Unexpected Endings in Anime: When Villains Emerge Victorious

Unexpected Endings in Anime: When Villains Emerge Victorious

Explore a different side of anime with unexpected endings where the heroes face defeat at the hands of the villains. Dive into a world where the usual triumph of good over evil takes a surprising turn, leaving viewers in awe of the villain's success.

1. The Unconventional Victories in Anime

In the realm of anime, the conventional narrative of heroes prevailing over villains is often subverted, leading to unexpected and compelling endings. While audiences are accustomed to the triumph of good, there exist rare instances where the villains emerge victorious, reshaping the storytelling landscape.

Homura cracking her Soul Gem

Homura cracking her Soul Gem

These unconventional endings challenge the traditional notions of heroism and create a sense of unpredictability that keeps viewers engaged till the final credits roll. Let's delve into a list of anime endings where the villains claim victory, defying the norms of storytelling.

2. Berserk: A Tale of Betrayal and Power

One striking example of a villain's triumph is portrayed in the 1997 anime 'Berserk.' The character Griffith, driven by a thirst for power, orchestrates a betrayal that leaves the protagonists at his mercy. The anime concludes with a harrowing scene of sacrifice and exploitation, as Griffith ascends to a godlike status, evading retribution and leaving a lasting impact on viewers.

Berserk Ending's Griffith finally becomes Femto during the Eclipse.

Berserk Ending's Griffith finally becomes Femto during the Eclipse.

3. Hellsing Ultimate: Fulfilling Dark Desires

In the realm of 'Hellsing Ultimate,' the antagonists of Millenium achieve their sinister goals, setting a tone of darkness and despair. Despite facing eventual defeat, their accomplishments in waging a brutal war and neutralizing the formidable Alucard stand as testaments to their unwavering determination. The bittersweet victory they attain adds layers of complexity to the narrative, blurring the lines between heroism and villainy.

Hellsing Ultimate Major making a smug smirk.

Hellsing Ultimate Major making a smug smirk.

4. Shaman King: The Inevitable Conquest

The narrative of 'Shaman King' unfolds with an aura of inevitability as the formidable villain, Hao, asserts his dominance unchallenged. Hao's unmatched power and relentless pursuit of supremacy leave the heroes powerless against his might, culminating in a conclusion where victory is a foregone conclusion for the antagonist. The overwhelming presence of evil permeates the storyline, showcasing a different facet of defeat and resilience in the face of insurmountable odds.

Shaman King's Finale screencap of Hao Asakura making a soft expression

Shaman King's Finale screencap of Hao Asakura making a soft expression

5. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - A Prequel to Tragedy

The anime 'Cyberpunk: Edgerunners' unveils a narrative where the villains' ascendancy is intertwined with tragedy and inevitability. As the protagonists face insurmountable odds against the relentless Arasaka Corporation, the emergence of Adam Smasher heralds a devastating turn of events. The prequel nature of the series accentuates the somber tone of loss and sacrifice, underscoring the villains' triumph in a world marred by darkness and deceit.

Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

6. Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Shades of Gray

In 'Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans,' the boundaries between hero and villain blur as the narrative unfolds. The clash between Tekkadan and Rustal culminates in a pyrrhic victory for the villains, as the aftermath reveals a surprising twist of fate. The series navigates the complexities of morality and power, leaving viewers questioning the true nature of victory and the price of achieving one's goals.

Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans' Finale showing Rustal Julietta with a smile.

Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans' Finale showing Rustal Julietta with a smile.