Unleashing the Secrets of Star Citizen's Pyro System

Get ready to explore the lawless Pyro system in Star Citizen's alpha, where violent pirates rule and solar flares ravage the planets Discover Pyro I-VI and encounter the various factions vying for control in this dangerous frontier
Star Citizen, the crowd-funded space sim developed by Cloud Imperium Games, has been in alpha for close to six years. Throughout its development, the game has consistently added new ships, features, and systems for its passionate fanbase to explore. One upcoming addition that has been teased for some time is the Pyro system - a planet system that is perilous in every sense of the word. From deadly solar flares to a notorious pirate station, players must exercise caution when venturing into this unclaimed territory. However, as the game's lore for Pyro has undergone revisions during its lengthy development, the accuracy of this information remains uncertain until the system's official launch.
The Planets of Pyro
Several celestial bodies can be found in the Pyro System, including six planets, one of which is currently undergoing absorption by another planet. Additionally, there are numerous moons, with the largest one orbiting around the gas giant Pyro V. Due to the intense solar flares emitted by Pyro's sun, most of these worlds are not suitable for human settlement, although some have forms of life and a handful have small, temporary human populations.
Pyro I
Pyro I, the planet closest to the sun, is nothing more than a desolate, burnt-out rock that is slowly disintegrating due to the frequent solar flares. The radiation emitted from these flares poses a threat to all but the most heavily shielded spacecraft. However, some Star Citizen criminals have taken advantage of these flares by setting up bases near them, using the energy to power their makeshift refining process. Players can expect to come across opportunities centered around these illegal refineries, whether it be aiding in their operations or launching attacks on behalf of rival pirate factions.
Pyro II
Pyro II, once considered a valuable planet due to its substantial metal deposits, has now been depleted after hasty mining operations during the initial rush. As a result, the planet only holds a small population of transients who hope to uncover any overlooked veins. However, there is still a chance for Star Citizen players to profit from Pyro II if enough deposits remain undiscovered.
Pyro III
Pyro III has been exposed to solar flares, rendering it unsuitable for human habitation, although not as severely as Pyro I. The planet's surface used to support a larger ecosystem, which was lost due to an unknown event that caused the planet's orbit to shift closer to the dangerous sun. Initially, Pyro III was intended to be covered in lava during its development in Star Citizen, but the updated version now allows players to land on its surface.
Pyro IV and V
Pyro IV is facing a grim fate as it is slowly being consumed by its neighboring gas giant, Pyro V. This unfortunate event was triggered by a massive meteor strike that caused Pyro IV to lose its stable orbit. Despite its impending doom, the unique occurrence of a gas giant swallowing another planet is a phenomenon not found anywhere else in the Star Citizen universe. Interestingly, Pyro IV still supports plant life and its primary biome resembles the lush low grass, mosses, and heathers found in the Scottish Highlands.
Pyro VI
Pyro VI, being the farthest planet, enjoys a certain level of protection from the harsh effects of Pyro's sun. Taking advantage of this, Pyrotechnic Amalgamated constructed a terraforming space station called Gold Horizon around the planet during Pyro's early colonization days. However, as the initial excitement over the new system waned, the company abandoned the station. It was later taken over by outlaws and transformed into the infamous pirate haven, Ruin Station.
The Factions of Pyro
Ruin Station, situated in Pyro, is the only human settlement of significance in the area. This lawless station is known to harbor pirates, fugitives, and bounty hunters, where gangs constantly compete for power. Unlike the honorable pirate station Spider, Ruin Station operates on the principle of survival of the fittest. The strongest and most ruthless individuals rise to the top, making it a dangerous place to be. Currently, XenoThreat holds the majority control over the station, but the situation remains fluid and could change at any moment.
The lawlessness and chaos of Ruin Station make it an unattractive destination for tourists, explorers, and legitimate businessmen. However, those who operate outside the law, such as smugglers and pirates, can find the Pyro system quite profitable. The Akiro Cluster asteroid field is a hub of activity for mining and piracy in the system.
Ruin Station itself offers unique attractions, such as Corner Four, a cluster of illicit drug factories where customers can receive questionable medical treatments at a discounted price. Another popular spot is Neutrality, a bar that serves as a neutral ground for all patrons. With the upcoming release of Star Citizen's Pyro update, players will have the chance to explore these areas and discover the underworld opportunities that await in the galaxy's most notorious den of scum and villainy.
Star Citizen is available on PC.