Unleash the Next-Level Speed with Starfield: Master the Art of Lightning-Fast Running!

Unleash the Next-Level Speed with Starfield: Master the Art of Lightning-Fast Running!

Discover the ultimate guide to navigating Starfield's vast universe Uncover the secrets of efficient sprinting and explore an array of exhilarating map traversal mechanics Master the art of swift movement in this thrilling space adventure

The beginning stages of Starfield may feel slow as players have to wait for Lin and Heller multiple times while in the mine. Fortunately, this section is brief and the pace significantly increases shortly after, mainly due to players discovering how to sprint in Starfield.

Mastering the art of running faster in Starfield can greatly impact the gameplay, allowing players to accomplish their goals more efficiently compared to walking. However, sprinting is not the sole method for swift navigation in Starfield, and there are a few important considerations players should keep in mind whenever they opt to sprint.

How to Run in Starfield

Unleash the Next-Level Speed with Starfield: Master the Art of Lightning-Fast Running!

To traverse in Starfield, players must either push the left analog stick in (Xbox) or hold down the left shift key on their keyboard (PC) while moving. Sprinting will gradually deplete the player's oxygen levels, indicated in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. If players exhaust their oxygen supply while wearing a helmet, a CO2 buildup will commence, potentially resulting in damage to the playable character.

Unleash the Next-Level Speed with Starfield: Master the Art of Lightning-Fast Running!

There are several strategies players can employ to counteract CO2 accumulation, with one straightforward option being to remove their helmet, although this may not always be feasible depending on the player's location. Additionally, the Fitness skill proves advantageous in this situation, as it not only boosts the supply of available oxygen but also reduces oxygen consumption during sprinting once players have fully enhanced it.

Unleash the Next-Level Speed with Starfield: Master the Art of Lightning-Fast Running!

Other Ways to Get Around Quickly in Starfield

On the flip side, overburdening oneself with excess equipment can ultimately deplete the sprinting oxygen reserves. Consequently, it may be wise for players to contemplate enhancing their carrying capacity or unburdening themselves by transferring some of their gear to one of their ships or companions. Identifying whether they are encumbered or not should be fairly effortless for players, as a notification will promptly appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Unleash the Next-Level Speed with Starfield: Master the Art of Lightning-Fast Running!

The most efficient method of transportation in Starfield is typically the fast-travel system. This system can conveniently be accessed from any location, provided that players are not burdened with an excessive amount of equipment in their inventory. An alternate way to greatly expedite map traversal is by acquiring a boost pack and mastering the Boost Pack Training skill in the Tech skill tree.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.