Unleashing the Mysteries of Starfield: Mastering the Main Missions and Objectives for Epic Adventures!
Unleashing the Mysteries of Starfield: Mastering the Main Missions and Objectives for Epic Adventures!
The central plot of Starfield revolves around a series of enigmatic artifacts that players will encounter early on in the game. As they continue their pursuit of these mysterious relics, they will uncover the secrets of humanity's conquest of intergalactic space travel and the fate of planet Earth.
It is worth mentioning that while the main story constitutes only a fraction of what Starfield has to offer, the game is brimming with additional content and rich world-building lore. However, for those primarily focused on the main storyline or those curious about their progress within it, the following Starfield mission list will prove to be a valuable resource.
Every Main Story Mission in Starfield (Starfield Mission List)
The Old Neighborhood
The Empty Nest
Back to Vectera
Into the Unknown
Further into the Unknown
Short Sighted
In Their Footsteps
Final Glimpses
One Giant Leap
Starfield's main story missions are divided into objectives, usually ranging from ten to fifteen. However, some missions are notably longer, like the initial one, serving as an extensive tutorial. Throughout the game, missions become slightly shorter, although there are still a few lengthy ones towards the end. Additionally, it is important to mention that certain objectives may differ based on player choices.
One Small Step
Follow Supervisor Lin
Explore the Cavern
Break up the Deposits
Meet with the Client
Hold off the Pirates
Talk to Barrett
Board the Ship
(Optional) Power Up All Systems to Skip Tutorial
Deal with the Crimson Fleet
Travel to Kreet
Land at the Kreet Research Base
Grav Jump to Jemison
Land at New Atlantis
Talk to Sarah
Listen to the Meeting
Place the Artifact
Listen to the Meeting
Talk to Sarah
Talk to Sarah's Contact
Talk to Sarah
Examine the Satelite
Go to Nova Galactic Staryard
Talk to Sarah
Go to Neptune
Approach the Ship
Evade Fire
Damage Moara's Ship
Talk to Moara
Take the Artifact
Wait for Sarah
Talk to Sarah
The Empty Nest
Talk to Sam Coe
Go to the Galbank Vault
Complete "Job Gone Wrong"
Talk to Jacob
Talk to Sam
Get the Maps
Talk to Sam
Leave the Hideout
Deal with Shaw
(Optional) Kill the Ashta
Return to the Lodge
Talk to Sam
Back to Vectera
Return to the Lodge
Enter the Library
Wait for Barrett
Talk to Barrett
Go to Nesoi
Find the Artifact on Nesoi
Find Andreja
Add the Artifacts to the Collection
Talk to Matteo
Talk to Vladimir
Return to the Lodge
Use "Anti-Gravity Field" in front of Vladimir
Talk to Walter Stroud
Travel to Neon
Talk to Walter Stroud
Check in at Stroud-Eklund HQ
Search the Seller's Sleepcrate
Check the Door Controls
Talk to Walter Stroud
Go to the Astral Lounge
Talk to Walter Stroud
Negotiate for the Artifact
Go to Slayton Aerospace HQ
Find a way to the Next Floor
Take the Elevator
Talk to Walter
Confront Nicolaus Slayton
Talk to Musgrove
Return to the Lodge
Grav Jump to Anywhere
Talk to Noel
Add the Artifact to the Collection
Further into the Unknown
Talk to Vladimir
Go to Indum IV-A
Find the Artifact on Volt
Add the Artifacts to the Collection
Short Sighted
Go to the Eye
Check in on Everyone
Install the Parts
No Sudden Moves
Talk to Vladimir
Find Captain Petrov
Access Petrov's Vault
Steal the Artifact
Leave the Scow
Talk to Noel
Or Go to the Eye
Find Everyone on the Eye
Go to the Lodge
Escape to Your Ship
Initiate Take-Off
Build the Armillary on Your Ship
Or Build the Armillary at an Outpost
Return to the Lodge
Talk to Matteo
Enter the Sanctum Universum
Talk to Keeper Aquilus
Return to Keeper Aquilus
Go to Indum II
Go to "Pilgrim's Rest"
Search for Clues on "Unity"
Read "Pilgrim's Final Writing"
Find the "Scorpion's Sting" on Hyla II
Hail the Scorpius
Dock with the Scorpius
Talk to the Hunter
Leave the Scorpius
Talk to the Emissary
Go to Nova Galactic Research Station
Investigate the Research Station
Find a Way Inside
Enter NASA
Find Information About the Prototype Grav Drive
Find Information About Grav Drive Side Effects
Release the Artifact
Take the Artifact
Final Glimpses
Return to the Lodge
Find the Artifact on Procyon IV
Go to Freya III
Missed Beyond Measure
Wait for the Service (3 UT Days)
(Optional) Speak with Everyone
Leave When You're Ready
Investigate the Destress Signal
Follow Ethan
Explore the Ruins
Get to the Lab
Speak to Rafael
Speak to Rafael
Speak to Ethan
Stand in the Distortion
Find a Probe Control Unit
Speak to Director Patel
(Optional) Get Supplies
Take the Elevator
Get to the Lab
Override the Lockdown in the Storage Section
Disengage Power Interlocks (7/7) or Switch Universes
Shut Down the Probe
Take the Artifact
Go to Masa II
Hail the Helix
Land at the Buried Temple
Defeat the Starborn
Defeat the Starborn
Find a Way to Open the Door
Defeat the Starborn
(Optional) Disable the Defenses
Find a Way Out of the Anomaly
Leave the Anomaly
Leave the Anomaly
Defeat the Starborn
Take the Hunter's Artifacts
Take the Artifact
(Optional) Talk to Your Friends Before You Leave
Power Up the Grav Drive to Jump to the Unity
Or Remove the Armillary to Grav Jump Normally
Return to the Unity When You Are Ready
Upon finishing the primary narrative, players will seamlessly transition to Starfield's New Game Plus mode. In this mode, they have the freedom to either revisit the original story or venture into a condensed version that expedites their progress towards the game's conclusion. Opting for the latter entails completing merely four main story missions, a feat achievable within ninety minutes. Notably, the Power From Beyond questline remains entirely optional.
Among the Stars