Unlock Limitless Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Digipicks in Starfield

Unlock Limitless Possibilities: Mastering the Art of Digipicks in Starfield

Unlock endless opportunities in the vast universe of Starfield with an abundance of digipicks Discover the ultimate guide to acquiring these essential lockpicks and conquer every challenge that lies ahead

Where to get digipicks in Starfield

Digipicks, unlike traditional lockpicks, not only share the same name and process but also serve the familiar purpose of gaining access to otherwise unattainable loot boxes and rooms. Initially scarce in Starfield, you may be left pondering how to acquire more of these valuable tools. While accumulating dozens of them quickly may prove challenging, there are methods that can help you consistently find a few additional digipicks during each mission. Eventually, you can stockpile enough to unlock the entirety of the universe. Now, that's an intriguing notion! Here's a guide on acquiring more lockpicks, or rather, digipicks, in Starfield.

To avoid experiencing that situation, make sure to follow these steps regularly throughout your adventure:

In certain locations like the Spaceport of New Atlantis, merchants commonly sell digipicks in bundles of three. Their stock replenishes every 24 hours, although it should be noted that digipicks may not always be available again based on our experience. One strategy you can try is purchasing all the digipicks available from a merchant and then advancing time by sitting or sleeping and selecting the option to wait for 24 hours. Afterwards, you can check if the merchant has restocked their inventory.

Enemies frequently carry digipicks, so it became our routine to loot defeated enemies for ammo and digipicks, at the very least. In the early stages, you'll find yourself in need of both, so make sure to collect as many as possible.

Inside buildings, digipicks are often scattered around, and you can easily locate them (along with other items) by utilizing your scanner. Simply press LB to activate the scanner, and you'll notice that all pickable items are highlighted with a blue outline.

Beyond popular hubs such as Neon or New Atlantis, it is possible to stumble upon merchants who offer more than just three digipicks at once. This gives you the opportunity to potentially utilize the aforementioned tip for even greater gains.

In many instances, a digipick serves as only one solution to a problem. By selecting the most advantageous skills in Starfield, you will have multiple paths to achieve success in any case.

For a lot more on Bethesda's space adventure, check out our Starfield guides hub.