A streamer tragically meets their demise during a Hardcore run in Diablo 4 due to an untimely action. This marks the streamer's second loss of a Hardcore character in Diablo 4, both occurring under unfortunate circumstances.
In Diablo 4, players have the option to play in either normal mode or Hardcore Mode. If a player's character is killed in normal mode, they will immediately respawn and can continue their journey. However, in Hardcore Mode, death is permanent. Regardless of the amount of time invested, whether it be 20 hours or 150 hours, every death carries significant weight in Hardcore Mode.
Streamer Quin69 experienced the harsh reality of playing in Hardcore Mode when he made a fatal mistake while navigating the game's settings menu. Oblivious to the fact that the game continues even when the menu is open, Quin69 found himself under attack by a relentless group of polar bears and demons while adjusting the volume and chatting with his audience. Tragically, when he finally exited the menu, his character, a Druid, had already met their demise, resulting in the dreaded "You Have Died" message flashing on the screen. To make matters worse, this was not the first time Quin69 had suffered such a loss in Hardcore Mode. In a previous incident, his character perished due to a glitch during fast travel, leaving him with a staggering 172 hours of gameplay down the drain.
Blizzard has addressed the concerns of Hardcore players in Diablo 4 by implementing a fix that will safeguard them against disconnected deaths. To ensure protection, players will now be required to utilize a scroll of escape in the event of a random disconnection. While not a flawless solution, as it necessitates players to have a scroll of escape in their inventory, it is undoubtedly preferable to the devastating loss of a 150+ hour Hardcore character resulting from an uncontrollable glitch. In the interim, it is crucial to learn from Quin69's experience and avoid opening the map when outside the safety of a town. Diablo 4 can be enjoyed on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.