Unforeseen Starfield Glitch Transforms NPC into Bone-Chilling Abomination

Unforeseen Starfield Glitch Transforms NPC into Bone-Chilling Abomination

Starfield's glitched NPC causes online frenzy as players encounter a horrifying monster within the game, raising concerns about potential bugs and future gameplay issues


A Starfield player discovered a horrifying abomination NPC due to a bug, but it might be an isolated incident as most fans haven't encountered such glitches.

Bethesda games are known for their bugs and glitches, which fans have grown to accept as an inherent part of the gaming experience. The presence of a glitched NPC in Starfield has sparked concerns about the game's overall bug and glitch situation. However, it is currently too soon to ascertain whether this occurrence is indicative of a larger issue or simply an isolated incident.

A Starfield player was left shocked when they discovered a horrifying NPC in the game, revealing a strange bug. This glitch is among the initial known issues in Starfield and hopefully will be one of the last.

Bethesda games are renowned for their immersive open-worlds, intricate quests, captivating narratives, and innovative gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, one drawback that fans have come to expect from a Bethesda game like Starfield is the presence of bugs and glitches. Nearly every Bethesda game released, including Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, has been plagued with these issues upon initial release and often continue to experience problems years later. From the very beginning, fans of Bethesda have anticipated similar issues with Starfield and many have come to accept these bugs and glitches as part of the experience.

Reddit user OkGuide2802 recently shared a disturbing glitch in Starfield involving an NPC that resembles a character from a horror film. The most unsettling aspect is the NPC's inverted head, coupled with a vacant gaze, which further adds to the eerie atmosphere. Additionally, the NPC seems to be missing a significant portion of their upper body, including their right arm. The glitch also depicts the NPC in a running motion, with their left arm bent and their left leg extended outward.

Several months ago, Matt Booty, the head of Microsoft Studios, confidently stated that Starfield would have the fewest bugs compared to any previous Bethesda game. It remains to be seen whether this ambitious claim holds true, but this glitched NPC could potentially be a troubling indication. Alternatively, it might be an isolated incident affecting only a small number of players. The game's consistent 30 frames per second lock on the Xbox Series X/S could potentially prevent any major issues.

Based on the comments regarding this post, it appears that the majority of fans have not encountered anything as frightening as this distorted NPC. A player from the Starfield community shared their experience of playing the game for seven hours without witnessing a glitch of this magnitude, while another player mentioned a minor issue of seeing through some rocks at one point, but overall, they had no major complaints. Although the presence of this glitchy NPC may be an ominous sign, there remains a possibility that Starfield could overcome the notorious bug and glitch reputation associated with Bethesda games. Starfield is currently available in early access and will officially be launched on September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X/S users.