Unlock the Secrets of Shiny Galarian Yamask in Pokemon GO
Discover the ultimate Pokemon GO strategy to obtain the elusive Shiny Galarian Yamask! Master the art of catching this rare Pokemon with our comprehensive guide
Niantic, the developers of Pokemon GO, have introduced various types of monsters in the game, including Shiny, Standard, Galarian, and others. Among them is the Galarian Yamask, which is currently featured in the new Halloween 2023 event along with its Shiny variant. The Shiny Galarian Yamask is a truly captivating creature, exuding an air of mystery and possessing incredible power.
Encountering Shiny monsters in Pokemon GO can be quite challenging due to their low spawn rates compared to the Standard variants. During the event, the Galarian Yamask is obtainable through Egg hatching but cannot be found in the wild. To have a chance at encountering a Shiny Galarian Yamask, players must go through the process of hatching eggs. This guide will delve into the best strategies for obtaining a Shiny Galarian Yamask in the game.
Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Galarian Yamask
The first part of the Halloween 2023 event will take place from Thursday, October 19, at 10 AM to Thursday, October 26, at 10 AM Local Time. During this time, players will have access to various playable content, including Pokemon GO Research quests and encounters with wild Pokemon and 7 KM egg Pokemon. One of the unique egg hatches available will be the Galarian Yamask and its Shiny version.
Although the Halloween 2023 event will feature several Shiny Pokemon, there is no guarantee of encountering them. Some players may be fortunate enough to encounter a Shiny Galarian Yamask, while others may not. Trainers will need to increase their chances by catching as many Galarian Yamask as possible.
Most events typically provide a greater likelihood of hatching Shiny Pokémon through Eggs; however, there is no official announcement regarding the Halloween 2023 event. It is important to note that the higher the spawn rate of a particular Pokémon, the more rapidly players can encounter a Shiny version of it. While there exist items in Pokémon GO that can boost the spawn rate of wild Pokémon, it is worth mentioning that these items do not have any effect on the hatching of Eggs.
Pokemon GO Eggs function similarly to a mini gacha game, meaning the outcome of hatching an Egg is unpredictable. As part of the Halloween 2023 event, Shiny Galarian Yamask, Shiny Munchlax, and Shiny Riolu can all potentially hatch from 7 KM Eggs. This means that players have a chance of obtaining both the Shiny and Standard versions of these Pokemon when hatching a 7 KM Egg. To increase their chances of obtaining Galarian Yamask, players should acquire a plentiful supply of Pokemon GO Incubators and 7 KM eggs. These eggs can be collected by spinning the Photo Disc at PokeStops.
In order to hatch multiple Eggs simultaneously, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of Incubators. Each player starts with an unlimited-use Egg Incubator, but they also have the option to purchase blue Egg Incubators with PokeCoins, which can be used three times. Additionally, there are Super Incubators available that accelerate the hatching process by reducing the required walking distance, but they can only be used three times before breaking, just like regular incubators.
After obtaining the necessary Incubators, the only remaining step is to continue walking until the Eggs hatch. Players must repeat this process until they successfully acquire a Shiny Galarian Yamask. By hatching more Galarian Yamask, players can increase their chances of encountering its Shiny form at a faster rate.
Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS.