Unlocking Forged Camo in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: A Comprehensive Guide
Unlock the coveted Forged Camo in Modern Warfare 3 with this comprehensive guide Discover the secrets and strategies to obtain this master weapon skin and dominate the battlefield like never before
Unlocking the forged camo in MW3 is an opportunity for players to showcase their skills and style. This sleek and futuristic completionist camo is one of the 12 available options in the game. Players can make use of all their Modern Warfare 2 weapons in MW3, including the camos they have already unlocked.
How to Unlock Modern Warfare 3 Forged Camo
To unlock Modern Warfare 3 Forged Camo, players must:
Complete all Base Camo Challenges for a weapon
Unlock a set amount of Gilded Camo Challenges for that weapon category (such as Battle Rifles).
Complete the Forged Camo Challenge for that weapon.
Players should initially complete the base camo challenges for all weapons within a specific category, such as Battle Rifles. Once the base camo challenges are finished, players can proceed to unlock the Gilded camos for the guns within that category. For example, if there are 5 weapons in the Battle Rifles class when MW3 launches, players must unlock all 5 Gilded camos for the class.
Obtaining Gilded camos for each weapon will then unlock the Forged Camo challenge for all the rifles in the category. However, players are only able to unlock the Forged Camo challenge for the weapons with Gilded Camo in that class (in this case, Battle Rifles). Following this, players need to successfully complete the challenge in order to acquire the Forged Camo. One of the Forged Camo challenges in Modern Warfare 3 is "Get 3 kills without dying 10 times." It is important to note that only the weapon used to complete the challenge can be adorned with the earned camo. Therefore, if players use the Lachmann-762 for the challenge, they can only apply the camo to this specific weapon and not any others within the category.
To unlock the Forged Camo for weapons in the Battle Rifle class, players must complete the camo challenge for each individual weapon. This camo challenge is designed for completionists, requiring players to check the challenge for all guns in the category using the Camo menu. While the process may appear tedious, players who enjoy grinding for camos are sure to find this challenge exciting.
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)
Franchise Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Modern WarfareReleased November 10, 2023Developer(s) Sledgehammer GamesPublisher(s) ActivisionGenre(s) First-Person Shooter
Editor's P/S
Unlocking the Forged Camo in Modern Warfare 3 is a true test of skill and dedication for any fan of the game. This coveted completionist camo is a testament to a player's mastery of their weapons and their ability to overcome challenging objectives. The Forged Camo's sleek and futuristic design sets it apart from other camos in the game, making it a highly sought-after prize for players who want to stand out on the battlefield.
The process of unlocking the Forged Camo is no easy feat. It requires players to complete all base camo challenges for a weapon, unlock a set number of Gilded Camo Challenges for that weapon category, and finally, complete the Forged Camo Challenge for that weapon. This multi-step process ensures that only the most dedicated players can obtain this prestigious camo. It's a rewarding experience that showcases a player's commitment to the game and their skill with a particular weapon. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Modern Warfare series, unlocking the Forged Camo is an achievement that any fan should be proud of.