Unlocking Sabine's Hidden Potential: A Jedi Journey Beyond the Force

Unlocking Sabine's Hidden Potential: A Jedi Journey Beyond the Force

Unlocking the Potential: Sabine's Path to Jedihood Without the Force


Sabine Wren's potential to be a Jedi is not dependent on her Force-sensitivity, as shown by examples of non-Force-sensitive individuals who have become Jedi in the past.

Sabine's proficiency in lightsaber combat implies that her training with Ahsoka Tano encompasses more than just honing her skills in wielding a lightsaber, indicating that she may have tapped into her connection with the Force.

Despite her ambiguous affinity for the Force, Sabine possesses the capability to embrace the path of a Jedi under Ahsoka's mentorship, as Jedi teachings affirm that the Force exists within all living beings.

In the upcoming Ahsoka show, Star Wars unveiled the possibility of Sabine Wren becoming a Jedi, even without the Force. Trailers confirm that Sabine became Ahsoka Tano's apprentice after the events of Star Wars Rebels. The question remains whether Sabine, a Mandalorian warrior and artist, possesses Force sensitivity. While there are hints in certain episodes of Rebels suggesting her latent abilities, it has been shown that one does not need to wield the Force to become a Jedi.

In the Ahsoka trailers, Sabine refers to Tano as her master. It appears that Tano and Wren experienced a falling out, leading to Ahsoka's decision to stop training Sabine. Rebels established that Sabine was already skilled in lightsaber combat due to Kanan Jarrus and her brief possession of the legendary Darksaber. Ahsoka becoming Sabine's master solely for lightsaber skills seems unlikely. There are implications that Sabine unlocked her connection to the Force, although whether or not she can be a Jedi in the upcoming Ahsoka show is ultimately insignificant.

A Jedi Is Far More Than Just Someone Who Can Call On The Force

Unlocking Sabine's Hidden Potential: A Jedi Journey Beyond the Force

In the Stories of Jedi and Sith collection, author Michael Kogge presents the canonical short story "What A Jedi Makes." Here, Jedi Master Yoda proves that Force-sensitivity is not the sole determining factor in becoming a Jedi. In this tale, Yoda chooses to initiate a young boy into the Jedi Order, despite his inability to harness the Force. When the boy expresses doubt, Yoda responds, "If you believe that, then you shall never become a Jedi." Inquisitive, the boy asks for clarification, and Yoda answers, "You should study the Farseeker Lyr. Although he possessed no extraordinary powers, his words gave rise to some of the Jedi's most profound writings. While the Jedi and the Force are intertwined, it is not solely the Force that defines a Jedi."

Sabine Could Easily Commit To Become A Jedi Without Force Powers

While Anakin Skywalker possessed immense power in the Force, there were others within the Jedi Order whose connections to the Force were not as strong. Similarly, when Jedi Master Sskeer of the High Republic lost his connection to the Force, he remained a formidable Jedi. In fact, this loss of connection became advantageous when facing the Nihil marauders, who had the ability to render Force-sensitive individuals incapacitated. Sskeer, however, proved to be immune to their power. Additionally, in the case of Chirrut Îmwe from Rogue One, he exhibited a strong attunement to the Force despite not being a Jedi himself.

Unlocking Sabine's Hidden Potential: A Jedi Journey Beyond the Force

Taking the aforementioned examples into consideration, Sabine could have become a Jedi under Ahsoka's guidance, even if her connection to the Force differs from that of traditional Jedi depicted on-screen. In Rebels, Kanan affirmed that "The Force resides in all living things", aligning with Jedi teachings throughout the Star Wars timeline. In relation to Sabine, Kanan theorized that her complex past and Mandalorian upbringing hindered her connection to the Force, although the extent of her potential remains uncertain. Nevertheless, when Ahsoka premieres on August 23rd, Sabine possesses the canonical possibility of becoming a Jedi, with or without the Force.