Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

Undead Unluck episode 9 delivers an explosive showdown as Victhor takes on The Union in a chaotic battle This action-packed conclusion leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, while an emotional conversation with Andy adds depth to the thrilling narrative

The ninth episode of Undead Unluck, released on November 30, 2023, concludes the action-packed Spoil Arc with a showdown between Victhor and The Union. As Victhor battles the organization, Fuuko steps in to prevent mutual destruction. The episode features a prolonged fight scene that serves as an epilogue to the Spoil arc, showcasing Victhor's abilities and the serious capabilities of The Union members. The intense confrontation results in the biggest Unluck event ever witnessed, leaving Fuuko to witness the chaos.

Undead Unluck episode 9: Victhor fights everyone

Undead Unluck episode 8 recap

The story in Undead Unluck episode 9 continues from where episode 8 left off, with Victhor facing off against The Union and battling Juiz. In the previous episode, the heroes succeeded in defeating the UMA Spoil, but inadvertently released something even more challenging to defeat than the UMA that creates zombies.

Shen maintained his position against Spoil quite effectively, capitalizing on the distance provided by the Nyoi-Kinko bo staff, similar to Goku's Power Pole or Sun Wukong's staff from Journey to the West, and his Untruth ability. However, this tactic was not sustainable indefinitely, prompting Andy and Fuuko to devise a plan. Their strategy revolved around extracting all the moisture from Spoil to neutralize its ability to harm them.

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

The final plan was to launch Spoil into space. The three of them united to send Andy and Spoil into space, with Andy getting rid of the card in his head. This resulted in Spoil's defeat by Victor and the suppression of Andy's personality, but it also created a major problem as Victor was not willing to return inside Andy.

Victor is a brutal individual, as he is cold, relentless, and fixated on the excitement of battle. He effortlessly defeated Spoil, brushed Shen aside as if swatting a fly, and would have killed Fuuko if not for the Union arriving at the last minute and Andy fighting from within. His powers are twice the strength of Andy's, with incredibly fast healing and superior cloning abilities.

The chaotic fight against Victor

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

The chaotic Victhor vs. Union fight in Undead Unluck episode 9 (Image via Our Website)

The battle against Victor, also known as Victhor, commenced in episode 8 with the team blocking his Parts Bullets shots and Tatiana attempting to confine him, without success. Juiz engaged in a sword fight with him before he abandoned the one vs. one tactic and unleashed clones of himself to attack them all.

Each member of the Union fought relentlessly against the clone torsos, leaving Juiz to confront Victor's main body alone. She fought him sword to sword without using her special ability, wielding a fire-infused blade from the UMA Burn. Victor matched her blows, but was unable to land a solid hit.

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

Episode 9 of Undead Unluck: Fuuko's Departure and Return (Image via Our Website)

Top hurriedly escorted Shen and Fuuko out before quickly bringing the latter back, as she seemed to have a plan in mind. She became determined to restore Andy's original personality. Although the idea of triggering a major Unluck event by hugging him was quickly dismissed, she managed to persuade Juiz not to kill him.

The biggest Unluck event ever

The ensuing scene was a tumultuous struggle as every member of the Union, from Billy to Top, battled against the clones. Meanwhile, Fuuko made desperate attempts to free Andy from Victor's lethal influence. This was no simple feat, as Victor relentlessly targeted her and forced the other members to come to her rescue.

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

Fuuko's unwavering resolve in episode 9 of Undead Unluck (Image via Our Website)

Fuuko manages to revive Andy by targeting the exposed wound where the card was located, forcefully inserting her fingers into the injury, and urging Andy to resist Victor. She plays a crucial role in bringing Andy back by assuring him that their actions will lead to the most significant Unluck event ever recorded.

Fuuko wasn't exaggerating about the scale of the Unluck event. It involved a series of meteor strikes that leveled the town of Longing, Nevada, and caused the surrounding water to momentarily evaporate at the epicenter. Risking her life, Fuuko successfully retrieved Andy's card, ensuring that Victor was once again sealed away inside of him.

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

Undead Unluck episode 9: Andy is back, the giant meteor storm (Image via Our Website)

The catastrophic event in Undead Unluck episode 9 surpassed all previous disasters, including the meteorite strike in episode 1, Fuuko's plane explosion backstory, the underwater volcanic eruption in episode 3, and Gina's beam in episode 4. Fuuko's Unluck ability seems to be evolving, much like Andy's Undead ability did after 200 years.

In episode 9, a barrage of meteors nearly wipes out Fuuko, Andy, and others in the Union, but they manage to escape just in time. Shen's recovery allows him to hold off Victor with a bo staff, preventing further destruction as the meteors pummel the area.

An emotional talk with Andy

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

Undead Unluck episode 9: Fuuko after the event (Image via Our Website)

After narrowly escaping death multiple times, particularly in Undead Unluck episode 9, Fuuko finally wakes up several days later on August 31st, with Andy by her side, reading her favorite shoujo manga cover to cover. Her immediate response to seeing Andy back to normal is to whack him in the face with her pillow.

After a brief heated exchange with Andy, Fuuko admits her fear and frustration about his plan to release Victor with Shen without giving her a heads up. The thought of being left alone if Andy had actually perished deeply hurt her.

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

In episode 9 of Undead Unluck, Andy and Fuuko have a conversation where Andy discloses that her voice is the key to his survival inside Victor. This is the first time that Andy addresses her as Fuuko. Moreover, he shares that Tatiana and the children they rescued have grown fond of Fuuko, evident from the small bear plush gifted by Tatiana and a drawing of sunflowers with a message "to big sister" from the kids.

Final Thoughts

Andy contends that he is confident that the positive memories of their zombified teacher and themselves will not deteriorate in any way. This directly challenges Spoil's nihilistic perspective on life, asserting that as long as individuals keep progressing and looking ahead, their memories and attitudes will not deteriorate.

Unleashing the Battle: Victhor's Confrontation with The Union – Undead Unluck Episode 9 Review

The conclusion of Undead Unluck episode 9 is a happy one overall. The episode ends with Andy and Fuuko participating in the Roundtable for their post-Quest debriefing. Fuuko even jokingly refers to them as looney but denies that they are lovebirds. Despite the intimate moment in the episode, Fuuko and Andy's relationship has not yet evolved into love.

Episode 9 of Undead Unluck demonstrates the development of the main duo's relationship, showcasing their journey from strangers to close friends in a short period of time. The episode also features a major and chaotic fight scene, with every member of the Union teaming up to combat Andy's original personality. It appears to be wrapping up the Spoil arc, but ends before Apocalypse can reveal the results. Fans will have to stay tuned to find out what quest the aspiring Union members will take on next.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about Undead Unluck episode 9. On the one hand, I was excited to see the showdown between Victhor and The Union, and the animation was top-notch. On the other hand, I felt like the episode was a bit too long and drawn out, and the ending was a bit anticlimactic.

Overall, I think Undead Unluck episode 9 was a solid episode, but it could have been better. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next in the series.