Unlock the Power: The Ultimate Guide to Wind Shard Uses and Acquisition in Final Fantasy 16

Unlock the Power: The Ultimate Guide to Wind Shard Uses and Acquisition in Final Fantasy 16

Discover the myriad uses of the Wind Shard, a vital crafting material in Final Fantasy 16 Unravel the mysteries surrounding this enchanting resource and unlock its true potential

The Wind Shard is a coveted material in Final Fantasy 16, obtained as a reward for vanquishing Garuda during the Awakening main quest. Although its description vaguely suggests its usefulness in crafting, it fails to provide specific details regarding its potential applications. As a result, players often find themselves pondering the many possibilities and practical applications of Final Fantasy 16's Wind Shard. Fear not, for this comprehensive guide is here to illuminate the uses of this coveted item.

Final Fantasy 16: Wind Shard Uses

In Final Fantasy 16, players have the opportunity to use the Wind Shard obtained from defeating Garuda to craft the powerful Stormcry weapon. With an attack power of 135 and a stagger rating of 135, Stormcry is a formidable weapon. To initiate the crafting process, players need to visit Blackthorne, the blacksmith located in Cid's Hideaway, and access the "Craftable Items" tab. Interestingly, the Wind Shard is the sole material required for creating Stormcry, ensuring a straightforward acquisition of this weapon.

While Stormcry is already a formidable weapon, players may opt to upgrade it as they progress in the game. However, this upgrade process differs from the typical reinforcement method used for other swords. Instead, Stormcry acts as the starting point for a series of transformations that will enhance the sword into stronger iterations. The first transformation takes place after completing the Meaning of Life main story quest and results in the sword becoming Flametongue.

Unlock the Power: The Ultimate Guide to Wind Shard Uses and Acquisition in Final Fantasy 16

Replaying the battle against Garuda using Final Fantasy 16's Arete Stone does not reward additional Wind Shards. This ultimately means that it is impossible to simultaneously possess every weapon in the game, as Stormcry and its transformation will continuously replace each other. While this fact should not cause any gameplay-related problems, avid fans who had anticipated having a complete collection of swords in their inventories upon reaching the end of the game may find this somewhat disheartening.


For fans who feel disheartened at the prospect of eventually parting ways with the Stormcry, take solace in knowing that the game offers a plethora of superior weapons. One such weapon is the formidable Gotterdammerung, boasting a staggering 375 attack power and 375 staggering ability—a remarkable feat surpassing the Stormcry's capabilities by over 200 points. As an added incentive, players who undertake the journey of crafting this remarkable sword will be rewarded with a coveted Final Fantasy 16 trophy. It's a tempting proposition that adds to the allure of pursuing this coveted weapon.

Players can embrace the enchanting world of Final Fantasy 16 exclusively on the PS5.