Unleash the Power Within: The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Zapdos Raids, Capturing Shiny Zapdos, and More!

Prepare to conquer the mighty Zapdos in Pokemon GO raids! Discover its weaknesses, resistance, and proven raid counters Want to add an elusive Shiny Zapdos to your collection? We've got you covered with essential tips and strategies Unleash your inner trainer and conquer this legendary bird!
Pokemon GO features a wide range of legendary creatures, many of which can be encountered as raid bosses. The raid boss lineup undergoes periodic changes, with different monsters replacing existing ones. While regular Pokemon can be found in lower and medium-level raids, the higher-tier raids typically feature legendary and Mega Pokemon.
In the world of Pokemon GO, Zapdos is about to make a comeback as a formidable 5-Star raid boss. Being a legendary Pokemon, it possesses impressive battle skills. Successfully completing a 5-Star raid against Zapdos necessitates a solid understanding of the game's meta and the possession of powerful Pokemon to counter it. Aspiring trainers are advised to study Zapdos's meta and assemble a formidable roster of Pokemon in order to emerge victorious. For those on the hunt for the elusive Shiny Zapdos, fear not, for it is possible to encounter one during the raid. However, there is much more to this encounter. This guide provides a comprehensive breakdown of everything players need to know in order to conquer the Zapdos 5-Star raid.
Pokemon GO: Zapdos Weaknesses and Resistances
In Pokemon GO, Zapdos is a legendary Pokemon with a dual Electric/Flying typing. As a 5-Star raid boss, it boasts a maximum CP of 3987, making it a formidable opponent. Defeating such a powerful foe solo is quite challenging, necessitating the collaboration of multiple players to take down the 5-Star raid boss.
With its offensive-oriented stats and impressive stamina, Zapdos can endure prolonged battles. To effectively defeat it, players should concentrate on finding and exploiting its weaknesses to penetrate its defenses.
The monster in Pokemon GO has only two weaknesses, which are Ice and Rock-type attacks. However, it can resist Bug, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, and Steel-type moves. Trainers should be cautious of these resistances and prioritize using Ice and Rock-type attacks as counters against this legendary creature.
When battling the Raid Boss, players should take advantage of the Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) feature. This feature allows for increased damage to be inflicted on the opponent when a Pokemon's type matches the type of its move. Therefore, players should choose counters with potential moves that have STAB before engaging in the attack.
Zapdos Raid Counters in Pokemon GO
Knowing Zapdos’s weaknesses and resistances is crucial when choosing counters. Players should consider counters with moves that have STAB potential and match the Raid Boss’s vulnerabilities. Below is a table showcasing some of the most effective counters for battling Zapdos in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon | Fast Attack | Charge Attack |
Rhyperior | Smack Down | Rock Wrecker |
Rampardos | Smack Down | Rock Slide |
Mamoswine | Powder Snow | Avalanche |
Tyrantrum | Rock Throw | Meteor Beam |
Terrakion | Smack Down | Rock Slide |
Galarian Standard Darmanitan | Ice Fang | Avalanche |
Kyurem | Dragon Breath | Glaciate |
Gigalith | Smack Down | Meteor Beam |
Primal Kyogre | Waterfall | Blizzard |
Tyranitar | Smack Down | Stone Edge |
Pokemon GO: How to Get Shiny Zapdos
Players may be wondering if they have a chance to encounter a Shiny Zapdos in the game. The good news is, it is indeed possible. Once players successfully complete a raid, there is a likelihood of a Shiny Zapdos appearing in the vicinity. However, it's important to note that there is no guarantee. It's entirely possible for players to participate in multiple raids in order to improve their chances of encountering a Shiny Zapdos. Pokemon GO can be enjoyed on both Android and iOS platforms.