Unleashing the Power of Landscape in After Us Adventure Game

Unleashing the Power of Landscape in After Us Adventure Game

Discover the mesmerizing power of nature in After Us, the new adventure game that will leave you breathless Learn from the developers themselves how the landscape is not just a backdrop but a living, breathing character essential to the game's story and symbolism

After Us, the latest release from Piccolo Studio, takes players on a thrilling adventure as Gaia, a small nymph on a mission to save the souls of extinct animals and revive a planet ravaged by human actions. As players explore this devastated world, they must confront Devourers, perilous adversaries cloaked in oil and posing a grave threat to surviving ecosystems. These formidable foes possess unique abilities that enable exploration and the ability to cleanse the world of its engulfing oil. However, the message they deliver is perhaps the most daunting element of these beings. Co-Game Directors Alexis Corominas and Jordi Ministral shed light on the inspiration behind the game, its distinctive world and gameplay features, and the profound messages it conveys in a recent interview with Game Rant.

Unleashing the Power of Landscape in After Us Adventure Game

After Us was born out of the idea of humanity's legacy and the impact it has on future generations. The co-creators, Corominas and Ministral, wanted to delve into current environmental issues and envision a world where human neglect has left it barren and lifeless. They drew inspiration from Gaia, a personification of nature found in various cultures. In this story, a small nymph symbolizes hope and determination amidst the desolation. Corominas explained, "We began contemplating the legacy we leave for our children and then looked even further into the future. What will our legacy be for future generations? We connected this idea with current environmental concerns and ultimately created a stark contrast between a lifeless world, depleted by human actions, and a determined nymph striving to revive it."

Landscape as a Character in After Us

After Us offers players a captivating journey that prompts them to contemplate the current state of the world and the actions required to create a better future. Piccolo Studio has ingeniously designed the world as a character, highlighting the interdependence of all living beings. Through this approach, players are encouraged to be mindful custodians of the environment.

In keeping with the natural themes of the game, Gaia's character design is both captivating and reflective. Ministral shared that the character was inspired by the universal deity of the same name, who symbolizes all life and nature. Gaia is depicted as an anthropomorphic figure with nature-infused elements, such as a bark-like dress and glowing hair. Like nature, she communicates through song and is capable of sparking new life by creating bursts of vegetation around her.

Unleashing the Power of Landscape in After Us Adventure Game

After Us offers players the opportunity to venture into a desolate and eerie world, where they must navigate through abandoned and perilous landscapes, filled with deadly creatures. Corominas, the mastermind behind the game, wanted to create an atmosphere of a "lifeless museum", where the protagonist is the only living entity in the game.

The game's world is a symbolic representation of our relationship with nature, which is primarily based on exploitation. We take everything from nature, but we fail to give back enough in return. The game's creators wanted to portray this message in a very clear and direct manner.

"It's not just about a post-apocalyptic world but also about the consequences of our actions on the environment and the importance of preserving it." The attention to detail in the art direction adds to the immersive experience and reinforces the message of the game.

The game immerses you in breathtaking, symbolic scenery that underscores your character's small but resolute presence. This dichotomy was integral to the game's design, playing on contrasts of light, color, and scale. The vastness of the world is underscored by Gaia's vulnerability, yet she remains determined to push forward. Every element of the game was crafted to highlight the grandeur of the world, rather than getting bogged down in details.