In Secret Invasion, Marvel Studios introduces a formidable threat to the Marvel Cinematic Universe by eliminating a hero of Hulk-level strength. Nick Fury joins forces with Talos the Skrull to thwart Gravik and his followers' plot to seize control of Earth. The ongoing events of the series on Disney+ are a direct consequence of Fury and Carol Danvers' failure to fulfill their promise of finding a new home planet for the shape-shifting aliens in Captain Marvel. With just two episodes remaining, Secret Invasion's storyline is building towards a climax, marked by the shocking loss of one of the show's major characters.
While the wider MCU delves into the realms of the multiverse in the Multiverse Saga, Secret Invasion embraces a more grounded narrative. This spy thriller bears similarities to Joe and Anthony Russo's Captain America: The Winter Soldier and boldly raises the stakes by eliminating beloved characters. Following the death of Maria Hill earlier in the series, episode 4 of Secret Invasion concludes with the tragic demise of Talos. This leaves Fury devoid of any true allies as he confronts the greatest battle of his life.
Talos Was As Strong As Hulk In The Comics
In the climactic moments of Secret Invasion episode 4, Fury and Talos trail Skrull Rhodey, successfully rescuing President Ritson from Gravik and his team's abduction attempt. Unfortunately, during the operation, Talos is tragically killed by Gravik. With President Ritson unconscious and in urgent need of evacuation, Fury is left with no choice but to leave Talos' lifeless body behind. It is worth noting that despite Talos' supposed strength comparable to the Hulk, his death didn't receive the expected attention or reaction from fans.
Talos, a formidable character in Marvel Comics, was briefly introduced in Incredible Hulk #418 and made his full debut in the subsequent issue. Although the print version of the character lacks shapeshifting abilities, he possesses all the enhancements of being a Skrull. In addition to his combat skills, Talos exhibits a genius-level intellect akin to Bruce Banner. In the comics, the battle between Hulk and Talos is complex, with the green monster feigning defeat to prevent the Skrull's suicide attempt. This serves to demonstrate that Talos stands on par with some of the mightiest Avengers in terms of power.
Why Talos Was So Much Weaker In Secret Invasion
Marvel Studios has taken a different approach to Talos compared to the character in the comic books. Because Talos has only been used occasionally in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the franchise hasn't had the opportunity to fully develop the character and demonstrate his true strength. Additionally, it's important to note that Talos is no longer a general in the Secret Invasion storyline. His extensive battles against the Kree and the internal conflicts among the Skrulls have somehow tempered his aggression. Furthermore, the loss of his wife and his complex relationship with G'iah have contributed to his newfound calmness. Similarly, the current version of Hulk in the MCU has also become more subdued.