Unleashing the Ultimate Wolfenstein Experience: Amazon Prime's Hidden Gem

Unleashing the Ultimate Wolfenstein Experience: Amazon Prime's Hidden Gem

Fans of Wolfenstein will be captivated by the thrilling and action-packed Amazon Prime series, Hunters With intense storytelling and a unique blend of historical fiction and fantasy, this underrated show leaves you craving for more Don't miss out on the gripping adventures of the Hunters in their quest for justice and revenge

In science fiction or fantasy genres, various pre-existing villains such as orcs, demons, aliens, and non-human monsters are readily available to choose from. However, when it comes to historical fiction, there is only one group of unsympathetic evildoers that stands out: the Nazis. They are universally recognized as deserving the harshest treatment imaginable. In works like Wolfenstein and Hunters, the heroes unite to showcase the most appropriate response to fascism.

The trajectory of the Wolfenstein franchise offers an intriguing perspective on the cultural significance of Nazis. Initially, they were portrayed as mere shooting gallery targets, easily disposable and filling the role that demons played in Doom during the 1990s. However, with MachineGames taking over the series in 2014, the presence of Nazis regained significance. It is quite astonishing to think about going back in time to 1992 and informing a Wolfenstein 3D fan that the franchise would later stir controversy by fearlessly depicting the violent murder of Nazis.

What is Hunters about?

Unleashing the Ultimate Wolfenstein Experience: Amazon Prime's Hidden Gem

During World War II, the Allied Powers showed surprising leniency towards the Nazis, with only 24 of them being tried at Nuremberg, including notorious figures such as Martin Bormann, Hanz Frank, and Julius Streicher. However, their punishment was far from adequate, as only ten of them were executed by an inept hangman named John C. Woods. Many high-ranking Nazis managed to escape to other countries or took their own lives, while others were given a free pass to America to aid in the space race. Some found refuge in South America. In the following years, countless individuals dedicated themselves to tracking down these fugitive fascists. Drawing inspiration from these true stories and his own personal background as the grandson of Holocaust survivors, showrunner David Weil created Hunters, an action-packed alternate-history drama.

Set in 1977, a time when Star Wars dominated the box office and Fleetwood Mac ruled the music charts, the series follows Jonah Heidelbaum, a young man driven by a thirst for revenge after his grandmother, Ruth, is tragically murdered. It is through this tragedy that Jonah is introduced to Meyer Offerman, a Holocaust survivor who had shared the horrors of Auschwitz with Ruth. Meyer reveals to Jonah a secret organization known as the Hunters, a diverse group united in their mission to unveil and eliminate hidden Nazis. Jonah's exceptional talent as a codebreaker proves invaluable in their efforts to expose a far-reaching Nazi conspiracy within the highest echelons of the American government. As the Hunters delve deeper into the truth, they discover that they are the last line of defense against the potential rise of a Fourth Reich, and the fate of the world rests in their hands.

How does Hunters relate to Wolfenstein?

Unleashing the Ultimate Wolfenstein Experience: Amazon Prime's Hidden Gem

The Wolfenstein series by MachineGames and Hunters tell stories of diverse groups of specialists from different backgrounds, motivated by intertwined reasons, who unite to fight against Nazis. The underlying concept of both works is closely connected. Wolfenstein: The New Order is set in an alternate 1960 where Germany emerged victorious in World War II, while Hunters presents a more realistic setting. In Wolfenstein, the Nazis have triumphed, resulting in the collapse of all opposition, allowing the fascists to dominate the world. The games take a moment to explain that white Americans were generally accepting of the Nazi regime. In Hunters, although the Nazis have not yet won, the presence of pervasive bigotry enables them to easily assimilate.

Although both works focus on the act of killing Nazis, they equally emphasize the experiences of the Hunters. Fascism, whether under the Nazis or covertly influenced by them, excludes the heroes of these stories. Despite their fundamental differences, characters such as BJ and Jonah would be able to blend in Nazi-led America, but they are ultimately rejected by it. These stories revolve around the formation of communities in unlikely circumstances, where people come together to defend themselves when the system fails them. Both works illustrate how their heroes engage in self-defense in similar ways.

Does Hunters have a second season?

Unleashing the Ultimate Wolfenstein Experience: Amazon Prime's Hidden Gem

The second season of Hunters was released on Amazon Prime Video in January. Unlike the first season, it didn't generate as much attention. The showrunners made it clear that the second season would be the last. In the show, Meyer and Ruth's time in Auschwitz is frequently depicted, creating a stark contrast between the campy violence of the main story and the horror of the camps. The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum criticized the show for depicting nonexistent methods of torture. Unlike most Nazi vengeance films, Hunters uses this aspect of history to develop its heroes. The second season delves deeper into alternate history after a shocking revelation.

Hunters is a complex show that blends different genres, appealing to a specific type of viewer. Its constant references to comics reveal its intention of creating superheroes in unexpected settings. It offers a similar cathartic experience to MachineGames' Wolfenstein, but with more depth and a talented cast of characters. The entire series is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video. For those interested in seeing ordinary people take on BJ Blazkowicz's role, Hunters is a series worth enjoying.