Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Relive the top 25 most impactful and unforgettable moments from Attack on Titan's final season From shocking revelations to epic battles, this list will keep you on the edge of your seat till the very end Don't miss out on the thrilling journey that captivated fans worldwide!

The Attack on Titan series concluded on November 5, 2023, sparking varied reactions from fans. Despite differing opinions on the finale, the series is cherished for its numerous memorable moments that captivated and delighted fans throughout its decade-long run. From the impactful opening to the dramatic charge of Erwin and beyond, Attack on Titan left a lasting impression on its dedicated fanbase.

The 25 best Attack on Titan moments worth rewatching the series for, ranked based on impact and memorability

Warning: This article contains significant spoilers for Attack on Titan, including details about the show's finale. Viewer discretion is advised due to the presence of graphic violence. All opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

25) The mystery of Ragako

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Ragako village (Image via Our Website)

If any Attack on Titan fan needs a refresher, the village of Ragako was wiped out overnight with no trace of the population, leaving the village completely destroyed but devoid of blood or bodies. Initially, there was hope that the villagers had escaped, but the unharmed horses still in the stables suggested otherwise. The mystery deepened when Connie's mother was discovered in Titan form, the sole survivor. It was later revealed that the Beast Titan Zeke Yeager and a group of Marleyans had spread a gas infused with his spinal fluid, transforming the villagers into Titans. This revelation was both horrifying and shocking.

24) Titans in the Walls

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The Wall Titans in Attack on Titan (Image via Our Website)

The Titans were always a looming threat outside the walls, dangerous to those who dared to venture out. The Walls of Paradis symbolized safety and security and were even used as propaganda to discourage people from leaving, a key deception in Attack on Titan. Following the confrontation between Annie and Eren, a portion of the wall breaks, exposing millions of Colossal Titans waiting to be released. This revelation sparks fear and curiosity among the people of Paradis, a mystery that unfolds throughout the series' final season. These Titans were strategically placed by King Fritz as the ultimate defense, serving as a deterrent to protect the people of Eldia.

23) Levi's debut

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Highlights of Levi's debut in Attack on Titan (Image via Our Website)

Captain Levi Ackerman is a beloved figure in the Attack on Titan community, and it's easy to see why. From his debut, he's established as humanity's fiercest soldier, effortlessly taking down Titans before going into cleanup mode.

Despite not initially getting along, Levi ends up having to save Eren's life and then reluctantly takes command of him. Their relationship is rocky at first, but they eventually find a way to work together as a team.

22) Annie revealed as the female Titan

Upon seeing the Female Titan up close, it became clear who it was, but the reveal that it was Annie still caused a tense and heart-stopping moment. This was especially nerve-wracking as the Scouts were trapped in close quarters with Annie, leading to potential casualties. Annie proved to be a formidable opponent, utilizing her close-quarters combat training, size, and speed. She was Eren's first opponent as a Titan Shifter, and one of his first human opponents in the Attack on Titan series at that time. Annie's identity as the Female Titan also introduced the possibility of Titan infiltrators on Paradis, which later proved to be true.

21) The Warrior Trio's backstories

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Attack on Titan's Warrior Trio (Image via Our Website)

Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner were denounced as traitors by the Attack on Titan community when their Titan abilities and true allegiances were revealed. However, as their backstories were unveiled - detailing their harrowing experiences on Paradis - the initial backlash subsided, and public opinion shifted. Annie was forced to become the Female Titan, while Reiner and Bertholdt were pressured into their respective roles. Their personal tragedies ultimately played a crucial role in their eventual redemption. Despite Bertholdt's death and Annie's crystallization, Reiner received the most screen time, further emphasizing the depth of their stories.

20) Eren getting kidnapped by Bertholdt and Reiner

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Eren kidnapped (Image via Our Website)

Eren's Titan Shifting abilities were not only criticized by the military and seen as Hange's pet project, but they also made him a target for abduction. Bertholdt and Reiner's attempt to kidnap him was not just a simple grab in the dark.

In true Attack on Titan style, Eren's abduction was as dramatic as it could be. Eren and Reiner's Titan wrestling match was interrupted when a cornered Bertholdt, in Colossal Titan form, fell off Wall Rose and snatched Eren in his mouth. It was one of the most shocking and terrifying scenes in the entire series.

19) Krista's true identity revealed

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Krista made her debut in Attack on Titan as a seemingly overly kind-hearted person. This was due to her concealing her true identity as Historia Reiss, the illegitimate daughter of Rod Reiss. It was a powerful moment when she finally embraced her true self, even though it required her to forcibly gain all the memories of her past. When she dealt the decisive blow to Rod Reiss' Titan and was acknowledged as the rightful Queen of the Walls, it marked a moment of triumph and freedom as she broke free from the oppressive brainwashing of the Reiss family.

18) Eren gains the Founder's memories

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

What Eren Saw (Image via Our Website)

Eren's experience of gaining all the Founder Titan's memories is like enduring Satoru Gojo's Domain Expansion or being struck by Cosmo from Chainsaw Man for modern anime fans. By kissing Historia's hand, Eren gained the ability to see into infinity and comprehend the truth behind everything.

This resulted in a chaotic swirl of all the memories and powers in his mind, combining the past, present, and future. Eren became essentially a walking shell or puppet, filled with despair, although the full extent of his anguish wouldn't be revealed until the very end.

17) Gabi shoots off Eren's head

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Gabi snipes Eren in Attack on Titan's final season (Image via Our Website)

Gabi Braun has faced numerous challenges since the raid on Liberio. She experienced the loss of two friends, nearly lost her parents, and found no satisfaction in killing Sasha. While on Paradis, both she and Falco narrowly escaped death multiple times and had their beliefs completely shattered.

When Gabi managed to shoot off Eren's head, it symbolized her complete rejection of the Marleyan propaganda that had been ingrained in her from a young age. This moment marked the culmination of her character arc, as she cast aside both Eldian and Marleyan prejudices and focused on preventing the deaths of millions. The precision of the headshot itself was remarkable, as it was intended to prevent Eren and Zeke from joining forces and combining their powers.

16) Eren's Rumbling plan revealed

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Eren's plan revealed in Attack on Titan's final season (Image via Our Website)

Committing genocide is never a viable solution to any problem. Wiping out a large number of people in a given area will not bring an end to the conflict. This lesson was evident in Code Geass, Dragon Ball Z, and even Attack on Titan. After initiating the Rumbling, Eren unveiled his grand plan to all Subjects of Ymir. His plan was to use the Rumbling to annihilate humanity outside Paradis, as they had demonstrated their relentless efforts to destroy Paradis and its inhabitants. This revelation took place in The Paths, and his iconic visage was seen by many people, remaining a memorable shot for the final arc.

15) The Raid on Liberio

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The Raid on Liberio (Image via Our Website)

Several years had passed since the failed attempt to acquire the powers of the Coordinate and Founding Titan. Marley had been occupied with wars against other countries, while Paradis struggled to establish itself as a nation. As everyone gathered to listen to Willy Tybur's declaration of war in Liberio, Eren emerged from beneath an apartment in Titan form and devoured him.

This event sparked the raid on Liberio, resulting in the decapitation of the Marleyan military command, the destruction of Liberio, and Eren gaining the abilities of the War Hammer Titan. The Scouts had raided Liberio with the sole purpose of extracting Eren and capturing Zeke. Although this plan was successful, everything went awry when Gabi and Falco managed to board their escaping airship.

14) The Marley counterattack on Paradis

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The Marleyan counterattack in Attack on Titan's Final Season (Image via Our Website)

With Liberio destroyed, the situation did not improve for the people of Paradis. After a coup by the Eren-obsessed Jaegerists, a Marleyan strike force, led by Reiner, attacked Paradis. The Marleyans aimed to rescue Gabi and Falco and eliminate Eren Yeager. For the people of Paradis, it was considered a full-scale invasion. The battle became brutal and chaotic as Zeke entered the fray and destroyed the Marley airships. The arrival of Pure Titans due to Zeke's actions turned the conflict from a traditional army vs. army fight to a struggle for survival.

13) Eren manipulates everyone via The Paths

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Eren's manipulations (Image via Our Website)

In The Paths, Zeke and Eren observed the complete history of Attack on Titan and witnessed the astonishing moment when Eren defied expectations. He managed to communicate with the Founder Ymir and manipulate pivotal events throughout the series, including the massacre of the Reiss family and the death of his own mother. This revelation shocked everyone involved, as it signified Eren's unexpected takeover from Zeke, shifting the course of the Eldian euthanization plan to The Rumbling.

12) Erwin Smith's last charge

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Final stands are inherently melancholic, whether it involves a solitary individual bravely holding off endless attacks or making a valiant effort to facilitate an evacuation. Fiction is replete with such poignant moments, and Erwin's final charge in Attack on Titan is a prime illustration of this.

The combination of the music, slow-motion visuals, and the staggering loss of life as Erwin sacrifices himself to buy time for Levi and divert the Beast Titan, amplifies the emotional impact of the scene. Erwin Smith's willingness to sacrifice countless lives to accomplish his goals, and the burden of guilt he carried even in death, is deeply moving. His unexpected survival after sustaining severe injuries was truly unexpected and left a lasting impact on all those involved.

11) Levi vs Beast Titan

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Following Erwin's orders, Levi's battle against the Beast Titan stands out as one of the most satisfying moments in Attack on Titan, given the losses suffered by the Scouts at the hands of Zeke Yeager. From transforming Connie's village into Titans to killing members of the Scouts and critically injuring Erwin, Zeke's actions set the stage for a dramatic confrontation. As Levi cut through Zeke's reinforcements with alarming speed, it was clear that fear had finally caught up to the Beast Titan. Only Pieck's timely intervention and the arrival of more Titans prevented Levi from delivering the final blow. This first showdown between Levi and Zeke remains a memorable and impactful moment in the series.

10) Eren gets the Coordinate and kills the Smiling Titan

In some stories, revenge is portrayed as a destructive force that harms both the seeker and the target. However, in the case of Eren obtaining the coordinate, it was seen as a satisfying victory. The Smiling Titan had been responsible for the deaths of Eren's mother and Hannes, and had haunted Eren for a long time. When Eren commanded the other Titans to kill the Smiling Titan, it was a cathartic moment for all involved, despite the later revelations adding a layer of sadness and mystery to the Titans and Eren's abilities.

9) Hange Zoe's heroic sacrifice

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Heroic sacrifices have been a recurring theme in Attack on Titan, and one of the most recent examples was Hange Zoe. After Floch's last act disabled the Scout-Marley plane, the engineers needed time to repair the damage while a group of colossal Titans approached. As everyone contemplated who would buy them time, Hange stepped up.

After handing over command of the Scout Regiment to Armin and receiving a rare "Give Your Heart" salute from Levi, Hange took to the air armed with blades and a couple of Thunder Spears to slow the advance of the Colossal Titans. Hange managed to kill at least 13-15 Colossal Titans before meeting a fiery end.

The anime adds the track Bauklötze by Hiroyuki Sawano and Mika Kobayashi, as well as the sight of all the fallen soldiers welcoming Hange home.

8) Levi giving the Titan Serum to Armin

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Armin received the serum (Image via Our Website).

This moment marked both Bertholdt's demise and Levi's decision to administer the Titan Serum to Armin. Bertholdt's death had been anticipated for some time, given the havoc he wreaked as the Colossal Titan. It required a great deal of effort, including Armin sacrificing himself and being engulfed in the Colossal Titan's scalding steam.

7) Sasha's death

The capture of Bertholdt and the survival of Erwin resulted in a difficult choice: who should receive the Pure Titan serum, Armin or Erwin? Ultimately, Levi was tasked with making the decision, remembering that Erwin had expressed a desire to die with his soldiers. In the end, Levi chose to revive Armin, leading to Bertholdt being consumed by Armin's Pure Titan.

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The image of Sasha's death on Our Website still lingers in the minds of Attack on Titan fans. The moment of her fatal shooting by Gabi Braun on an airship remains haunting upon every rewatch, delivering a jolting impact akin to a jumpscare.

It solidified the notion that even beloved characters were not immune, while simultaneously igniting fury among both the characters in the story and the fandom towards Gabi. This marked the beginning of Gabi's gradual disengagement from Marley's indoctrination regarding Eldia.

6) Mikasa and Eren's meeting as children

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The initial encounter between Eren and Mikasa (Image via Our Website)

A more subdued and hushed moment in Attack on Titan occurs during Eren and Mikasa's first meeting. Mikasa was the target of human traffickers at a young age as she was the last of the Azumabito family within the walls. Her parents were murdered, and Eren came to her rescue by dispatching two of her assailants.

5) The Truth of Grisha Yeager’s Basement revealed

Mikasa sprang into action when Eren called for help, saving him from the third nearly strangulated attacker. That day, she came face to face with the cold and cruel nature of the world, ultimately taking the life of the bandit. As a symbol of their bond, she was gifted a red scarf which she wore constantly, marking the beginning of the longest-running relationship in Attack on Titan up until the finale.

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The Basement Revelations (Image via Our Website)

The mysteries within Attack on Titan are vast, with one standing out being the contents of Grisha Yeager's basement. After the Scouts successfully secured the Shingashina district, the doors to the basement were finally opened, exposing revelations that would deeply impact the series and its characters.

The initial revelation is that Paradis is not the final stronghold of humanity as previously believed. The second revelation involves the Eldian plotline and history, which was unveiled through documents, photographs, and haunting flashbacks to Grisha Yeager's childhood in Marley. The situation intensified once all the truths came to light.

4) Eren turns into The Attack Titan

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

Eren's initial transformation (Image from Our Website)

One of the surprising plot twists in Attack on Titan involved Titan Shifters, individuals who had the ability to transform into Titans. No one anticipated that Eren Yeager would become one, especially after being consumed by a Titan. This led to a significant mystery surrounding the events that led to Eren becoming a Titan. While this mystery would be unveiled later in the series, the focus of this entry is on Eren as The Attack Titan and the intense brutality he exhibited in this form.

3) The final battle against Eren

The suspenseful moment had everyone on edge, unsure of whether Eren would become a threat by consuming humans like the other Titans, or if he would focus on eliminating them after rescuing Mikasa. It was a relief to see Eren harnessing his new power to aggressively battle against the Titans, now with a significant advantage.

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The dramatic showdown (Image via Our Website)

After exhausting all options for peaceful resolution and failing to divert Eren from his path of genocide, it became clear that talking to him was no longer an option. The Scouts and Marleyan forces joined forces to confront Eren in a final battle that would determine the fate of all humanity in the concluding moments of Attack on Titan.

The final battle in Attack on Titan showcases Eren assuming multiple forms, Ymir summoning Titans from different eras, Mikasa experiencing doubts in a vision, other Titans joining forces to halt Eren, Zeke meeting his demise, and various other standout moments such as Eldians and Marleyans abandoning their weapons.

The Rumbling came to a halt when Zeke perished. The struggle concluded with Mikasa beheading Eren. The restoration of everyone's memories, the eradication of all Titans, and the possibility of peace being established marked the end of the conflict.

2) The Rumbling

The most terrifying moment in Attack on Titan, besides the Colossal Titan's initial appearance in the first episode, is when The Rumbling began. Eren's chilling scream freed the Colossal Titans from The Walls, resulting in a nightmarish scene of devastation as people were crushed. The impact of The Rumbling will haunt anime fans for years to come.

The aftermath of The Rumbling is truly horrifying: 80% of the human population, as well as countless animals and plants, were annihilated, leaving behind only scorched earth. Halting this catastrophe required a monumental effort that cost the lives of several individuals, in addition to the millions who were trampled underfoot.

1) The Fall of Wall Maria

Unforgettable and Powerful: Ranking the Top 25 Moments from Attack on Titan's Final Season

The explosive beginning of Attack of Titan topped numerous lists of "shocking moments" upon its premiere and continues to do so to this day. A typical day in the Shingashina District in Wall Maria is abruptly disrupted when the Colossal Titan appears and kicks a massive hole in the wall, allowing Titans to breach and causing numerous casualties, including the death of Eren's mother Carla Yeager.

This moment in Attack on Titan is often cited as its finest due to its frequent references and for setting Eren on the path of bloody revenge that defined his character. The premiere of the Colossal Titan, the Armored Titan, and the Smiling Titan offered a preview of the series' characteristic violence, with Titans consuming people.

The anime Attack on Titan ran for a decade from 2013 to 2023, showcasing intense battles between Titans and humans as well as exploring themes such as war, oppression, freedom, and the futility of escalating conflict. While the series finale remains controversial among fans, many still fondly celebrate the countless memorable moments it provided. It's worth noting that the top '25 moments list' was a challenging selection process given the abundance of impactful scenes in Attack on Titan.

If any moment was left out, such as Armin standing up for Eren in front of the military tribunal, Attack on Titan fans are encouraged to add more in the comments.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan of Attack on Titan, I was captivated by the show's final season and the unforgettable moments it delivered. From the shocking revelation of the village of Ragako's destruction to the unveiling of the Wall Titans and the intense battles that ensued, the season kept me on the edge of my seat. The mystery surrounding the Titans and the secrets hidden within the walls added an element of intrigue that made the show even more compelling.

The character development in the final season was also remarkable. Seeing Levi's journey from a fierce soldier to a reluctant mentor to Eren was both heartwarming and inspiring. The reveal of Annie as the Female Titan was a heart-stopping moment, and the subsequent exploration of the Warrior Trio's backstories added depth and complexity to their characters. Overall, the final season of Attack on Titan was a thrilling and emotionally charged experience that left a lasting impact on me as a Gen Z fan.