Unleashing Epic Monsters & Mastering the Elements: The Ultimate Final Fantasy 16 Walkthrough

Embark on a thrilling journey in Final Fantasy 16 with this comprehensive walkthrough Uncover the secrets of the Mothercrystal, conquer formidable foes like Akashic Morbol and Flame Lizard, and navigate through Drake's Breath and the Sanctuary Prepare for epic battles and triumph over the mighty Liquid Flame Your adventure awaits!
Quick Links
Talk to VivianSeek the Mothercrystal
How to Beat Akashic Morbol
Continue to Drake's Breath
How to Beat Flame Lizard
Proceed to the Sanctuary
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In the preceding main storyline of Final Fantasy 16, Clive and Jill are unexpectedly rejoined with a former comrade, whom they had assumed was lost after the events at Phoenix Gate many years ago. Against all expectations, Wade managed to survive. With the assistance of Clive and Jill, they successfully drive away the Black Shields and put an end to their cruel elimination of Bearers.
Clive and Jill have successfully obtained a boat and are now ready to embark on their journey towards another Mothercrystal. However, their mission is not complete yet. Making it to the inner sanctum without any harm is the remaining obstacle they need to overcome. This guide will provide Final Fantasy 16 players with valuable insights on what to anticipate as they commence their quests, "Here Be Monsters" and "Fire and Ice". As a word of caution, this walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with care.
Talk to Vivian
Begin by interacting with Vivian in "Here Be Monsters" to initiate the quest. Prior to doing so, players may want to consider undertaking the "Blacksmith's Blues" side quest, conveniently located in the Mess. The completion of this side quest yields a valuable reward: a recipe allowing the crafting of the highly advantageous Drakeslayer's Belt. This equipment upgrade significantly enhances both Defense and HP. It is worth noting that the creation of this belt necessitates the acquisition of Electrum, a resource that becomes obtainable later in the game.
Afterwards, proceed to converse with Vivian once again in order to trigger a captivating cutscene and deepen understanding about the Iron Kingdom's culture. Following this, seek out Jill and engage in dialogue with her to progress the storyline and unveil a previously unexplored region on the expansive world map. Once prepared, venture forth to Drake's Breath.
Seek the Mothercrystal
After a brief cutscene, the "Fire and Ice" segment commences. Players will initially find themselves at the shore of Drustanus, the island where one of the Mothercrystals is located. Proceed by tracing the remnants of the old path and collect the three pinches of Magicked Ash found on the ground. Beyond the gate, a manageable group of enemies awaits.
Once the enemies have been eradicated, proceed through the gate and ascend the stairs. Confront another group of enemies as you ascend towards a second gate. In the following area, players will face an Akashic Minotaur. Evade its attacks and stagger it like any other formidable foe. Ascend the next flight of stairs and claim the chest situated near the top. Players are advised to restore health before venturing through the next gate, as a boss battle awaits on the other side.
How to Beat Akashic Morbol
Morbols are formidable creatures even under normal circumstances. However, the Akashic Morbol takes "nasty" to a whole new level. Although the mechanics of this boss fight resemble those of an earlier encounter in the game, players should exercise caution when facing this formidable foe. Instead of the usual Bad Breath, the Akashic Morbol unleashes a deadlier attack known as Worse Breath. What makes this attack unique is the Morbol's ability to swivel its head while releasing the poisonous gas, making it harder to predict its direction. Therefore, it is crucial for players to refrain from attacking the Akashic Morbol during this phase and focus solely on evading its noxious assault until it subsides.
The Akashic Morbol also possesses additional attacks. Periodically, it will embed its tentacles into the ground, causing multiple stalks to sprout up throughout the arena. It is advisable to avoid these and patiently wait for them to retreat before resuming the offensive against the boss.
When the Akashic Morbol reaches approximately 60% of its health, it will unleash Acid Rain, which results in the formation of purple puddles on the ground. It is crucial to avoid standing in these puddles. Subsequently, the boss will execute Wild Rage, charging in the direction of the player. It is important to be cautious of its jumping attack as well. In this version of the boss fight, Cinematic Evasions or Strikes are not present, so the key is to continue dealing damage until the boss is eventually defeated.
Continue to Drake's Breath
Following the boss battle, proceed further into the next area. You'll come across numerous consumables and materials scattered on the ground, so be sure to collect them as you navigate through the narrow path. Stay on course and confront the Salamander that awaits in the spacious room. This creature doesn't possess any distinctive attacks that require special attention from players, so concentrate on evading and gradually depleting its Will Gauge.
Loot the chest to the right and then proceed under the gate. Beyond this point, players will encounter a narrow bridge that is being showered with embers from a flowing stream of molten lava. Approach it to trigger a cutscene and then continue onward to engage with some Bombs and other adversaries. In the next chamber, a new opponent known as a Red Mousse stands guard. Eliminate it and continue along the path to loot the chest before leaping off onto a large circular platform. However, be prepared, as a boss emerges from the lava.
How to Beat Flame Lizard
This particular boss bears resemblance to the preceding encounter with the lizard. However, there exists a notable distinction as it possesses the ability to employ fire-based assaults in conjunction with tail swipes and claw attacks directed towards players. Furthermore, the Flame Lizard intermittently transforms into a compact sphere, executing consecutive jumps during this phase. It is advised to evade this maneuver to the greatest extent possible, as it inflicts considerable damage. As the boss's health diminishes below the 50% threshold, it initiates Overdrive, unleashing a rapid sequence of relentless assaults. Prioritize evasive maneuvers until the Overdrive concludes, subsequently recommencing an aggressive pursuit. Persevere in one's attacks until the boss is vanquished.
Proceed to the Sanctuary
After defeating the Flame Lizard, leap over the gap and ascend the ladder to reach a doorway. Proceed through the doorway to initiate a cutscene. Once the cutscene concludes, continue through the Oratory, vanquishing the patrolling adversaries and passing through the doors. Keep a vigilant eye for a small adjacent area, housing a chest holding 1,200 Gil. Following a grand staircase, players of Final Fantasy 16 will find themselves in close proximity to the entrance of the Sanctuary, which is heavily guarded. Ensure you are fully healed and prepared for battle.
Overcome the group protecting the entrance to the inner sanctum, then loot the chest located on the left side before progressing any further. Upon traversing the gate, a cutscene will ensue, promptly followed by a boss fight.
How to Beat Liquid Flame
At the beginning, this boss does not have any unique abilities. It will occasionally use Firaga and slam down one of its limbs, both of which can be easily avoided. When the boss is about to reach 50% health, it will try to engulf the arena in lava with an attack called Swelter. However, Shiva counters this by using Diamond Dust, and phase two begins. The only difference in this phase is that the boss will occasionally run on all fours. It will also grow wings periodically and fly around while breathing fire before returning to its normal two-legged form.
Towards the end of the fight, Liquid Flame will use a move called Eleventh Hour and split into four separate forms. During this attack, the boss cannot be damaged, so focus on evading its attacks. Continue to damage the boss while avoiding its attacks, and eventually it will be defeated. After a series of cutscenes following the boss battle, the current main scenario quest comes to an end.
Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PlayStation 5.