Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

Embark on an epic intergalactic journey in Starfield's captivating first quest Uncover the secrets of a perplexing anomaly as you navigate through character creation, triumph over pirates, master spaceship mechanics, face off against Brogan, and venture to the Lodge

In Starfield, players who are familiar with other RPGs developed by Bethesda will notice that the game follows a similar format. At the start, players have limited freedom in terms of exploration and actions as they are introduced to the game's world and create their character. However, once the initial stages are completed, players are given full autonomy to explore the vast universe.

The first main quest of Starfield, called "One Small Step," begins with players assuming the role of a miner. Through a series of events, players are swept into an epic adventure that takes them across the galaxy in search of answers. Here is what players can expect from this initial quest in Starfield.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Follow Lin

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

After a short cinematic, players will be able to exit the elevator and follow Lin. There isn't much else to do, so simply proceed with Lin to progress the story. Soon, Lin will pause next to a crate. When prompted, approach the crate and collect a Cutter. This tool enables players to mine for materials they will come across throughout the game, so it's essential to always have a Cutter on hand.

The blue waypoints mark various locations where Beryllium deposits can be found. To extract the Beryllium, use the Cutter to break the rocks. After collecting all the deposits, Lin will signal for the players to return to her.

Stay with Lin as she leads the way. At some point, players will need to venture into a newly accessible area independently. Follow the blue waypoint until reaching a dead end with peculiar floating rocks. Shoot the shiny segment of the pillar and retrieve the item labeled as "???"

Character Creation

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

After a brief cutscene, players can finally personalize their character, including their physical appearance, background, and traits. The character's background determines the three skills they start with, while traits offer a variety of interesting effects.

Upon completion, players are prompted to choose a name and can then access their inventory screen. They also have the option to switch the camera perspective from first person to third person. Proceed by following Lin as she goes to greet the client. Once prompted, equip a helmet from the inventory. Once this step is completed, Lin will open the airlock, progressing the story. Follow Lin and listen to her conversation with Barrett, and prepare for an upcoming battle.

Defeat the Pirates

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

Sprint to the left and be sure to take a pistol from the box on the crate above. The pistol will be much more efficient for handling the pirates. Each pirate is marked with a blue waypoint, making it simple to keep track of how many are left. After eliminating all the pirates, approach Barrett and engage in conversation with him.

Due to their knowledge of the artifact, players are enlisted into Constellation. Before concluding the conversation, players can inquire Barrett about the Artifact, Constellation, and the pirates. Once ready, proceed to the ship situated behind Barrett and take a seat in the pilot's chair.

Spaceship Tutorial

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

After ascending into space, players will promptly receive a comprehensive tutorial on operating a spaceship and operating its various onboard systems. This tutorial can be bypassed by evenly distributing power to all systems. Following the introductory tutorial, players will engage in their inaugural space combat encounter. All weapon controls are conveniently listed at the top of the user interface, ensuring players are always aware of which button or key to activate their weapons.

Once the initial ship is defeated, two additional vessels will emerge. It is crucial to allocate three power points to the shield, as this will facilitate evading hull damage. Upon successfully dealing with the ships, the objective will be updated. To securely reach New Atlantis, players must first eliminate the pirate outpost situated on Kreet.

To save time, it is recommended to opt for fast travel instead of flying to Kreet, as the journey can take several real-world hours. Follow these steps:

1. Open the mission tab and choose the One Small Step mission.

2. In the lower right-hand corner, locate the option to set a course. This allows you to fast travel in Starfield.

3. Upon arrival, navigate towards the moon and proceed to land.

4. It's worth noting that there is only one accessible location on the moon, which happens to be the pirate outpost.

Deal with the Pirates

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

The pirates have transformed an outdated research facility into their stronghold. Proceed towards the entrance of the base, but remain vigilant of the indigenous wildlife. Certain creatures may disregard players, while others may initiate an attack. As you venture into the facility, be on the lookout for advantageous items such as Med Packs.

Upon entering the facility, turn left and make your way towards the stairs. Continue following the designated blue waypoint until you encounter a band of pirates. Dispose of them and scavenge any valuables they possess. Since players may be low on ammunition and weaponry, it is advisable to take this opportunity to replenish supplies.

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

As players progress through the facility, it is almost certain that they will level up. Upon reaching a new level, players will receive a valuable skill point that can be utilized to enhance existing skills or discover new ones. The game has no limitations on leveling, implying that players have the potential to ultimately unlock all skills available.

How to Deal With Brogan

While exploring the facility, players will come across a compact safe that offers the option of being unlocked through the skillful art of lock picking. Although not mandatory, opening this safe can yield valuable items to assist players on their journey. Adjacent to the safe stands a ladder leading up to the roof. It is advisable to restore health before ascending as potential adversaries await above. However, depending on the actions taken by the players, it is possible to avoid engaging in combat with these foes.

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

Shortly after reaching the rooftop, players will engage in a dialogue with Brogan, the head of the pirate gang. There is a possibility to convince Brogan to allow players to depart peacefully. However, if diplomacy fails, the sole alternative will be to eliminate him along with his comrades on the rooftop.

Go to the Lodge

After making their choice, players should fast travel back to the ship and ensure that there is sufficient power in the grav drive before setting a course. Once arrived at Jemison, they should access the map and proceed to travel to New Atlantis.

Unlock the Cosmos: Master the Starfield Game with this Ultimate Walkthrough

Although the primary goal is to reach the Lodge, players may find it worthwhile to seize the opportunity and venture out for exploration. New Atlantis offers a plethora of activities and even presents some enticing side quests for players to undertake. When prepared to advance the storyline, simply trace the path marked by the blue waypoint to locate a transit car, which conveniently shuttles between different zones of New Atlantis.

The Lodge is located in the MAST District. To enter, head towards the building indicated by the waypoint. Inside, players will engage in a long conversation and meet the remaining members of Constellation. When instructed, place the artifact on the table alongside the other two. A captivating light display will follow, leading to a conversation with Sarah. Once this conversation is concluded, the quest One Small Step will be completed, and The Old Neighborhood, the next main quest, will commence.

Starfield is currently accessible on PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms.