Unleashing the Secrets of Sea of Stars: Master the Amulet of Storytelling for Epic Gaming Success

Unleashing the Secrets of Sea of Stars: Master the Amulet of Storytelling for Epic Gaming Success

Unlock the Amulet of Storytelling to modify difficulty settings in Sea of Stars Discover various relics, including those obtained at the Brisk Secret Store and Mirth Fishing Store Explore additional sources to acquire powerful relics in the game

All Starting Relics in Sea of Stars

Unveiling the magnificent world of Sea of Stars, an indie game developed by Sabotage Studios. This captivating old-school JRPG adventure is adorned with a plethora of enchanting artifacts known as Relics. These mystical items possess the power to transform the gameplay experience, presenting players with nuanced challenges or blissful moments of ease. Within the Relic menu, one can activate various Relics that grant the character with decreased damage intake, amplified experience points, or even facilitate the art of fishing. These extraordinary Relics can be obtained from different sources, such as at the beginning of the game or via purchasing them from the stores scattered across the map.

Unleashing the Secrets of Sea of Stars: Master the Amulet of Storytelling for Epic Gaming Success

There are several Relics that players will start the post-prologue portion of Sea of Stars with. These are:

Amulet of Storytelling - Increases every party member’s health by 100%; auto heals the whole party after every combat.

Guardian Aura - Reduce all damage taken by 30%.

Sequent Flare - When the active party member executes their hit/attack with precise timing, a star emanates from them, providing a visual confirmation for accurately performed timed attacks/blocks.

Truestrike Pendant - The enemy's 20% resistance, which they typically acquire in Sea of Star's turn-based combat, is completely nullified.

Sixth Sense enhances the accuracy of timed blocks by allowing for a wider time window.

Adamant Shard guarantees bonus hits without the need for precise button timing, although they only deal 50% of the normal damage.

Relics Purchased from the Brisk Secret Store in Sea of Stars

Unleashing the Secrets of Sea of Stars: Master the Amulet of Storytelling for Epic Gaming Success

There are additional Relics that players must acquire either by purchasing or earning them. These Relics can be discovered throughout the approximately 25 hours of gameplay in Sea of Stars. Most of them can be obtained through the Brisk Secret Store. To gain entry to this secret store, players need to find the Trader's Signet, which can be found in the Wind Tunnel Mines. The store itself can be located in Brisk, where there is a rope ladder leading into the water near the docks.

One of the Relics available is the Tome of Knowledge, priced at 150 gold. This Relic provides players with a bonus statistic, allowing them to gain 20% more XP from every battle in Sea of Stars.

Double Edge - 150 gold - Activating Double Edge raises enemy defense during casting and reduces it when not casting.

Dubious Dare - 150 gold - This challenging mode boosts the player's party damage received by 40% compared to normal.

Mirth Fishing Store Relics

Unleashing the Secrets of Sea of Stars: Master the Amulet of Storytelling for Epic Gaming Success

In the small town of Mirth, players have the opportunity to acquire building plans and construct a charming fisherman's abode for him to reside in. Once the fisherman is comfortably settled, players will have the ability to procure and obtain various goods from him, which include the following Relics.

- Sailent Sails (Price: 135 gold) - Enhances the ship's speed by 20%.

Mithreel Rod - Prize for capturing four distinct fish species - Fish stamina decreases more rapidly in the Sea of Stars while fishing.

Stereofilament Line - Prize for capturing seven diverse fish species - The fishing line strengthens, making it more resistant to breaking.

Bearing Rod - Reward for catching 14 different kinds of fish - Makes the reeling in speed of the fishing rod faster.

Other Relic Sources in Sea of Stars

Unleashing the Secrets of Sea of Stars: Master the Amulet of Storytelling for Epic Gaming Success

There are two other Relics that can be picked up while playing Sea of Stars. These are:

Falcon-eyed Parrot - Obtain 27 rainbow conch shells from Mirna in Lake Docarria Village to achieve the Conch Master Seas of Stars award. This accomplishment allows you to summon a parrot that provides hints on the location of buried treasure.

Gold Tooth - Costs 225 gold - Decreases the price of items in all stores by 10%.

Sea of Stars is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.