Unlocking Mysteries in Pacific Drive: A Guide to the Auto Shop Keypad Door

Unlocking Mysteries in Pacific Drive: A Guide to the Auto Shop Keypad Door

Embark on a thrilling adventure in Pacific Drive as you uncover the secrets behind the mysterious keypad door at the Auto Shop hub. Follow our step-by-step guide to unlock hidden rooms and discover valuable items.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Auto Shop Keypad Door

Venture into the heart of Pacific Drive and find yourself at the Auto Shop, a bustling hub of activity and intrigue. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a peculiar keypad door catches your attention, teasing you with its enigmatic secrets. But fear not, for we have the key to unlocking this mystery.

Be ready to drive like hell once you activate the Stabilizer Tower.

Be ready to drive like hell once you activate the Stabilizer Tower.

To access the Auto Shop keypad door, you must first embark on the challenging 'Mid-Zone Crossing' mission. Only after completing this daring quest will you acquire the elusive code - 4735, whispered to you by the enigmatic Tobias via radio. Remember, mere knowledge of the code is not enough; you must prove your mettle by conquering the mission before the keypad door will yield to your touch.

Traversing the Path from Auto Shop to Mid-Zone

The journey from the Auto Shop hub to the treacherous Mid-Zone is fraught with peril and excitement. Navigate through dimly lit corridors and ominous junctions, ensuring you have ample supplies of fuel and light to guide your way. The Stabilizer Tower awaits your activation in the heart of the Mid-Zone, but beware of the instability collapse that follows.

Unlocking Hidden Wonders: The Secret Room Revelation

Once the 'Mid-Zone Crossing' mission is behind you, Tobias reveals the coveted code - 4735, unlocking the Auto Shop keypad door. Step into the seemingly mundane room that lies beyond, only to discover a world of intrigue waiting to be explored.

Engage in routine activities within the secret room, interacting with objects that hold the key to further discoveries. From flushing the toilet to utilizing the dryer, follow the clues left by Tobias and Francis to unravel the mysteries hidden within the walls of Pacific Drive.

Just follow what you normally do when you clean up in the bathroom.

Just follow what you normally do when you clean up in the bathroom.

Harnessing the Power of Arc Doc and Hard Drive

Delve deeper into the secrets of Pacific Drive as you uncover the ARC Doc and Hard Drive within the hidden room. Utilize these valuable objects to enhance your abilities and embark on new adventures with enhanced capabilities.

From upgrading your Arc Device to accessing healing effects in times of need, the ARC Doc and Hard Drive hold the key to unlocking your full potential in the perilous landscapes of Pacific Drive.