Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

Unlocking these challenging PlayStation trophies will test your skills and determination From stealthy assassinations to epic battles, these 10 trophies demand strategy, precision, and perseverance Can you conquer them all?

Since their introduction on the PlayStation 3 in 2008, trophies have been a cause for celebration among owners of Sony's flagship console, providing them with an achievement system that rivals Microsoft's Xbox. This has led to the emergence of dedicated communities focused on trophy hunting, with more and more gamers becoming addicted to amassing a virtual collection of bronze, silver, gold, and even the prestigious platinum trophies.

However, there are several harsh realities associated with collecting PlayStation trophies. This includes the frustration of obtaining trophies that require players to act in ways that defy game logic or aimlessly wander the map in search of a specific item. Embarking on a solo quest for these trophies is likely to result in frustration and a damaged television.

10 Let No Joyful Voice Be Heard - Hitman (2016)

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

IO Interactive's thrilling reimagining of the Hitman series grants players command over Agent 47, a genetically enhanced contract killer, as he traverses different parts of the world, eliminating his targets in unconventional ways. The idyllic open world of Sapienza, Italy conceals a mysterious bronze trophy with the enigmatic label "Awaken the Kraken".

Unbeknownst to unsuspecting players, this trophy alludes to the legendary Kraken of mythology. Without any guidance from the game, players are expected to ascend to the highest point on the map, take aim towards the sea, and precisely shoot four bells suspended from the structure of a docked ship in the harbor. If the bells are struck in a specific sequence, the mythical creature will rise from the depths of the sea and pull the ship into its watery grave.

9 Endangered Species - Grand Theft Auto 4

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The Grand Theft Auto series has always kept players engaged. In Grand Theft Auto 4, protagonist Niko Bellic is constantly occupied with clashes with law enforcement, exhilarating high-speed jumps across Liberty City, and his repeated rejection of his cousin Roman's invitations to go bowling. And who really has the time for bowling when there are more vital missions at hand?

Regrettably for Niko, Rockstar decided that an essential task for him was to locate and eliminate the pigeons scattered throughout Liberty City, reducing them to mere feathers. Here's the catch: there are a whopping 200 of them, hidden across the game map. To make matters worse, the game does not provide any indication of their whereabouts. Without a helpful external guide, good luck in the arduous challenge of distinguishing gray birds amidst a purposely gray world.

8 Knockout - Mortal Kombat X

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

Mortal Kombat and its characters have come a long way from the original game, with Mortal Kombat X offering numerous violent ways to defeat opponents with the press of a few buttons. As game mechanics evolve, so do the requirements for achievements, like this bronze trophy. In order to earn it, players must perform a 10-hit combo with every character in the base roster. With special moves and precise timing playing a crucial role in executing these combos, having the combinations clearly laid out for players is much easier than trying to remember 24 complex and distinct combos.

7 Trying To Bring Forth Sanctum 3? - Goat Simulator

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

In Goat Simulator, players take control of a clever goat in a quiet suburban town, causing chaos and getting into trouble. While exploring the wooded map area, some players may discover an eerie pentagram. However, this is just the beginning of a series of complex tasks needed to earn a specific trophy.

Apart from this trophy, there are two others in the game that involve a convoluted search for random items to offer as sacrifices to the pentagram. The ultimate sacrifice is a carefully hidden robot. If this concept is intriguing, the sequel to the game is guaranteed to provide a similar experience.

6 UFO Xing And Getting Carried Away - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy introduces familiar trophy requirements for players who remember the original PlayStation 1 versions developed by Naughty Dog. However, since Naughty Dog is now focused on other successful video games, Vicarious Visions, the developer of this remake, not only retains the idea of secret entrances to new levels within existing levels but also adds trophies for discovering them.

Two levels, namely 'Road Crash' and 'Dino Might', feature enigmatic and downright ridiculous methods to unlock additional levels and, of course, earn the trophies. In 'Road Crash', players must crash their beloved orange marsupial character into an off-road sign, while 'Dino Might' takes it a step further by requiring players to feed Crash to a specific pterodactyl, usually resulting in a respawn.

5 Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen - Bloodborne

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The Soulsborne games are adored by fans, but choosing which one to play can be as difficult as deciding which blunt object to be struck over the head with. These games are known for their punishing combat mechanics and cryptic storytelling, making completing any of FromSoftware's creations a challenging task, regardless of achievements.

One example is Bloodborne, an exclusive game for the PS4. In Bloodborne, players must descend through various Chalice Dungeons that progressively increase in difficulty. Confronting the final boss, named Yharnam, is no easy feat. However, even getting the opportunity to face her is a lengthy process, requiring the collection of over 100 items and the defeat of numerous other bosses.

4 Patience - Rime

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

Rime, developed by indie developer Tequila Works, is an awe-inspiring adventure puzzle platformer that flawlessly captures the themes of love, loss, and connection. Its stunning visuals and metaphorical nature make for an immersive experience. In Chapter Three, players embark on a journey through an endless corridor that suddenly shifts, revealing a new path forward. To earn a particular trophy, players are required to persistently run towards nothingness for three real-life minutes.

3 Allfather Blinded - God Of War (2018)

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Kratos, having vanquished the entire Greek pantheon, evidently decided to adopt a low profile in Norse mythology, where players encounter him in the 2018 game God Of War. Despite his supposed retirement from god-slaying, he quickly reverts to his old habits when he confronts formidable adversaries like Baldur and the nine Valkyries.

The menacing Odin employs his ravens to surveil Kratos throughout his journey across the six realms. To obtain a coveted trophy, players must eliminate all 51 of these avian spies, a task not indicated on the in-game map. Those who embark on this hunt without assistance will find themselves aimlessly hurling Kratos' Leviathan Axe into the sky.

2 Overdesigned II - Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

The Assassin's Creed franchise has always chosen the straightforward approach for trophies. Players only need to finish the main story, side quests, and other game elements to obtain the Platinum. Assassin's Creed Valhalla follows a similar pattern, as its trophy requirements entail collecting items, progressing through the campaign, and completing simple combat challenges.

However, there is an exception—one cannot help but notice the silver trophy called 'Overdesigned II'. To acquire this trophy, players must defeat three formidable enemies without breaking their shields, all the while being on fire. It's fair to say that numerous Assassin's Creed enthusiasts were taken aback by this trophy's description.

1 Speed King - Shadow Of The Colossus

Unlock These 10 Coveted Trophies with Our Expert Guide!

The success of Team Ico's Shadow of the Colossus led to not only a remaster for PlayStation 3, but also a full remake for PlayStation 4. Along with the release on new consoles came the addition of trophy support. However, Shadow of the Colossus committed a grave mistake in the eyes of experienced trophy hunters: a misleading requirement.

The trophy called 'Speed King' necessitates players to complete the Time Attack mode on both Normal and Hard difficulties in order to acquire two sets of corresponding items. Unfortunately, due to the game's automatic saving system, players attempting to obtain this trophy will find themselves in a precarious situation of manual saves and loads. A single incorrect button press can lead to devastating consequences for their chances of success.