Unleashing the Ultimate Modern Era Grand Strategy Games: The Definitive 6 Must-Play Titles
Discover the top 6 modern-era grand strategy games that are worth your attention From the intense political dynamics of Balance of Power to the immersive world of World Warfare & Economics, this list is a must-read for strategy enthusiasts
The joy of grand strategy games lies in witnessing the execution of a well-crafted plan. From selecting the perfect units, skills, and upgrades to reshaping history and assuming the role of iconic figures like Alexander the Great, Cao Cao, or Shaka Zulu (in some cases, quite literally) - it is a captivating experience. However, many of these games tend to focus on ancient periods or conclude just as the modern era begins, such as Victoria 3 and Europa Universalis 4.
There are various reasons behind this trend. Some argue that replicating older battle tactics in video games is simpler, while others believe developers are hesitant to touch upon sensitive political topics, as it may lead to their work being banned. Nonetheless, this does not imply the absence of grand strategy games set in modern times. In fact, a handful of exceptional titles do exist, and the following list features the very best among them.
6 Balance of Power
The term "Modern Era" can vary depending on the context. For the purpose of this list, it refers to anything after World War 2. While 80+ years may seem significant, it is relatively short compared to the historical scope covered by games like Civilization and other strategy games, which span multiple centuries and even millennia. This definition also includes Cold War-based games, such as Balance of Power, which is one of the oldest games on the list dating back to 1985.
During this time, there was a heightened concern about the possibility of an all-out war. It was in this climate that developer Chris Crawford decided to create a game where players, taking on the roles of either the US or USSR, must maintain peace and avoid triggering a nuclear catastrophe. Failing to do so results in a memorable game-over screen that states, "And no, there is no animated display of a mushroom cloud with parts of bodies flying through the air. We do not reward failure."
5 Supreme Ruler Ultimate
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However, considering that 1985 was almost 40 years ago, it is only logical to expect grand strategy games to be more modern. Supreme Ruler Ultimate successfully accomplishes this by offering a blend of the previous Supreme Ruler games, presenting players with a variety of era-based sandboxes to strategically navigate.
By utilizing their military units, cabinet departments, and profound understanding of the game's economic system, players can engage in conflicts spanning both World Wars and the intermediate period. Alternatively, they can intensify the Cold War tensions or explore numerous scenarios set between 2017 and 2020. Released in 2014, the game also includes fictionalized scenarios featuring a divided or united States under the influence of a controversial leader.
4 Storm: Frontline Nation
Released in 2011, Storm: Frontline Nation by Colossai Studios diverges from political satire and focuses on intense gameplay. With a choice of 45 nations, players must navigate through a world of strained modern politics, where alliances are rare and military power is on the rise. The game puts the player in charge of managing production, diplomacy, research, and troop coordination, either to defend against rivals or to conquer Europe and North Africa. Reviews of the game were generally positive, with critics appreciating the inclusion of modern military elements such as anti-tank rounds and chemical warfare, unlike other games like Crusader Kings.
3 Rogue State Revolution
Little Red Dog Games' Rogue State Revolution focuses on the fictional nation of Basenji, where players must navigate the cultural differences of the nation's 5 provinces to win over voters. They need to carefully select ministers and prevent them from becoming too popular, as this could result in opposition during the next in-game election.
While political intrigue takes center stage, players must also manage Basenji's infrastructure, handle diplomatic relations with other nations, and stay vigilant for unexpected events. Failing in any of these aspects could lead to being voted out of power or facing even worse consequences. The game's controversial ad removal stems from some individuals' refusal to accept that the player's control is not guaranteed.
2 Conflict of Nations: World War 3
For players seeking a larger-scale gaming experience, few games can rival the magnitude of Conflict of Nations: World War 3. Set in the late 20th Century/early 21st Century, this game was designed for extended sessions that can last for days or even weeks. The multiplayer aspect of the game is particularly impressive, accommodating up to 140 players who must strategize and form alliances in order to combat their enemies.
By joining forces, players can develop more robust defensive tactics or launch a more powerful offensive. They will also have a vast array of modern technologies at their disposal, provided they effectively manage their economic, military, and weapons research endeavors. The game even offers the possibility of creating chemical intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and nuclear weapons. However, caution must be exercised when utilizing these destructive forces, as they could potentially turn the rest of the world against the player.
1 World Warfare & Economics
Although the game has not been fully released yet, it would not be entirely fair to withhold a recommendation. World Warfare & Economics is currently available in Early Access and offers a range of features including playable countries, comprehensive economic and political management, AI opponents, and real-time battles spanning 4,000 regions in the modern world. Despite its unfinished state, the game has already received commendable feedback.
The complete version of the game aims to provide 220 playable countries, consisting of 195 recognized UN nations, as well as 25 colonies and disputed states. Each country will possess its own unique economy, military, and technological advancements. Players will have the opportunity to participate in real international events, strategically play the political game to gain support, and even venture into space if they progress technologically. However, for now, players must focus their strategic efforts within the confines of the Early Access demo.