The Enigmatic Character of Adam Clay
The Beekeeper follows the enigmatic character of Adam Clay, portrayed by Jason Statham, who tends to bees and makes honey. However, everything changes when his neighbor falls victim to a phishing scam and kills herself. Clay is revealed to be a member of an organization known only as the Beekeepers, and he uses his elite skills to hunt down those responsible for the death of his friend.
Jason Statham as Adam Clay in The Beekeeper
The Beekeeper stars a talented cast including Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Josh Hutcherson, Bobby Naderi, Minnie Driver, Phylicia Rashad, and Jeremy Irons. Directed by David Ayer, the action-packed movie presents a gripping narrative written by Kurt Wimmer. Statham, Ayer, and Wimmer are also producers, along with Bill Block and Chris Long.
Jason Statham leaning on a car in The Beekeeper
Screen Rant interviewed Josh Hutcherson about his role in The Beekeeper, where he plays an unhinged character named Derek. Hutcherson shares his experience of getting into character and working with the legendary Jeremy Irons, who plays Wallace Westwyld in the film.
josh hutcherson on phone in the beekeeper
Getting Into Character: Josh Hutcherson's Perspective
In an exclusive interview with Screen Rant, Josh Hutcherson discussed the process of getting into the headspace of his character, Derek, and tapping into another side of himself to portray such an unhinged character.
josh hutcherson wearing party suit in the beekeper
Hutcherson expressed his joy and excitement in playing a character as wild and unhinged as Derek, emphasizing the freedom he had to fully embrace the role. He credited director David Ayer for providing the space and support to bring Derek to life in a truthful and compelling manner.
Jason Statham looking over his shoulder in The Beekeeper
Furthermore, Hutcherson reflected on his experience working with the esteemed Jeremy Irons, who portrays Wallace Westwyld, Derek's minion right-hand man. He shared insights into his on-screen relationship with Irons and the thrill of treating such a respected actor in a contrasting manner.
Jason Statham as Clay from The Beekeeper in a beekeeper suit
Future Projects and Reflections
In addition to his role in The Beekeeper, Hutcherson shared his insights on future projects, including the highly anticipated sequel to Five Nights at Freddy's. He delved into the potential storyline and direction for his character, Mike, expressing his excitement for the expansive lore of the game and the creative possibilities it offers.
When asked about the resurgence of The Hunger Games franchise and the possibility of revisiting the story of Peeta and Katniss on screen, Hutcherson expressed his eagerness to reunite with the original cast members, highlighting his willingness to be part of a potential reunion.
The interview concluded with a lighthearted question about Hutcherson's favorite Jason Statham movie, to which he humorously mentioned his love for The Beekeeper and praised Statham's performance in The Transporter series.