Unleashing an Epic Fusion: Bounty Star Transforms Harvest Moon, Armored Core, and Devil May Cry into a Mind-Blowing Experience

Unleashing an Epic Fusion: Bounty Star Transforms Harvest Moon, Armored Core, and Devil May Cry into a Mind-Blowing Experience

Bounty Star: A groundbreaking fusion of Harvest Moon, Armored Core, and Devil May Cry Ben Ruiz reveals the inspirations behind his innovative post-post-apocalyptic battle mech and farming game in a captivating interview with Game Rant

Annapurna Interactive unveiled exciting new projects at its yearly digital showcase, including the unique blend of mech combat, farming, and base-building simulation called Bounty Star. This upcoming indie game not only offers thrilling gameplay, but also delves into a powerful storyline centered around redemption and personal growth. Players step into the shoes of Clem, a skilled fighter and veteran soldier, as they navigate the lawless future of the American Southwest and embrace the role of a bounty hunter.

In a recent interview with Game Rant, Ben Ruiz, the founder of Dinogod, the game's developer, shared insights about the game's inspirations, drawing from classical Western narratives, and the profound themes of progress and optimism that lie at the heart of Bounty Star.

Mechs and Farming a la Devil May Cry

The trailer clearly showcases that Bounty Star caters to fans of mech combat games such as Armored Core and Mech Assault, providing them with exhilarating and intense mech battles. Additionally, those who enjoy farming simulations like Harvest Moon will also find plenty to adore. Ruiz proudly incorporates these influences into the game, but he also alludes to a mysterious ingredient that has the potential to completely revolutionize gamers' expectations.

The main sources of inspiration for me are Harvest Moon, classic Armored Core, and Devil May Cry. However, I have to admit that even my everyday activities like eating, speaking, and cleaning my house are influenced by Devil May Cry, haha!

Future Setting, Classic Narrative

Unleashing an Epic Fusion: Bounty Star Transforms Harvest Moon, Armored Core, and Devil May Cry into a Mind-Blowing Experience

In Bounty Star, the central character Clementine McKinney is a seasoned soldier who finds a newfound sense of purpose. Taking charge of a gas station amidst a post-apocalyptic world, she not only rebuilds the station but also confronts her inner demons. The backdrop of a world recovering from devastating events highlights the prominent theme of healing and recovery in Bounty Star.

"Indeed, the narrative in Bounty Star revolves around the age-old conflict between those who utilize their firearms for noble causes and those who do not. Clem's personal journey of healing is directly tied to her actions with her gun, shaping the world around her."

Not all healing methods are tranquil, and the process of recovering from a painful past can be traumatic. These contradictory truths are prominent themes in traditional Western media, such as films, TV shows, books, and games, where former soldiers attempting to find a peaceful life are haunted by their past. In the original Red Dead Redemption, John Marston seeks redemption by seeking violent revenge against his former comrades, and this is just one example of many that explore this paradox, which Bounty Star also aims to address.

Ruiz's understanding of these narrative patterns gives us confidence in Dinogod's ability to deliver a story that is not only filled with action but also meaningful and cathartic. While Rockstar's Red Dead franchise often ends with devastating conclusions, Bounty Star looks towards a brighter future.

Tragic, But Not A Tragedy

Unleashing an Epic Fusion: Bounty Star Transforms Harvest Moon, Armored Core, and Devil May Cry into a Mind-Blowing Experience

Although "The Morose Tale of Graveyard Clem" serves as the subtitle for Bounty Star, Ruiz doesn't perceive the game itself as a tragedy. While Clem's character embodies tragic elements, the overall tone of the game leans towards progress. Just as the title's intense mech vs. mech battles are complemented by leisurely aspects of farming and base construction, Clem's tragic past adds depth to the game's otherwise hopeful atmosphere. Players seeking a combination of cathartic character development, explosive Armored Core-inspired mech combat, and the tranquil homesteading found in Harvest Moon should anticipate the release of Bounty Star next year.

Bounty Star is expected to launch in early 2024, for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.