Unleashing the Power of Free Radicals: Pom Wonderful's Transformative Campaign

Unleashing the Power of Free Radicals: Pom Wonderful's Transformative Campaign

Pom Wonderful's in-house shop, Wonderful Agency, unleashes a captivating campaign this spooky season Watch as their iconic juice battles formidable foes like vampires, ghosts, and aliens, transforming free radicals into monstrous flavors Get ready for a thrilling taste sensation!

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This Halloween, various brands have tapped into the creepy side of products like candy, tacos, cosmetics, and furniture. Pom Wonderful, a pomegranate juice brand, decided to leverage this spooky season to shed light on something genuinely frightening: free radicals. These unstable molecules have been associated with serious health concerns such as heart disease and cancer.

Margaret Keene, chief creative officer at Wonderful Agency, explained that their goal was to educate people about the antioxidant benefits of Pom. They set out to determine the key players in the realm of health and wellness. This question is now answered through the nationwide campaign titled "Real Life Is Scary: Protect Yourself With Pom," which was launched this month. Instead of using typical scientific visuals found in health advertisements, "Real Life Is Scary" portrays free radicals as menacing creatures that are present in everyday situations. These include little green aliens in an elevator, white-sheet ghosts at the laundromat, and vampires inspired by Nosferatu at a movie theater.

"When it comes to discussing health and wellness, topics such as chemistry, free radicals, and antioxidants can become quite complex," Keene elaborated. "Our aim was to simplify and lighten the conversation, while still conveying the important message that there are certain factors in our daily lives that we must combat, and this is where this juice can be of help."

The effort's three spots are running on targeted in-stream on connected TV, digital and mobile channels, linear TV, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and select Spotlight Cinema theaters. Additionally, Pom partnered with Cinespia at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery for a screening of "Halloween," offering cocktails and juice at a "Blood Bar" to over 4,000 attendees.

During the brainstorming process, Keene's team at Wonderful Agency generated numerous strong ideas, some of which may appear in future advertisements. Several ideas specifically revolved around a Halloween-themed campaign that would be launched in October, the ideal time for a "scary" campaign.

The team was shooting in Prague when UFO mania erupted on TikTok and military veterans testified in Congress about alleged alien crash sites and the discovery of "biologics" from non-human entities. This particular storyline, centered around aliens, will remain relevant beyond the season and not just limited to Halloween.

However, while emphasizing the negative impact of free radicals and the positive effects of Pom, the spots needed to strike a balance between addressing a serious issue and maintaining a lighthearted tone.

"We couldn't portray these characters as overly evil, to avoid creating a negative impression," she explained. "Our challenge was to convey the enjoyment, lightness, and vitality alongside the genuine health and wellness benefits. It was a delicate task."

In-house benefits

The ability of Pom to navigate that fine line in the "Real Life is Scary" campaign is credited to Keene, who acknowledges the importance of a tightly-knit team at Wonderful Agency. This cohesive unit enables them to collaborate effectively, ensuring that the essence of brilliant ideas remains untainted.

"At other agencies and with other brands, there are numerous levels and classifications, resembling the Heisman," Keene mimicked the pose of the statue. "You come up with a brilliant idea and you just keep pushing it forward, only to find that by the time you reach the leadership team or the C-suite team, the idea has nearly disintegrated due to the arduous journey of overcoming all the barriers."

However, this is not the case at Wonderful Agency, the internal agency for The Wonderful Company, a holding company that owns brands like Fiji Water, Wonderful Pistachios, and Wonderful Halos. Keene firmly believes that good ideas can emerge from anyone, regardless of their position.

In my role as an in-house employee, I believe that each of us has the potential to contribute in innovative and groundbreaking ways. It is important to recognize that valuable ideas can come from anyone, regardless of their proximity to the brand. Often, individuals from outside the immediate circle of the brand, such as those working on other brands or pursuing different projects, can offer fresh perspectives and prompt us to consider new possibilities that were right in front of us all along.

To exemplify this mindset, Keene shares a story about her quest to find a white chair for a photo shoot. She personally visited every floor of the company's offices, engaging with employees from various fields and departments to find the chair she needed.

"I have fond memories of my upbringing in the industry, where it was common to know everyone involved in every step of the process," she recalled. Prior to joining Wonderful in 2021, Keene gained professional experience at various agencies, such as TBWA\Chiat\Day, Saatchi & Saatchi, and Mullen Lowe U.S.

"While I understand that this work dynamic is not suitable for everyone, I personally thrive on the sense of camaraderie and the close collaboration that occurs within the company," she remarked. "Let's gather the team and enjoy ourselves while we create something amazing."