Unlock the Secrets: Final Fantasy 16's Captivating 'An Inconvenient Truth Quest' for True Lore Enthusiasts

Unlock the Secrets: Final Fantasy 16's Captivating 'An Inconvenient Truth Quest' for True Lore Enthusiasts

Delve into the captivating lore of Final Fantasy 16's forgotten world through the enthralling An Inconvenient Truth side quest Uncover the secrets of the Bearers and embark on a thrilling journey to uncover lost history Get ready to immerse yourself in this must-play quest!

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Final Fantasy 16 boasts a wide range of side quests available for Clive to embark on as he strives to free the Bearers and forge a better world. Certain side quests present exclusive rewards that enhance gameplay mechanics, such as increased effectiveness and capacity of consumable items, while others focus on enriching the game's intricate lore.

One of these side quests, titled "An Inconvenient Truth," falls under the latter category, granting players a unique curio and delving into intriguing lore as a token of appreciation for their time. This particular quest is initiated by Vivian Ninetales at the Hideaway, only becoming available once the main quest "Brotherhood" has been successfully completed. Players are then entrusted with the task of locating a prohibited book that contains the forgotten history of the Bearers.

An Inconvenient Truth Side Quest Guide in Final Fantasy 16

Unlock the Secrets: Final Fantasy 16's Captivating 'An Inconvenient Truth Quest' for True Lore Enthusiasts

This quest begins with a letter from Vivian which can be read in Clive's quarters at the Hideaway. This letter should show up after the main quest, "Brotherhood," has been completed. Vivian requires assistance retrieving a book named "From a Distance" that inspired her to become a scholar and whose contents are considered heretical and forbidden. Naturally, Clive is only too happy to assist, and Vivian tells him to ask Harpocrates for information on the book's location.

Harpocrates explains that the reason the book is so hard to acquire is due to a secret society known as the "Executors," who are avid collectors, hoarders, and concealers of knowledge deemed forbidden or otherwise unsuitable for the public.

The quest commences by reading a letter from Vivian in Clive's quarters at the Hideaway. This letter becomes available after completing the main quest, "Brotherhood." Vivian seeks assistance in obtaining a book called "From a Distance," which was the catalyst for her aspiration as a scholar. The book's contents are deemed heretical and forbidden. Clive willingly agrees to help, and Vivian directs him to seek information on the book's whereabouts from Harpocrates.

Harpocrates reveals that the difficulty in obtaining the book stems from a clandestine society called the "Executors." They are fervent collectors, hoarders, and protectors of knowledge considered forbidden or unsuitable for the general public.

Due to their manipulations, it is highly likely that there are no remaining copies of the book in Storm. However, there is hope that Ash still possesses a copy, as Harpocrates had a knowledgeable colleague there with an extensive library. Although it is probable that this associate has now joined the Akashic due to Ultima's manipulations, it is likely that his library remains intact. There is a possibility that a copy of "From a Distance" can be found there.

To obtain the book, players must travel to Ash, with the town of Vidargraes in northeastern Waloed being a recommended starting point. The town of Garnick, where Harpocrates's associate once resided, now lies abandoned. Within his house, numerous valuable and intriguing documents can be found. However, the main focus of this quest is to locate "From a Distance." It is tucked away on the left side of the house towards the back. The book unveils a wealth of information about the forgotten history of Bearers, including their status as chosen individuals bestowed with divine gifts in the past.

Unlock the Secrets: Final Fantasy 16's Captivating 'An Inconvenient Truth Quest' for True Lore Enthusiasts

When Clive tries to leave Garnick and hand over the book, he faces interference from a representative of the "Executors." Their objective is to ensure that the valuable information contained in the book gets destroyed. Consequently, Clive finds himself compelled to engage in combat with a group of thugs who are employed by the Executors. His aim is to safeguard the book and prevent it from falling into their hands.

The enemies encountered here are relatively easy to defeat, except for the Inquisitor who wields an axe. It is important to utilize Perfect Dodge or parrying techniques to counter the Inquisitor's attacks and swiftly take them out. Once the Inquisitor is dealt with, the rest of the enemies should pose little challenge. Alternatively, players may opt to eliminate the weaker foes using an area-of-effect (AOE) attack before engaging the Inquisitor, allowing them to focus solely on the main threat.

After successfully defeating all the enemies, the Executor reappears and reveals their true objective of controlling the truth. They aim to manipulate the public's understanding of history by limiting perspectives and suppressing information that could challenge their narrative. The Executor then permits Clive to retain possession of the book temporarily before mysteriously disappearing without a trace.

Vivian explains that although the "Truth" is influenced by collective belief, it is not fixed and can be altered. This realization fills her with optimism, believing that the situation of the Bearers can be improved and a brighter future can be created. As a gesture of her trust in Clive, she presents him with her Scholar's Cap.

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