Unleashing the Power of Houndstone in Pokemon Go
Discover the coveted Houndstone in Pokemon GO! Unveil the secrets to obtaining this rare item and learn about the essential items required for the acquisition Gain a competitive edge with our comprehensive guide
After the 2023 Halloween event in Pokemon Go, players will have the opportunity to obtain a new Pokemon called Houndstone. This spectral canine is actually an evolution of another rare Pokemon that could only be obtained through Researches and Three Star Raids during the Halloween event. In this guide, we will provide readers with all the necessary details on how to evolve their Pokemon and acquire Houndstone in Pokemon GO, including the required items.
Pokemon GO: How to Get Houndstone
In order to obtain a Houndstone in Pokemon GO, players must evolve Greavard, which was first introduced during the Halloween Part 1 event in 2023. This elusive Pokemon could be acquired as a reward for completing the Halloween and Eerie Echoes Timed Research tasks, as well as by participating in Three Star Raids. Alternatively, players could also wait for the second part of the Halloween event, where Greavard would appear in Field Research.
Obtaining the Pokemon known as Greavard is limited to the Halloween event, which concludes on October 31. At present, it cannot be obtained in the game, but it is likely to make a reappearance during the next Halloween event in 2024.
However, those lucky enough to have captured Greavard and added it to their collection have the opportunity to evolve it into the more impressive Houndstone. This evolution necessitates 50 Greavard Candy, which can be obtained by encountering Greavard in three-star raids or by successfully executing a Nice, Great, or Excellent Throw combined with a regular or Silver Pinap Berry to capture this Pokemon. Currently, players can earn these candies in Pokemon GO by assigning Greavard as their Buddy Pokemon. In the event that they still require additional Greavard Candy, they have the option to trade their Rare Candy for the necessary amount.
Players can obtain Rare Candy as a reward by defeating Raid Bosses, succeeding in Battle Leagues, or completing specific Research tasks. Once players have accumulated 50 Greavard Candy following these methods, they can seamlessly evolve Greavard into Houndstone. This evolution showcases an impressive appearance with a tombstone adorning the dog's head, along with a beautifully colored back.
Pokémon GO
Franchise PokemonPlatform(s) iOS, AndroidDeveloper(s) Niantic, The Pokemon CompanyPublisher(s) NianticGenre(s) Augmented Reality
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the release of Houndstone in Pokemon Go. I have been playing the game for years and have always been a fan of the Halloween event. I think it's great that Niantic is adding a new Pokemon to the game that can only be obtained during this event. It makes the event even more special and gives players something to look forward to.
I also appreciate that Niantic is making it relatively easy to obtain Houndstone. Players who participated in the Halloween event should already have a Greavard, and they can evolve it into Houndstone with just 50 Greavard Candy. This is a much more reasonable requirement than some of the other evolutions in the game, which can require hundreds of candies.
I think Houndstone is a great addition to Pokemon Go. It's a unique and powerful Pokemon that will be a valuable asset to any team. I can't wait to add it to my collection!