Unleashing the World of Pokémon: Exploring Australia in the Epic Generation 10 Game

Unleashing the World of Pokémon: Exploring Australia in the Epic Generation 10 Game

Unleash your imagination Down Under with Pokemon Gen 10! Brace yourself for an epic adventure set in an Australia-based region Prepare to explore rich lore, diverse geography, and encounter unique creatures in the exciting new games, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet


Speculation surrounding the fate of the Pokemon series has sparked among fans, as they ponder on what lies ahead. Among the theories being discussed, one intriguing possibility suggests that the upcoming region for Generation 10 might draw inspiration from Australia. This speculation gains traction due to the discovery of intriguing evidence within the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet artworks.

A Gen 10 region based in Australia could feature a wide range of landscapes, including deserts, rainforests, and coastal areas.

Drawing inspiration from Australia, this region could introduce new Pokemon that are based on iconic Australian species. It could also include regional variants or counterfeit Pokemon, as well as Fossil Pokemon and Poison types. The region's story and lore could draw upon Aboriginal Australian mythology, incorporating elements such as the Rainbow Serpent and Dirawong.

The release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's one-year anniversary is approaching, leading fans to speculate on the future of the series. While leaks and rumors suggest that the next game will be set in the Unova Region, some fans are already looking ahead to Gen 10 and what it may bring. There is speculation that Gen 10's region will be based on Australia, offering new creatures and environments for players to explore.

Although it is currently just speculation from fans, there are players who have found potential evidence in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that supports the idea of a Gen 10 region based on Australia or Italy. This evidence comes in the form of paintings in the Gen 9 games, one resembling Uluru, a sandstone monolith in the Australian Outback, and another depicting an Italian-inspired city street titled "Street, Midday." The Pokemon series has a history of hinting at future generations in its games, leaving the possibility open for an Australian-based region in Gen 10.

An Australia-Based Region Holds a Lot of Potential for Pokemon Gen 10

Unleashing the World of Pokémon: Exploring Australia in the Epic Generation 10 Game

The design of a Pokemon region based on Australia would heavily focus on its diverse geography, mirroring the real-world continent. Coastal areas would be home to major cities inspired by Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth, while smaller towns would be scattered throughout the inland regions. The region would feature iconic landmarks like Uluru, showcasing the desert climate of the Outback. Additionally, the north would have a monsoon climate, the southeast a temperate oceanic climate, and the southwest a semi-arid climate, enriching the region with a variety of environments.

As with previous generations, fans eagerly anticipate the introduction of new Pokemon inspired by Australian species. Popular existing Mons like Psyduck, Kangaskhan, and Komala, which draw parallels to the platypus, kangaroo, and koala respectively, could be reimagined as regional variants or new designs that embrace these animal influences. In addition, players could also expect to encounter a charming early-game Normal type resembling the beloved quokka, as well as a powerful Flying type inspired by the kookaburra.

Australia boasts a rich and distinctive array of fauna, many of which are exclusive to the region or have unfortunately become extinct. This offers an exciting possibility for the reintroduction of Fossil Pokemon in future generations, particularly featuring captivating creatures like the Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger, as well as the majestic Moa, a giant emu-like bird that once roamed the land. Given Australia's reputation as a haven for venomous species, it is highly likely that players can anticipate the introduction of new Poison type Pokemon from a forthcoming Australia-based region in Generation 10.

The narrative and mythology of this region could draw heavily upon the wisdom and storytelling of the Aboriginal Australian peoples, specifically embracing concepts such as The Dreaming or Dreamtime, which illustrate the interconnectedness of the natural world with the past, present, and future. Two mythical figures from Aboriginal folklore, the Dirawong and Rainbow Serpent, possess the potential to serve as awe-inspiring Legendaries within the Pokemon series. According to legend, these adversaries played a pivotal role in shaping the land during the Dreamtime. The fusion of the intricate Aboriginal mythology with the diverse geography and fauna of the continent positions Australia as an ideal choice for serving as a wellspring of inspiration for Pokemon Generation 10's region.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available for Nintendo Switch.