Unique Blend of Past Hits: Epic Games Store's Free Game for November 9

Unique Blend of Past Hits: Epic Games Store's Free Game for November 9

Epic Games Store surprises gamers with an intriguing free game on November 9, blending a unique mix of recent gaming trends to captivate players Discover the enchanting world of Golden Light and delve into an extraordinary gaming experience

Article Key Points

The Epic Games Store offers a weekly free games promotion, with new games being announced every Thursday at 10 AM CT.

Golden Light is a peculiar survival horror first-person shooter (FPS) game that offers procedurally generated levels and perplexing visuals. Following the success of Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Golden Light brings its own absurd concept and distinct mechanics to captivate players.

The free games promotion on the Epic Games Store continues to expand each week, leaving many wondering how Epic has sustained this trend. Every Thursday at 10 AM CT, new games replace the previous ones. With Halloween over, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion now replaces the spookier games. Despite the absence of the other free game for this week, Turnip Boy promises a unique and enjoyable experience. Looking ahead, the upcoming week brings the peculiar game Golden Light at no additional charge.

Epic Games Store Free Game Golden Light Explained

Unique Blend of Past Hits: Epic Games Store's Free Game for November 9


Survival Horror

Developed by

Mr. Pink

Published by

HypeTrain Digital

How long to beat

6 hours and 40 minutes


Very positive on Steam

Golden Light is an innovative take on the popular Prop Hunt game, offering a chilling survival horror experience. In this twisted version, the player becomes the hunted as the props come to life in a nightmarish scenario. Prepare to be captivated by the unsettling imagery of grotesque body parts like teeth and eyeballs, while also being treated to moments of dark humor that arise from the game's bizarre nature.

The intentionally baffling nature of Golden Light, along with its pride in confusing players, is evident. With procedurally generated levels, weapons, and jumpscares, each playthrough offers a unique experience. However, due to its gruesome visuals, this game may not appeal to everyone seeking a more tranquil gaming experience after the Halloween offerings on the Free Epic Games Store.

Epic continues their trend of offering free survival horror games, with Golden Light being the third given away in the past month. Both The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2 were offered at no cost during the weeks of October 19 and October 26. While this choice was ideal for the "spooky season" in October, those who are not fans of horror games have limited options and will likely have to wait for a free game in the future.

Golden Light follows closely behind Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, the survival horror game it is replacing. Despite being in different genres, both games share an intriguing similarity. They both boast absurd premises that deliver comedic qualities.

In addition to their unconventional premises, both games incorporate amusing features. In Turnip Boy, the main character gleefully destroys every document, including his tax bill. Meanwhile, in Golden Light, players have the ability to consume weapons for health. This feature, ranging from a simple knife to a specialized flamethrower, adds to the distinctiveness of these games on the Epic Games Store.

Those fortunate enough to have access to the Epic Games Store can enjoy the eccentric game, Golden Light, without any additional charges. Furthermore, if they find themselves captivated by the peculiar, action-packed roguelike FPS, they can also delve into its prequel, Golden Light of Rose, at their own leisure. Conversely, those who are not intrigued may simply await the upcoming offerings from the Epic Games Store for their next gaming experience.

Unique Blend of Past Hits: Epic Games Store's Free Game for November 9

Epic Games Store

See at Official Site

Editor's P/S

As a passionate fan of gaming, I am always excited to see what new and interesting titles will be offered for free on the Epic Games Store. The upcoming game, Golden Light, seems like a unique and intriguing blend of genres that I am eager to try out. I appreciate that Epic Games is willing to take risks and offer a variety of games, including some that might not be considered mainstream. It's also great that they continue to support indie developers by giving them a platform to showcase their work.

Overall, I think the Epic Games Store's free game promotion is a great way to discover new games and support developers. I'm looking forward to seeing what else they have in store for the future.