Unleashing the Ultimate Evolution: The Next Batman Game Transcends Arkham Asylum's Paradigm
The Next Batman Game Should Embrace Arkham Asylum's Brilliance: A superhero masterpiece, Arkham Asylum sets the bar high for the next Batman game With its distinctive setting and an ever-growing Batman, it's time for the caped crusader to learn from this iconic game
Batman: Arkham Asylum is a timeless and immersive gaming experience with exceptional mechanics, an authentic story, and a realistic portrayal of Batman and his world.
The distinctively confined setting of Arkham Asylum distinguishes it from its sequels, enabling players to have a unique gameplay experience filled with a diverse array of puzzles and challenges. Additionally, the game's progression system gradually introduces new gadgets and abilities, enhancing the overall gameplay and effectively keeping players engaged. This aspect makes it an ideal blueprint for future Batman games.
Batman: Arkham Asylum stands out as a remarkable combination of exceptional gameplay mechanics and an authentic portrayal of the comic's story, setting, and characters. The eerie yet familiar environment of the asylum, under the control of the Joker, constantly challenges Batman's abilities and keeps the tension high. Although its sequels have their merits, the first game has aged exceptionally well and remains an extraordinary gaming experience.
There is no doubt that Batman's prominence in popular culture guarantees his return to the gaming world. Whether developed by Rocksteady or another studio, it is only a matter of time before he gets another game. While there have been various interpretations of Batman in games like Batman Returns on Sega Genesis, Batman: The Telltale Series in 2016, and LEGO Batman on seventh-generation consoles, Arkham Asylum's approach to progression serves as the ultimate inspiration for future Batman games.
Batman's Night in the Asylum is Distinctive and Different
The 2011 follow-up Batman: Arkham City introduced an open world concept that would be used in future games. However, the smaller and more confined setting of Batman: Arkham Asylum stands out as unique, allowing for a greater emphasis on gameplay mechanics and puzzles. Batman is constantly faced with new challenges and puzzles to solve, whether it's to advance the story or uncover hidden Riddler trophies. This compact setting doesn't compromise on diversity, but rather utilizes its surroundings more effectively compared to later games in the franchise.
In contrast, a return to a more restricted space in the next Batman game would enhance the progression and focus of the gameplay. By limiting the open world elements, the player can acquire new gadgets at a steady pace, creating a tighter and more focused experience. The abundance of side activities in later games could prove to be distracting for players, and having access to these distractions early on can lead to unproductive gameplay sessions that seem to pass by without achieving much.
Arkham Asylum's Batman is Efficient, But Ever-Growing
Progression is vital in any game, and in Arkham Asylum, Batman's combat style relies heavily on gadgets and technology. The game utilizes these tools to help players learn new skills and enhance their abilities as the story unfolds. Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy is an action-adventure series played from a third-person perspective. However, in the first game, the availability of gadgets is limited, resulting in a Metroidvania-like experience where revisiting previously explored areas can be highly rewarding. Certain sections of the hub world can only be discovered and explored after obtaining a specific item.
This concept is clever and can be seamlessly incorporated into the storyline. While the 2009 game reveals little about Batman's past, it is evident that Bruce Wayne has been Batman for a considerable amount of time. Therefore, it would make sense for him to have access to technological upgrades periodically. Any future Batman games should learn from this approach, gradually empowering him to control his environment and overcome his enemies. Batman's potential is too vast to be kept on the gaming shelf for too long, and Rocksteady's portrayal of Batman in isolated settings is undoubtedly the ideal framework to follow.
Batman: Arkham Trilogy will launch on Nintendo Switch in fall 2023.