Unexpected Chemistry: William Shatner's Stellar Performance in Star Trek Generations Shines Past Patrick Stewart's Initial Concerns

Unexpected Chemistry: William Shatner's Stellar Performance in Star Trek Generations Shines Past Patrick Stewart's Initial Concerns

Patrick Stewart praises William Shatner's performance in Star Trek Generations despite initial disappointment A delightful collaboration between the two iconic Captains is evident during the filming of Kirk's death scene


William Shatner was initially cold towards TNG, but ended up being a pleasure to work with in Star Trek Generations says Patrick Stewart in his memoir, "Making It So."

Initially, Kirk's appearance in the movie made Stewart question if the TNG cast was doubted in their ability to hold the film; however, fans responded positively to Kirk's emotional and impactful death scene. Despite not being widely praised, Star Trek Generations is a necessary watch for fans due to the unique collaboration of Kirk and Picard, showcasing their exceptional chemistry both on and off-screen.

Read below the excerpt from Sir Patrick Stewart's autobiography, "Making It So: A Memoir," where he describes his experience working with William Shatner in Star Trek Generations:

Working with William Shatner in Star Trek Generations was an absolute pleasure. Initially, I must admit feeling a tad disappointed that Captain James T. Kirk was included in our first Star Trek: The Next Generation movie. However, as I delve into my experiences in "Making It So," I realize that my concerns were unfounded. The camaraderie and chemistry between Shatner and myself on set surpassed my expectations.

In my memoir, I take the opportunity to reflect on my years portraying Captain Jean-Luc Picard, including the transition of TNG to feature films. It is with honesty that I share the thought that Star Trek Generations had the essence of an extended, expensive episode rather than a distinct feature film. Nevertheless, the journey and memories made during that time were invaluable.

However, Star Trek Generations does shine a spotlight on the notable pairing of Jean-Luc Picard and Captain James T. Kirk. Through some writerly technique involving extradimensional logic, Kirk is allowed to exist alongside his successor in his prime, with his signature brown hair and middle-aged vigor. Initially, Bill Shatner, who portrays Kirk, had shown little interest in The Next Generation (TNG) series, admitting that he had barely watched any of it. As a result, I felt somewhat disappointed that the producers and writers chose to incorporate Kirk into our first movie. It gave me the impression that they lacked faith in the TNG cast's ability to carry a film on our own.

Nevertheless, I was proven wrong because Bill turned out to be a pleasure to work with. He was open and generous, and his death scene in the film was truly poignant. In Star Trek Generations, Picard and Kirk join forces to thwart the plans of the movie's antagonist, Tolian Soran, portrayed by Malcolm McDowell, who has come a long way from his humble beginnings as a background actor in the Royal Shakespeare Company. Together, Kirk and Picard successfully neutralize Soran's dangerous space probe. However, Kirk sacrifices himself to accomplish this, sustaining fatal injuries in the process.

Patrick Stewart Describes Filming Kirk's Star Trek Generations Death Scene

Unexpected Chemistry: William Shatner's Stellar Performance in Star Trek Generations Shines Past Patrick Stewart's Initial Concerns

In "Making It So," Patrick Stewart shares his perspective on acting alongside William Shatner and witnessing his portrayal of Captain Kirk's final moments in Star Trek Generations. Stewart recounts how Shatner delivered a flawless farewell to Kirk, flashing his iconic smirk one last time before uttering, "It was... fun." Then, with a subtly shifted expression, he captured Kirk's apprehensive gaze into the distance as he spoke his final words, "Oh my." This poignant scene, with Kirk's virtual demise in Picard's embrace, resonated deeply with our devoted fans who mourned the loss of their original captain.

Star Trek Generations may not hold the same level of esteem as the subsequent Star Trek: The Next Generation film, Star Trek: First Contact. However, it was an essential viewing experience for Star Trek enthusiasts due to the unique collaboration between Captain Kirk and Picard. Moreover, it holds a significant place in Star Trek history as it marks Kirk's ultimate demise. This was the sole occasion where the two iconic and adored Enterprise Captains joined forces, and Patrick Stewart reassuringly expresses that their off-screen camaraderie mirrored the chemistry between Kirk and Picard portrayed in the film.