Unleashing the Ultimate 90s Crossover: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Join Forces with Gargoyles

Unleashing the Ultimate 90s Crossover: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Join Forces with Gargoyles

Experience an epic collaboration between the beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the formidable Gargoyles, as these iconic 90s heroes join forces in an extraordinary crossover event!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Gargoyles collide in a unique crossover artwork inspired by the popular 1990s cartoons. The animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, which debuted in 1987, captivated audiences throughout the decade with its action-packed stories featuring Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Meanwhile, Gargoyles, which aired from 1994 to 1997, introduced viewers to a group of stone-turning creatures named Goliath, Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington, and Hudson, who tirelessly protected the city under the cover of darkness. Recently, rafaramos.art shared stunning fan art on Instagram, showcasing an unexpected fusion of these beloved shows. Feast your eyes on the amazing crossover below:

The fan art cleverly combines the carefree nature of Michelangelo with the compassionate nature of Broadway, capturing their distinct characteristics. The resulting creature showcases Michelangelo's nunchucks and Broadway's strong physique and wings. Additionally, the artwork features a tattoo of the Turtles' beloved food – pizza.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Gargoyles Would Have Been A Perfect Crossover

Both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Gargoyles, being based in New York City and fighting crime at night, share striking similarities. This makes them a perfect candidate for a crossover during the 1990s. Combining their forces would be an unstoppable combination, with the Turtles prowling the streets under the cloak of darkness, utilizing their ninja skills, stealth, and weapons to combat crime. On the other hand, the Gargoyles make use of their aerial mobility as winged creatures to patrol and protect the city, taking advantage of the night as well.

However, it appears that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Gargoyles may have overlooked a prime chance for a crossover. Gargoyles has lost its former prominence and has not remained relevant since the conclusion of the animated series in 1997. It has only made sporadic appearances in video games and comic books since then. On the other hand, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise has thrived with numerous adaptations following the end of the 1990s cartoon, including the upcoming release of a new animated movie titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem this summer.