The Final Fantasy 16 team, led by director Hiroshi Takai and combat director Ryota Suzuki, have unveiled the highly-anticipated Eikon Abilities that promise to take the game's combat to new heights. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of the game, especially with Ryota Suzuki's impressive track record in games like Devil May Cry 5 and Monster Hunter World. The combat system in Final Fantasy 15 received mixed reviews, with many critics pointing out its repetitive button-mashing mechanics. However, it seems that Final Fantasy 16 is taking a different approach, as evidenced by the exciting Eikon abilities that have been revealed.
The IGN video featuring Suzuki and Takai provides an in-depth look at the Eikons in Final Fantasy 16 and the unique abilities they possess. These Eikons are the same ones that have been present throughout the Final Fantasy series and can be harnessed by Clive to drastically change the approach to a fight.
Ramuh, for instance, has lightning abilities that allow for ranged attacks, unleashing bolts of electricity from both the player's fingertips and the sky. Titan, on the other hand, is geared towards close-range combat, ideal for players who prefer to engage in hand-to-hand combat with enemies. Phoenix and Garuda are the other two Eikons showcased in the video, wielding fire and wind abilities respectively.
While some may argue that Final Fantasy 16 should not overly rely on Eikons, the video demonstrates how these creatures can add new and complex layers to the game. As such, incorporating them heavily into the gameplay could be a wise choice.
Several Eikons, such as Odin, Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut, have already been confirmed for Final Fantasy 16. While the exact number of Eikons in the game remains unknown, each one offers at least three upgradeable abilities, resulting in a minimum of 24 distinct moves for players to choose from. If there are additional Eikons that have not yet been revealed, the game's customization options for defeating Valisthea's creatures will be even greater. Final Fantasy 16 will be available for the PS5 on June 22nd.