Unleashing Your Inner Persona: Top Games to Beat the Anticipation for New Releases

Unleashing Your Inner Persona: Top Games to Beat the Anticipation for New Releases

While eagerly awaiting the release of new Persona titles in 2024, fans can indulge in a variety of captivating games to pass the time Discover the enchanting world of Affogato, embark on thrilling adventures in Scarlet Nexus, immerse yourself in the strategic gameplay of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and experience the tactical brilliance of Persona 5 Tactica


2024 promises to be a great year for Persona fans with the remake of Persona 3 and the highly anticipated release of Persona 6.

Fans can explore other games that truly capture the essence of the Persona series, like Affogato, Scarlet Nexus, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Moreover, Persona 5 Tactica, an upcoming turn-based tactics spin-off, is sure to further ignite the enthusiasm of Persona enthusiasts.

2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for the Persona series, with the remake of Persona 3 and the highly anticipated release of Persona 6. There have also been rumors of other Persona spin-offs in development. Fans of this outstanding JRPG franchise will have plenty to celebrate next year. However, with a significant gap between now and 2024, it may feel like a long wait for the release of these upcoming Persona games. Thankfully, there are some fantastic games available right now to help pass the time and ease the anticipation for the next groundbreaking RPG/social sim hybrid.

When you ask fans of the Persona series about their favorite aspect of the franchise, you will likely receive a variety of answers. Some fans love the series for its unique social systems and the opportunity to form deep bonds with party members. Others enjoy the monster-taming aspect of collecting and merging Personas. Additionally, many fans appreciate the visually stunning designs and incredible soundtracks of Persona 4 and Persona 5. Fortunately, there are several games that embody one or more of these aspects, making the wait for new Persona titles a bit more bearable.


Unleashing Your Inner Persona: Top Games to Beat the Anticipation for New Releases

Scarlet Nexus

: Affogato - A Fusion of Coffee Shop Management and Tower Defense with a Heartfelt Persona Charm

Out of the games featured here, Affogato stands out as the loudest proclamation of its Persona inspirations. However, it goes beyond being a shameless imitation and instead pays a heartfelt homage to the popular series. Blending coffee shop management simulation with reverse tower defense deck-building, Affogato flawlessly merges different genres while showcasing menus, soundtrack, and presentation reminiscent of Persona 5. The game also offers the opportunity to cultivate relationships with characters and boost stats through everyday activities like reading and arcade visits, further accentuating its parallels to Persona. Impressively, despite its recent release, Affogato has already garnered a Very Positive aggregate score on Steam, resonating exceptionally well with Persona fans worldwide.

Unleashing Your Inner Persona: Top Games to Beat the Anticipation for New Releases

Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus, developed by the same team behind the Tales series and God Eater games, combines real-time combat reminiscent of Devil May Cry and psychic abilities akin to Control. However, at its core, Scarlet Nexus remains a JRPG. It focuses on the development of relationships between one of the two main characters and their companions through meaningful conversations and gift exchanges. Boasting an exceptional storyline, thrilling combat, stunning visuals, and a captivating social link system, Scarlet Nexus is a must-play for any Persona fan.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Unleashing Your Inner Persona: Top Games to Beat the Anticipation for New Releases

Persona 5 Tactica

Fire Emblem: Three Houses surpasses all expectations, solidifying its place as the pinnacle of the franchise's success in the Western market. Reminiscent of Persona 5's impact on its own series, Three Houses revolutionizes the Fire Emblem formula by introducing a schoolyard simulator alongside its beloved gameplay mechanics. This unparalleled combination results in one of the greatest Fire Emblem games ever created. The Academy's social systems and captivating classroom activities are just as engrossing and rewarding as the exhilarating on-field combat.

Unleashing Your Inner Persona: Top Games to Beat the Anticipation for New Releases

With the next Persona 5 spin-off, Persona 5 Tactica, currently unavailable, fans are eagerly anticipating its release. The fact that it has taken this long for a turn-based tactics spin-off for the Persona series is perplexing, but thankfully, the wait will be over this November. The tactics subgenre aligns perfectly with the Persona series, and leveraging the incredible cast and aesthetic of Persona 5 only reinforces the enduring popularity of this exceptional JRPG. While not a mainline Persona title, fans have every reason to be thrilled about the upcoming release of Persona 5 Tactica.

Persona 3 Reload is set to release in early 2024 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.