Unlock the Mystery: Tyrunt in Pokemon GO – Shiny or Not?
Unveiling Tyrunt's Shiny Potential in Pokemon GO's Adventure Week 2023! Learn how to evolve Tyrunt into the awe-inspiring Tyrantrum Stay ahead in the quest for shiny glory!
Pokemon X and Y, released for the Nintendo 3DS, introduced the sixth generation of the mainline Pokemon series. One exciting aspect of these games was the addition of two new evolutionary lines from ancient fossils. While Tyrunt, a Dragon/Rock-type Pokemon, is not new to Pokemon GO, it will be highlighted in the upcoming event known as Adventure Week 2023. This event begins on July 27 at 10 am local time and concludes on August 2 at 8 pm local time.
During Adventure Week, trainers will have a greater chance of encountering Tyrunt in the wild, as well as another fossil Pokemon called Amaura, a Rock/Ice Tundra creature. However, one burning question on the minds of Pokemon GO players is whether Tyrunt can appear as a shiny variant. Now, let's reveal the answer.
Can Tyrunt be Shiny in Pokemon GO?
For the very first time in the history of Pokemon GO, players now have the opportunity to encounter the rare blue-colored shiny versions of Tyrunt and Tyrantrum. Additionally, there is an added bonus for players hatching Tyrunt or Amaura from 7 km eggs, as they are now more likely to be shiny, providing another chance to obtain these uncommon species.
Furthermore, during the Adventure Week event, PoGo players can look forward to a special Collection Challenge that concludes with encounters with Tyrunt and Amaura. On top of that, completing two Field Research Tasks will reward trainers with encounters with these fossil Pokemon.
How to Evolve Tyrunt into Tyrantrum
Trainers in the regular Pokemon games can evolve their Tyrunt into Tyrantrum by leveling it up to level 39 during the daytime. The method for evolving Tyrunt in Pokemon GO is similar, but instead of raising its power, trainers need to obtain 50 Tyrunt Candy. Using 50 Tyrunt Candy during the day will trigger the Pokemon's evolution. On the other hand, Amaura requires 50 Candy to evolve, but it can only evolve into Aurorus during the nighttime. If you are interested in learning more about the day and night cycle in Pokemon GO, please refer to our dedicated strategy guide.
When encountering Tyrunt as a spawn, remember to use Pinap Berries to maximize the Candy received upon catching. This will aid in evolving Tyrunt into Tyrantrum more easily. Additionally, players can designate Tyrunt as their Buddy to earn Candy while walking or transfer any duplicate Tyrunt to further increase their Candy collection. Pokémon GO can be accessed on mobile devices.