Unleashing the Power: A Comprehensive Guide to One Punch Man Hero Classes
Discover the power hierarchy in One Punch Man! Explore the classification system of heroes, ranging from C-Class to S-Class, and uncover the enigmatic hero, Saitama Unveil the secrets behind each class's determination in this captivating article
In One Punch Man, the ranking system determines the strength of both heroes and monsters, with higher-ranked characters capable of destroying entire cities if they choose to.
The Hero Association classifies heroes into four categories: C-Class, B-Class, A-Class, and S-Class, each representing different levels of power and capability to handle various threats.
Saitama, the main character, stands out as an anomaly possessing incomparable strength. His power exceeds that of any other hero to such an extent that he has grown weary of battles and can effortlessly defeat any adversary.
In contrast to other anime and manga, One Punch Man stands out in its clear explanation of the power system and the classification of heroes in its ranking. The series provides a straightforward indication of a character's strength based on their position in the ranking, whether they are a hero or a monster. The monsters in the series are ranked according to disaster levels, ranging from Wolf to God. Those ranked lower are insignificant, possessing only a single characteristic, while the higher-ranked characters have the capability to devastate entire cities.
Likewise, the categorization of heroes follows a similar structure. The heroes are divided into four classes: C-Class, B-Class, A-Class, and S-Class, with the S-Class housing the most powerful heroes. Similar to the monsters, these classes encompass heroes that handle minor crimes and low-level threats, as well as heroes who have the ability to single-handedly annihilate entire armies. Now, let's delve into the breakdown of the hero classes.
The C-Class of the Hero Association is the weakest and lowest-ranking group. Although these heroes are stronger than a typical civilian, they are only capable of handling petty crimes and the least dangerous monsters, known as Wolf Level threats. However, it's worth noting that sometimes villains of a certain disaster level can overpower multiple heroes in this class. Nonetheless, C-Class heroes primarily deal with Wolf Level threats.
This class consists of a total of 390 heroes, making it the largest class. Each hero in this class must meet a weekly quota to remain registered as a hero, otherwise, they will be expelled. While most heroes start in C-Class and must prove themselves to advance, there are exceptions; for example, Genos was promoted directly to the high-ranking S-Class after passing his tests, whereas Saitama had to start in C-Class and gradually progress by fulfilling his quotas and defeating monsters. The top-ranked hero in C-Class is Mumen Rider, joined by other heroes such as D-Pad, Battery Man, and Tanktop Tiger.
Following the C-Class, the B-Class emerges with a roster of 101 formidable heroes. These heroes are generally more powerful than their counterparts in the lower class and are capable of taking down a Wolf Level monster single-handedly. However, similar to the C-Class, they face difficulties when pitted against certain members of their corresponding disaster level. One such example is the Tiger Level monster Kombu Infinity, who successfully overpowered multiple B-Class heroes.
Upon reaching Rank 1 in the C-Class, a hero has the opportunity to advance to the B-Class, where they are exempt from fulfilling weekly quotas to retain their position in the Hero Registry. Although they possess strength, B-Class heroes rank as the second weakest class in the entire hierarchy and can easily be defeated by higher-tier monsters. Currently, the number 1 ranked B-Class hero is the beloved Fubuki, accompanied by other renowned heroes like Glasses, Captain Mizuki, and Darkness Blade.
The A-Class marks the point where the heroes of the Hero Association significantly increase in power and ability. These characters possess the capability to easily take down Tiger Level threats on their own, although this may not always be the case due to the varying strengths among different classes of monsters. As of the manga, there are a total of 39 heroes in the A-Class, with Saitama recently being promoted. However, A-Class heroes struggle greatly when faced with Demon Level or higher threats and are unable to defeat them alone.
Similar to the previous grade, B-Class heroes who reach the number 1 rank can choose to be promoted to a higher class. Alternatively, heroes like Saitama who have accomplished extraordinary acts of heroism can bypass multiple class promotions. Though A-Class heroes are highly favored by the public, they are not equipped to confront the most powerful monsters. Some Demon Level threats prove to be stronger than anything they have encountered before, as evidenced by Deep Sea King effortlessly defeating the S-Class hero, Puri-Puri Prisoner. The top-ranked A-Class hero is Amai Mask, and the class also includes Saitama, Iaian, and Death Gatling.
The S-Class of the Hero Association in One Punch Man represents the highest level of power and strength among the heroes, with no level surpassing this. There are only 15 heroes in the S-Class following the departure of Silver Fang and Child Emperor, showcasing the immense difficulty of attaining this status. Each hero in the S-Class possesses enough power to effortlessly defeat any threat below the Demon Level, single-handedly. Many of the mid-ranked S-Class heroes are capable of handling standard Demon Level threats alone, and some can even hold their own against enemies of similar strength. This is exemplified in season 2, episode 5 of One Punch Man, "The Martial Arts Tournament," where an injured Metal Bat is able to evenly match Garou, who is already considered S-Class due to defeating Tanktop Master. Garou himself acknowledges that Metal Bat's final strike would have been lethal if it had connected.
Similar to the other hero classes, the top-ranked hero at the A-Class has the option to move up to the S-Class. However, Amai Mask, currently ranked 1 in A-Class, refuses to do so to prevent weaker heroes from occupying stronger ranks. Despite this, Amai Mask possesses more than enough strength to be part of the S-Class, as demonstrated in the Monster Association arc. In the series, the S-Class is referred to as a category housing heroes equivalent to an emergency army division.
Even within the S-Class, however, there are very few characters that are in a league of their own, namely Blast and Tatsumaki. These heroes surpass their contemporaries in the same class and can effortlessly confront Dragon Level threats. For instance, Tatsumaki demonstrated her immense power when she battled against Psykos and Orochi, with assistance from Genos. She even possesses the ability to single-handedly obliterate an entire city. Blast, on the other hand, possesses the power to manipulate gravity and create black holes. His astonishing speed surpasses even the fastest character in the S-Class, Flashy Flash, who couldn't even catch a glimpse of him. With this incredible ability, Blast was able to engage in a formidable battle against Cosmic Fear Mode Garou, to the extent that Garou acknowledged Blast's strength and deemed him highly deserving of being the top-ranked hero in the Association.
Saitama, the protagonist of the series, stands as a peculiar anomaly within its narrative. His exceptional strength and boundless potential place him at a level that is seemingly unattainable for others. This fact became glaringly evident during his intense battle against Garou. Despite Garou's formidable skills, he found himself completely outmatched by Saitama due to the latter's astonishing growth rate and limitless potential. The true extent of Saitama's power remains shrouded in mystery, with the only clue being the mention of a deity known as God, who may have taken notice of Saitama's presence on Earth.
Due to Saitama's immeasurable strength, many fans place King in the same league as him. Despite King being a comical and highly inept character, he holds the prestigious rank of 7 in the entire S-Class and is referred to as the 'strongest man alive.' Interestingly, he often defeats villains who coincidentally perish, typically at the hands of Saitama. Saitama's character development revolves around his overwhelming power, which has led him to become bored with life, as he can never experience the excitement of a real battle. Regardless of the severity of any crisis, nothing poses a challenge to him anymore. The closest Saitama has come to facing a worthy opponent was in his confrontation with Cosmic Garou, who ultimately fell to his might.
Regardless of the circumstances, Saitama is a character who surpasses all other heroes and villains, and his desire for a true battle may only materialize towards the series' conclusion. Despite not fitting into any established hero category, the heroes are extremely fortunate to have him on their side!
One Punch Man is available to stream on Netflix, Crunchyroll and Hulu.