, he meets a gruesome fate as Du'Met guts him and hangs him on a meat hook.
Hotel Grounds, Cliffside (2): Opting to hide from Du'Met, Charlie and Mark find themselves facing the challenge of crossing a precarious beam. If Charlie fails to maintain his balance, he tragically loses his life in the attempt.
Lake: After reaching the lighthouse, Charlie and his companions employ the tragic demise of a hapless police officer to initiate a boat and make their escape. Du’Met relentlessly pursues them, leading to an inevitable ultimate confrontation. It is within the realm of possibility for Charlie to meet his demise through decapitation.
How to Kill Jamie
In The Devil In Me, Jamie stands out as the most practical and self-aware character in the ensemble. Although she displays bravery, players controlling her may inadvertently cause her to "miss" certain crucial moments that would ultimately lead to her downfall.
Observation Room (1): After discovering a nerve center that allows Du’Met to move quickly around the hotel, she, along with Kate (and possibly Erin), decides to use herself as bait to trap him between walls. The outcome of multiple Quick Time Events (QTEs) will determine if Jamie manages to escape the killer. Failing to do so will result in Du’Met catching Jamie and eventually stabbing her in the back.
Observation Room (2): If Jamie successfully evades Du’Met and reaches the other side of the wall, the pursuit continues until she and Kate become separated. They find themselves in a room with a glass divider, with a crushing mechanism activated by a button. In order for Jamie to be killed, she must either have given the screwdriver to Kate or lost it during the chase with Du’Met. This gives players the option of having Jamie sacrifice herself by getting crushed.
Rooftop: Despite Jamie surviving the glass wall, Du'Met continues to chase her and her companions. They eventually find themselves on a rooftop where Du'Met captures Jamie. Desperate, Jamie pleads with Kate for assistance, knowing that if Kate refuses, she will perish.
Forest Path, Homestead: After successfully pushing Du'Met off a cliff, Kate and Jamie rendezvous with Erin before the villain resumes his pursuit. They find refuge in a farmhouse where a dog named Connie is making noise, capturing Du'Met's attention. Failing to eliminate Connie will result in Du'Met discovering their hideout. Alternatively, Jamie could request Kate's help, but doing so would lead to Du'Met killing her.
Lake: Jamie can join the team as they flee by boat from the lighthouse, but Du’Met manages to catch up with them. If she hesitates, Jamie will be killed when a gas tank punctures her chest.
How to Kill Mark
Although Kate is widely considered the most playable character, Mark proves to be a formidable opponent to eliminate. Despite being captured by Du'Met, Mark consistently discovers clever means of escape. Subsequently, his significance to the overall narrative of the game is unveiled. Nevertheless, it is possible to end the game in the most unfavorable manner by successfully targeting Mark for execution.
Lake (1): During the initial round of QTEs onboard the boat while battling Du'Met, Mark meets his demise when struck in the back by an axe.
Lake (2): If the QTEs against Du'Met are unsuccessful again, the antagonist ruthlessly impales Mark's throat with the rear end of his axe.
Lake (3): When trying to pull Du’Met with the anchor, a misstep will have the anchor impale Mark’s chest.
How to Kill Kate
Kate from The Devil In Me has one of the lowest chances of dying in the game compared to other characters. Similar to her ex-boyfriend Mark, Kate's potential deaths occur at specific and uncommon moments. To eliminate Kate, players must complete the following actions throughout their interactive drama playthrough:
Observation Room: After shutting the door, Kate finds herself in a room where Jamie is on the other side of a glass wall. Once again, either player can manipulate the glass wall. In order to eliminate Kate, players must ensure that she does not possess the screwdriver before pushing the wall towards her direction.
Lake: As Kate and her friends flee on a boat, they are pursued by Du’Met. During a Quick Time Event (QTE), the group tries to dislodge Du’Met by using the anchor. If the QTE is failed, Kate's neck snaps.
How to Kill Connie
During the player's progress in The Devil In Me, they will uncover the fact that the Morello family was once in possession of a dog called Connie. When Kate and Jamie find themselves trapped in the barn, players have the choice to rescue both Jamie and Connie. In fact, the dog can even join them as they attempt to escape using the speedboat. However, there is a way to end Connie's life within the game:
Homestead: When Du'Met is pursuing Kate and Jamie, the option arises for them to eliminate Connie to prevent her from alerting others. This can be carried out by either Jamie or, in the event of Jamie's demise, by Kate.
The Curator's Response: When the players meet with the Curator to discuss the events of the story, he too expresses a negative reaction. He admits his surprise at the players' ability to successfully eliminate the dog.
How to Kill Everyone
If only Kate and Mark manage to survive (yes, even the dog isn't spared) the harrowing experience, the entire "Lake" chapter ceases to occur. Instead, they are transported directly to Ultimatum. In this eerie setting, Mark and Kate awaken to an exceedingly unpleasant predicament. At this juncture, Mark is confronted with a daunting decision.
Mark's refusal leads to Du'Met injecting acid into Kate's nose, causing her insides to melt while Mark is subsequently suffocated. On the other hand, if Mark complies, the scene transitions to him inviting the next victim, June Collins, and her family to the island via a phone call. However, if Mark asks for help instead, June dismisses it as a prank call, resulting in their deaths as if Mark had refused to comply.
If Mark complies as usual, the scenario shifts to him warmly welcoming a family to the island, mirroring Morello's previous interaction with them. Just like Morello and his daughter, he and Kate rush towards the ferry. However, their hopes are shattered when they discover that the ferry is actually chained to the island, preventing their escape. As the tension intensifies, the final shot reveals Du'Met aiming a rifle directly at them.
How to Kill Everyone At Once
One way to achieve this goal in a more fulfilling manner is by ensuring the survival of all the characters. This will lead players to the thrilling conclusion of the game, which involves a daring boat escape in the Lake chapter. As expected, the formidable Du’Met reemerges to engage in a final showdown, reminiscent of horror films. Players must navigate through a series of quick-time events to successfully eliminate Du’Met once and for all. Failing to complete all the quick-time events will result in the demise of all the characters, thereby earning the achievement.
Throughout the playthrough, this process is reminiscent of a horror movie that defies expectations with a dark ending. Furthermore, players have the option to restart their progress and successfully complete the Quick Time Events, resulting in saving all the individuals on the boat and achieving the Happy Ending Trophy.
You can now play The Devil In Me on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.