Unleashing Chaos: Super 17 Dominates Majin Vegeta in Dragon Ball GT

Super 17 outshines Majin Vegeta in sheer power, as Goku's battles confirm beyond doubt
In every era, the Dragon Ball series has featured at least one character undergoing a 'dark' transformation. From Ginyu Goku in Dragon Ball Z to Baby-Trunks in Dragon Ball GT, these transformations have become iconic in their respective sagas. Among them, Super 17 and Majin Vegeta stand out as the most memorable. However, when comparing their power levels, it becomes evident that Super 17 surpasses Majin Vegeta by a significant margin, making the latter appear feeble in comparison.
Majin Vegeta made his appearance in Dragon Ball Z during the Majin Buu Saga. At this point, an evil sorcerer named Babidi sought to awaken the immensely powerful Majin Buu, who had been imprisoned by divine beings in a mystical containment chamber for many years. To achieve his goal, Babidi absorbed power from modern-day warriors, particularly the Z-Fighters, by creating a group of servants who stole energy for him. When Vegeta witnessed the power that Babidi granted his Majin slaves, he allowed Babidi to corrupt his mind, reverting him to his original villainous state and removing all inhibitions, all while gaining an immense power boost. Despite this evil upgrade, which enabled him to defeat Goku and nearly obliterate Majin Buu, Majin Vegeta remains inferior to Super 17 from Dragon Ball GT.
Super 17 is WAY Stronger than Majin Vegeta, & Goku Proves It
In Dragon Ball GT episode 42, Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu, who are deceased and in hell, collaborate on a plan to escape to the mortal realm and conquer the world. Utilizing their expertise in creating Androids, they join forces to create an exact replica of Android 17, with the intention of merging him with his Earth counterpart to create Super 17. This formidable being not only surpasses the strength of the entire Z-Fighters, including Android 18, but also poses a significant challenge to Super Saiyan 4 Goku, overpowering him to the point where Goku reverts to his normal state. Super 17's story bears similarities to that of Majin Vegeta, although there are distinct differences that do not diminish their parallels. Android 17, having chosen a peaceful life after the events of the Cell Saga, has proven himself as a genuine hero by saving his universe in the Tournament of Power and using his wish to restore the destroyed universes. Furthermore, he dedicates his days to protecting endangered animals from poachers on his island. Similar to Vegeta's transformation into Majin Vegeta, 17's evolution into Super 17 showcases his immense power, which is further validated by his confrontation with Goku.
Goku ultimately defeats Super 17, but Majin Vegeta proves to be a formidable opponent that Goku struggles to handle. The reason why Super 17 is stronger lies in the fact that Goku was only in his SSJ2 form when facing Majin Vegeta, whereas Super 17 proves to be a difficult challenge even for Goku in his SSJ4 form. Additionally, Vegeta admits that Goku could have defeated him if he had transformed into a Super Saiyan 3, indicating that Majin Vegeta's power is limited to that of a SSJ2 and not higher. This stark contrast between Dragon Ball GT's Super 17 and Dragon Ball Z's Majin Vegeta highlights the latter's inferiority, despite their similarities.