Unforgettable Horror Film Scene Leaks: Prepare to be Shocked!

Unforgettable  Horror Film Scene Leaks: Prepare to be Shocked!

Duffield's groundbreaking script for No One Will Save You features a shocking and one-of-a-kind scene that has taken the internet by storm, solidifying the horror movie's distinctiveness from the very beginning

Warning! Spoiler ahead for No One Will Save You.


The unique presentation and departure from traditional screenplay structure and formatting guidelines in No One Will Save You has caused one script page to go viral. This unconventional approach aligns with the film's distinct treatment of its genre elements.

In this particular scene, an alien employs telekinesis to implant a bug-like glob into Brynn's mouth, thereby seizing control over her. Writer/director Brian Duffield effectively conveys this eerie sequence by repetitively inscribing the phrase "shecantmove" throughout the entire page, disregarding conventional sentence structures.

Screenplays, serving as a blueprint for final products, typically adhere to certain rules. However, as a writer/director, Duffield had more artistic freedom to be innovative with the script for No One Will Save You compared to someone writing on spec.

The viral spread of the script page featuring the most grotesque scene of the movie showcases the distinctive vision Duffield had right from the start. Debuting on Hulu on September 22, this alien invasion thriller stars Kaitlyn Dever as Brynn, a solitary woman who finds herself defending against a malicious extraterrestrial force that infiltrates her home. The film has garnered positive reviews and praise for its original take on home invasion thrillers and extraterrestrial films, impressing both audiences and critics alike.

Amidst the ongoing online discussions about the ending, extraterrestrial beings, and the almost silent presentation of No One Will Save You, Duffield has shared a tweet from PDF Screenplays, where he showcases a page from his script. Have a look at the tweet below:

The particular scene being discussed, which happens to be one of the most unsettling moments in the film, involves an alien employing telekinesis to insert a small, insect-like substance into Brynn's mouth in an attempt to control her. However, what makes the script page intriguing is Duffield's deliberate departure from the conventional structure of a screenplay. Instead of utilizing proper sentences or spaces, he repeatedly uses the phrase "shecantmove" to convey Brynn's continuous state of being immobilized.

Why No One Will Save You's Script Page Is So Unique

Unforgettable  Horror Film Scene Leaks: Prepare to be Shocked!

Just as novels have specific formatting guidelines to ensure consistency and comprehension, screenplays have their own sets of rules for similar reasons. Unlike novels, however, screenplays serve as blueprints rather than final products. Adhering to formatting rules, such as margin sizes and spacing, simplifies the transition from script to screen. These traditional guidelines make script budget breakdowns and calculating runtimes easier, with approximately one page equaling one minute of screen time. The significance of these industry-standard guidelines has sparked intriguing discussions, including one on Twitter about Duffield's script page among fellow writers.

Despite acknowledging that he consistently faces criticism for his unconventional approach, Duffield, as a writer and director, possesses the liberty to deviate from traditional screenplay rules just like renowned filmmaker Quentin Tarantino. Conversely, a writer who is working on a speculative basis or under a specific assignment would likely not have the same level of flexibility to experiment with structure and formatting. Although opinions may vary on the acceptability of the aforementioned script page, it undeniably showcases the distinctive and unexpected perspective that No One Will Save You brings to familiar genres.