Unlock the Secret Vault on Fortune's Keep in Call of Duty: Warzone

Unlock the Secret Vault on Fortune's Keep in Call of Duty: Warzone

Embark on a thrilling adventure to unveil the hidden loot vault on Fortune's Keep in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2.

Discover the Throne Vault

Step into the realm of Fortune's Keep in the latest season of Call of Duty: Warzone and prepare yourself for an exciting quest to uncover the secret vault.

Throne and torches

Throne and torches

Make your way to the majestic Keep point of interest, the heart of the castle. Venture into the grand throne room where two wall-mounted torches flank the regal seat, beckoning you to begin the ancient ritual.

Illuminate both torches to ignite the path to mystery. Take your place upon the throne, and watch as a hidden staircase materializes before you, leading down into the depths of the enigmatic puzzle vault.

Crack the Vault Puzzle

Descend into the vault room, shrouded in shadows and secrets. Resist the urge to light the additional torches scattered within; instead, focus on the circular vault door at the room's rear, adorned with three mysterious vent holes.

Vault puzzle door after using fire

Vault puzzle door after using fire

Harness the power of fire, using molotovs or thermite sticks found in the chamber, to unveil the intricate puzzle concealed above the door. By igniting the vents, a sequence of illuminated circles emerges on the door's surface, indicating the torches that must be kindled in the correct order.

Decipher the enigma of the lights and ignite the corresponding torches. Each match presents a unique sequence, challenging your wit and observation. As the final torch flickers to life, witness the vault door swing open, granting you access to unparalleled treasures within.

Claim Your Riches

Step into the vault's sanctuary, adorned with orange high-tier loot boxes, an abundance of killstreaks, and coveted gold rarity firearms. Your persistence and cunning have led you to this moment of triumph, where the spoils of victory await your claim.

Vault reward - Large weapon decal

Vault reward - Large weapon decal

Among the treasures lies a reward of enduring significance: the Genus Firmamentum large weapon decal, a symbol of your mastery over the hidden mysteries of Fortune's Keep. Emblazon your arsenal with this prestigious emblem, marking your conquest of the elusive vault.