Unlock the Hidden Secrets: 6 Mind-Blowing Rust Mechanics Revealed!
Discover the lesser-known mechanics in Rust that even experienced players may have overlooked Uncover hidden loot rooms, maximize campfire comfort, utilize beancan wall rotation, exploit the random door opener, master the art of loud jumping, and learn the secrets of breaking road signs
Rust, a long-standing multiplayer survival game, owes its success to frequent updates and added features. Over its nearly ten-year existence, the game has amassed a wealth of intricate mechanics that even the most dedicated players may struggle to fully comprehend. Certain hidden aspects of the game can give players an edge over their peers, making it worthwhile to familiarize oneself with these valuable insights. Mastering these mechanics in games with steep skill curves can impress others and provide a strategic advantage.
6 Hidden Loot Rooms
Being raided in Rust is a nightmare, especially when all your valuable loot is stolen. To combat this, players have come up with clever tactics to construct bases with concealed storage spaces capable of holding up to two large boxes. The secret lies in creating a minuscule gap between floors that allows players to access chests placed underneath.
These hidden loot rooms not only serve as extra storage but also go unnoticed by raiders who often don't bother searching for them. Instead of focusing solely on the stability of a building, it may be wise to consider the advantages of concealing loot within the foundations of a base.
After getting raided, all chests will be looted except for the hidden ones. With a secret loot cache, this will help players recover much more quickly.
5 Campfire Comfort
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The purpose of campfires is twofold: cooking food and bringing comfort to players. However, solo players face a drawback as their comfort level will not exceed 50% unless they team up with another player. Interestingly, few players are aware that the comfort bonus can be obtained from players located outside of their base.
Door camping in Rust is often frowned upon, but it can be an efficient tactic to gain an advantage over enemies. To avoid falling victim to a potential ambush, consider utilizing a campfire as a warning system. By lighting a campfire near the exit of your base, you can be alerted if there is an enemy door camping. Simply monitor the comfort level of the campfire and if it exceeds 50%, it indicates the presence of a player directly outside. It's important to note that while this method may not detect enemies camping from a distance, it is highly effective in identifying threats in close proximity to your base.
4 Beancan Wall Rotate
Dealing with an intruder inside an airlock can be a challenging situation. A single mistake could grant them greater access and potentially lead to a takeover. Should the invader possess one of the most powerful weapons in Rust, a direct confrontation would not be advisable. Thankfully, fortifying the base offers several advantages, with the ability to rotate walls providing a strategic edge.
When thrown, Beancans adhere to walls and explode within seconds. Upgrading a wall enables players to temporarily rotate it. Once the enemy becomes trapped within the airlock, upgrade one of the walls and throw a Beancan at it. Swiftly rotate the wall and await the detonation.
There is a chance for the Beancan to become a dud, so keep a backup just in case.
3 Random Door Opener
Discovering that your base has been raided while you were offline is undoubtedly one of the most disheartening experiences. Unscrupulous adversaries meticulously observe bases, monitoring the residents' online status. Once they detect a period of inactivity, they seize the opportunity to launch a simple and effortless offline raid.
Building a foundation requires significant effort, and ensuring its security is crucial. To emulate an occupied base, players have devised electrical circuits that cause doors to open and close randomly. This strategic approach deters potential adversaries as they may mistake the noise for an active player, prompting them to seek out alternative, quieter bases.
2 Loud Jumping
Audio is the most efficient method to determine the presence of enemy players in close proximity. Various actions, such as gathering resources or wielding a bow, emit distinctive sounds that can be perceived from a considerable distance. The sound of sprinting can be discerned up to a distance of 50 meters, making it essential to be cognizant of the opportune moments to adopt a crouched position.
Reducing unnecessary audio during intense PVP encounters can greatly prevent ambushes by other players. While sprinting may create some noise, jumping generates even louder sounds. Jumping can be heard from a far greater distance than sprinting and has the potential to reveal a player's location during monument runs. Thus, it is crucial to refrain from jumping when enemies are nearby to avoid giving away one's position through the loud audio.
1 Breaking Road Signs
Gathering scrap in the early game is highly beneficial by hitting the road. Destructible barrels are an excellent source of scrap and components, making it easier for any player to begin their journey. Although breaking barrels is widely known, not many players are aware that Road Signs can also be destructible. Breaking them will reward you with one road sign and one metal pipe.
Scrapping one road sign and one metal pipe will result in obtaining ten scrap and three high-quality metal. To break a road sign efficiently, it is recommended to use a mace. However, to avoid any surprises, it is advisable to have a partner to keep an eye out for other players as breaking road signs creates loud noises.
Rust is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.